Healthy Green Athlete Holistic Health and Sports Nutrition for Adult Athletes Wed, 14 Feb 2024 20:55:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Green Athlete 32 32 181752975 The beginners guide to juicing for detox Mon, 19 Feb 2024 18:47:24 +0000 (Read time: 6 min 30 sec) Juicing removes the hard parts of fruits and vegetables so that all that remains is the juice. You’re left with a liquid which is highly concentrated in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Juicing for detox has gained popularity among beginners seeking to cleanse their bodies and jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. By incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into liquid form, juicing aims to flush out toxins and provide essential nutrients. One of the primary advantages is the convenience of consuming a concentrated dose of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible form, which can boost energy levels and improve overall well-being. Juicing can be a simple way to increase fruit and vegetable intake for those who struggle to eat enough whole produce. However, there are drawbacks to consider which I will address in this blog post.  I’ll also give some recommendations on choosing a juicer that works best for your goals, available counter space and budget.  Beginners should consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before embarking on a juicing detox to ensure it aligns with their individual health goals and needs. Pros of juicing We often hear about juicing being a habit of very healthy lifestyles.  This is because consuming juice from fruits and vegetables helps the body eliminate toxins that have built up in cells and tissues.  These toxins primarily come from your environment and enter your body through skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion.    Juice is packed with micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  These phytonutrients provide a nutritional boost, and often have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.   This highly concentrated cocktail of nutrients can provide many health benefits.  Some benefits include better eye health, improvements in skin and complexion, and a boost to the immune system.  Nutrients in liquid form are also easier to digest than from the whole food form.   That makes them a great option for those that have difficulty digesting fruits and vegetables.   Cons of juicing There are many benefits to juicing, but there can be some cons as well.   Juices may be high in micronutrients, but they have very little to no fiber, protein or fats.  In juices made with vegetables, they have very few carbohydrates, too.  This means that they provide almost energy to your cells and can leave you feeling hungry.  Without protein or fat, juices don’t allow the body to release satiety hormones in the body and therefore you will never feel like your hunger has been satisfied by drinking juice alone.   This is why I wouldn’t recommend using juices as a meal replacement but rather a supplement to a balanced diet with whole foods. Juices that are made with fruits do contain carbohydrates which may offer a short burst of energy, but these can be very high in fructose.  A high fructose content can disrupt hormones and cause blood sugar spikes and crashes.   And most people don’t get enough fiber to support health digestion in the first place. When you juice, you’re removing the hard parts of the plant.  This makes it a very wasteful process unless you can find a use for the pulp.   Some people use the pulp to make dehydrated snacks or crackers, or add it to other recipes such as veggie burgers, soups and sauces.  You can also add it to your compost pile and let nature break it down into nutrients for your garden. Important things to consider when juicing for detox 1.) Consider juicing with organic produce. One thing that you’ll want to consider is the quality of the fruits and vegetables that you are using. Organic produce is best in order to minimize your exposure to toxins such as pesticides and chemicals. If you’re not willing to spend your entire paycheck on organic produce, you can opt to only purchase some organic produce. I’d recommend choosing to go organic with the “dirtiest” ones and going conventionally-grown produce for everything else. Each year the Environmental Working Group publishes a list of the types of conventionally-raised produce that have the highest amount of chemicals in them. You can find that list here. Also, if you do purchase a conventionally grown fruit or vegetable has a skin on it, you should remove the skin before juicing. 2.) Monitor your sugar intake.  A good rule of thumb when it comes to using fruits in your juices is that if you wouldn’t eat that amount of whole fruit in one sitting, then you shouldn’t drink the juice from that many either. For example, if a juicing recipe calls for 5 apples you’re essentially consuming the same amount of sugar in the juice that you would be from eating 5 whole apples at one time. Instead of using multiple fruits in your juices, stick to 1 or 2 servings of fruit per serving of juice. To keep the sugar content of your juices low, be sure to add plenty of vegetables to offset it. 3.) Listen to your body. Pay attention to how your body responds when you start to drink more juice. If you experience any discomfort at all, consider stopping altogether. Some adverse reactions to consuming juice may include: blood sugar spikes and crashes digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea nutrient deficiencies increased toxin exposure (especially if your produce isn’t organic) dehydration Make sure you drink plenty of water along with your juices in order to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body.  This should help alleviate some of the discomfort but if it doesn’t, take a break from juicing for a while.  