Private Coaching Session Booking Form

Choose 2 times that work with your weekly schedule. We will meet at the same time on the same day every other week. If it generally works for you but you know that you'll have one or two conflicts, select that time anyway. Email me and let me know ASAP what your conflicts are so we can find another time during that week.

If something comes up after you select this time we can move to another available slot. I ask for at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule your session for any reason. I will allow for 1 late notice reschedule (within 24 hours of your session). After that, late notice will result in forfeiting that session.
First session will be the week of May 8.
First session will be the week of May 8. I am hoping to batch all sessions on similar days based on everyone's availability so having a second choice will help me do that.

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