4.) Choosing the duration of a juicing detox. If you’re new to juicing for detox, I wouldn’t recommend jumping right into a 10-day juice fast. If you cleanse too much too fast, you can actually cause more harm than good. This is because your body will release too many toxins at once and can cause you to get sick. Instead, I’d recommend adding 1 or 2 servings of juice into your normal food routine for a few days and see how you feel. If you want to bump up the detox power, changing other aspects of your diet. This would include reducing exposure to environmental toxins, drinking more water and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables. Juicing can be beneficial to help you remove toxins from your body, but shouldn’t be used as a long-term diet. 5. Include moderation and variety. As with any dietary regimen, moderation and variety are key to maximizing the benefits of juicing while minimizing potential drawbacks. In order to ensure you’re getting a brad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, include a diverse range of fruits and vegetables. You can do this by making juice from fruits and vegetables that are similar in color and alternate your colors. For example, you can make orange juice with carrots and oranges the first day, red juice with an apple, beets and red bell peppers on day 2, and green juice with leafy greens, celery and cucumber on day 3. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re consuming juice in moderation rather than relying on it as your sole source of nourishment. 6. Juices are not a good source of fuel. For athletes, relying solely on juice as a source of fuel for workouts may not be the best strategy for optimal performance. While juice can provide a quick burst of energy due to its natural sugars, it lacks the sustained fuel necessary for prolonged physical activity. Unlike whole fruits and vegetables, which contain fiber and other nutrients that slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, juice delivers a rapid spike in blood sugar followed by a quick crash, leading to fluctuations in energy levels. Additionally, juice lacks the protein and healthy fats needed for muscle repair and sustained energy. To fuel workouts effectively, athletes should focus on consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods, including complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of hydration. Incorporating whole fruits and vegetables into meals and snacks, along with other nutrient-dense foods, can provide the sustained energy and nutrients needed to support athletic performance and recovery. 7. Juicing can be helpful in healing (if done properly). Drinking juice with an array of micronutrients can potentially promote the body’s ability to heal and recover. Leafy greens, in particular, help to reduce inflammation and support tissue repair after a workout or injury. They also contain chlorophyll which promotes detoxification and enhances oxygen transport within the body. By replenishing vital nutrients and supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways, juice can play a valuable role in enhancing recovery, promoting healing, and restoring vitality. In order to optimize recovery and nourish your body, make sure you’re incorporating juice into an already balanced diet alongside plenty of whole foods. Selecting a juicing machine Like any small appliance, there are many juicer machines on the market and they range in price. There are more affordable ones like the $50 Magic Bullet Mini Juicer or more bougee options like the $2,900 PURE Cold Press Juicing Machine. And of course, every price point in between. The price is often dependent on the technology used to separate the juice from the pulp. Here’s a quick overview of the most common types of juicers.   1.)  Manual Juicers Manual juicers require physical effort (i.e. squeezing or crushing) to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. They come in various designs, including handheld citrus juicers, manual wheatgrass juicers, and manual cold press juicers. Manual juicers are typically less expensive and more portable than electric juicers, making them suitable for occasional juicing or travel. These work best for fruits with a lot of juice in them such as citrus, pomegranates and grapes.   2.) Centrifugal Juicers These juicers use a fast-spinning blade to shred fruits and vegetables into pulp, and then centrifugal force separates the juice from the pulp. They are typically fast and efficient but may produce some heat during the process, which can affect the nutrient content of the juice. These make great at-home juicers and can make a lot of juice at once, but I’ve also found these to be the most difficult to clean.   3.) Masticating Juicers (aka Slow Juicers) Masticating juicers use a slow-turning auger to crush and press fruits and vegetables, extracting juice without generating much heat. They are known for producing high-quality juice with minimal oxidation, which helps preserve nutrients and enzymes. These juicers are also capable of juicing leafy greens and wheatgrass effectively. This is the type of juicer that I currently own and while it isn’t aren’t great for making a ton of juice at once, I find that clean up is a breeze compared to a centrifugal juicer. This option works best for me because I’m the only one in my house that drinks juice, and I prefer to make daily juice that is fresh rather than making it in bulk and storing it in the fridge.   4.) Triturating Juicers (aka Twin Gear Juicers)  Triturating juicers use two interlocking gears to crush and grind produce, extracting juice in a two-step process. They are known for their efficiency in extracting juice, especially from hard or fibrous fruits and vegetables, and they produce very little foam or pulp in the juice. These types can be relatively pricey and annoying to clean.   5.) Hydraulic Press Juicers (aka Cold Press Juicers)  Hydraulic press juicers use a hydraulic press to extract juice from produce by applying high pressure. This method yields maximum juice extraction with minimal oxidation, resulting in juice that retains more nutrients and enzymes compared to other juicing methods. However, hydraulic press juicers tend to be larger and more expensive than other types of juicers. In summary… In the world of health and fitness, the allure of juicing as a means of detoxification and replenishment is undeniable. The convenience of gulping down a concentrated blend of vitamins and minerals seems like a shortcut to vitality, especially for adult athletes looking to optimize...

The post The beginners guide to juicing for detox appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


(Read time: 6 min 30 sec)

Juicing removes the hard parts of fruits and vegetables so that all that remains is the juice. You’re left with a liquid which is highly concentrated in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Juicing for detox has gained popularity among beginners seeking to cleanse their bodies and jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. By incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into liquid form, juicing aims to flush out toxins and provide essential nutrients. One of the primary advantages is the convenience of consuming a concentrated dose of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible form, which can boost energy levels and improve overall well-being.

Juicing can be a simple way to increase fruit and vegetable intake for those who struggle to eat enough whole produce. However, there are drawbacks to consider which I will address in this blog post.  I’ll also give some recommendations on choosing a juicer that works best for your goals, available counter space and budget.  Beginners should consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before embarking on a juicing detox to ensure it aligns with their individual health goals and needs.

Pros of juicing

We often hear about juicing being a habit of very healthy lifestyles.  This is because consuming juice from fruits and vegetables helps the body eliminate toxins that have built up in cells and tissues.  These toxins primarily come from your environment and enter your body through skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion.   

Juice is packed with micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  These phytonutrients provide a nutritional boost, and often have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.   This highly concentrated cocktail of nutrients can provide many health benefits.  Some benefits include better eye health, improvements in skin and complexion, and a boost to the immune system. 

Nutrients in liquid form are also easier to digest than from the whole food form.   That makes them a great option for those that have difficulty digesting fruits and vegetables.  

Cons of juicing

There are many benefits to juicing, but there can be some cons as well.   Juices may be high in micronutrients, but they have very little to no fiber, protein or fats.  In juices made with vegetables, they have very few carbohydrates, too.  This means that they provide almost energy to your cells and can leave you feeling hungry.  Without protein or fat, juices don’t allow the body to release satiety hormones in the body and therefore you will never feel like your hunger has been satisfied by drinking juice alone.   This is why I wouldn’t recommend using juices as a meal replacement but rather a supplement to a balanced diet with whole foods.

Juices that are made with fruits do contain carbohydrates which may offer a short burst of energy, but these can be very high in fructose.  A high fructose content can disrupt hormones and cause blood sugar spikes and crashes.   And most people don’t get enough fiber to support health digestion in the first place.

When you juice, you’re removing the hard parts of the plant.  This makes it a very wasteful process unless you can find a use for the pulp.   Some people use the pulp to make dehydrated snacks or crackers, or add it to other recipes such as veggie burgers, soups and sauces.  You can also add it to your compost pile and let nature break it down into nutrients for your garden.

Important things to consider when juicing for detox

1.) Consider juicing with organic produce.

One thing that you’ll want to consider is the quality of the fruits and vegetables that you are using. Organic produce is best in order to minimize your exposure to toxins such as pesticides and chemicals. If you’re not willing to spend your entire paycheck on organic produce, you can opt to only purchase some organic produce.

I’d recommend choosing to go organic with the “dirtiest” ones and going conventionally-grown produce for everything else. Each year the Environmental Working Group publishes a list of the types of conventionally-raised produce that have the highest amount of chemicals in them. You can find that list here. Also, if you do purchase a conventionally grown fruit or vegetable has a skin on it, you should remove the skin before juicing.

2.) Monitor your sugar intake. 

A good rule of thumb when it comes to using fruits in your juices is that if you wouldn’t eat that amount of whole fruit in one sitting, then you shouldn’t drink the juice from that many either. For example, if a juicing recipe calls for 5 apples you’re essentially consuming the same amount of sugar in the juice that you would be from eating 5 whole apples at one time. Instead of using multiple fruits in your juices, stick to 1 or 2 servings of fruit per serving of juice. To keep the sugar content of your juices low, be sure to add plenty of vegetables to offset it.

3.) Listen to your body.

Pay attention to how your body responds when you start to drink more juice. If you experience any discomfort at all, consider stopping altogether. Some adverse reactions to consuming juice may include:

Make sure you drink plenty of water along with your juices in order to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body.  This should help alleviate some of the discomfort but if it doesn’t, take a break from juicing for a while. 

4.) Choosing the duration of a juicing detox.

If you’re new to juicing for detox, I wouldn’t recommend jumping right into a 10-day juice fast. If you cleanse too much too fast, you can actually cause more harm than good. This is because your body will release too many toxins at once and can cause you to get sick. Instead, I’d recommend adding 1 or 2 servings of juice into your normal food routine for a few days and see how you feel.

If you want to bump up the detox power, changing other aspects of your diet. This would include reducing exposure to environmental toxins, drinking more water and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables. Juicing can be beneficial to help you remove toxins from your body, but shouldn’t be used as a long-term diet.

5. Include moderation and variety.

As with any dietary regimen, moderation and variety are key to maximizing the benefits of juicing while minimizing potential drawbacks. In order to ensure you’re getting a brad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, include a diverse range of fruits and vegetables.

You can do this by making juice from fruits and vegetables that are similar in color and alternate your colors. For example, you can make orange juice with carrots and oranges the first day, red juice with an apple, beets and red bell peppers on day 2, and green juice with leafy greens, celery and cucumber on day 3. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re consuming juice in moderation rather than relying on it as your sole source of nourishment.

6. Juices are not a good source of fuel.

For athletes, relying solely on juice as a source of fuel for workouts may not be the best strategy for optimal performance. While juice can provide a quick burst of energy due to its natural sugars, it lacks the sustained fuel necessary for prolonged physical activity. Unlike whole fruits and vegetables, which contain fiber and other nutrients that slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, juice delivers a rapid spike in blood sugar followed by a quick crash, leading to fluctuations in energy levels. Additionally, juice lacks the protein and healthy fats needed for muscle repair and sustained energy.

To fuel workouts effectively, athletes should focus on consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods, including complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of hydration. Incorporating whole fruits and vegetables into meals and snacks, along with other nutrient-dense foods, can provide the sustained energy and nutrients needed to support athletic performance and recovery.

7. Juicing can be helpful in healing (if done properly).

Drinking juice with an array of micronutrients can potentially promote the body’s ability to heal and recover. Leafy greens, in particular, help to reduce inflammation and support tissue repair after a workout or injury. They also contain chlorophyll which promotes detoxification and enhances oxygen transport within the body.

By replenishing vital nutrients and supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways, juice can play a valuable role in enhancing recovery, promoting healing, and restoring vitality. In order to optimize recovery and nourish your body, make sure you’re incorporating juice into an already balanced diet alongside plenty of whole foods.

Selecting a juicing machine

Like any small appliance, there are many juicer machines on the market and they range in price. There are more affordable ones like the $50 Magic Bullet Mini Juicer or more bougee options like the $2,900 PURE Cold Press Juicing Machine. And of course, every price point in between. The price is often dependent on the technology used to separate the juice from the pulp. Here’s a quick overview of the most common types of juicers.


1.)  Manual Juicers

Manual juicers require physical effort (i.e. squeezing or crushing) to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. They come in various designs, including handheld citrus juicers, manual wheatgrass juicers, and manual cold press juicers. Manual juicers are typically less expensive and more portable than electric juicers, making them suitable for occasional juicing or travel. These work best for fruits with a lot of juice in them such as citrus, pomegranates and grapes.


2.) Centrifugal Juicers

These juicers use a fast-spinning blade to shred fruits and vegetables into pulp, and then centrifugal force separates the juice from the pulp. They are typically fast and efficient but may produce some heat during the process, which can affect the nutrient content of the juice. These make great at-home juicers and can make a lot of juice at once, but I’ve also found these to be the most difficult to clean.


3.) Masticating Juicers (aka Slow Juicers)

Masticating juicers use a slow-turning auger to crush and press fruits and vegetables, extracting juice without generating much heat. They are known for producing high-quality juice with minimal oxidation, which helps preserve nutrients and enzymes. These juicers are also capable of juicing leafy greens and wheatgrass effectively.

This is the type of juicer that I currently own and while it isn’t aren’t great for making a ton of juice at once, I find that clean up is a breeze compared to a centrifugal juicer. This option works best for me because I’m the only one in my house that drinks juice, and I prefer to make daily juice that is fresh rather than making it in bulk and storing it in the fridge.


4.) Triturating Juicers (aka Twin Gear Juicers) 

Triturating juicers use two interlocking gears to crush and grind produce, extracting juice in a two-step process. They are known for their efficiency in extracting juice, especially from hard or fibrous fruits and vegetables, and they produce very little foam or pulp in the juice. These types can be relatively pricey and annoying to clean.


5.) Hydraulic Press Juicers (aka Cold Press Juicers) 

Hydraulic press juicers use a hydraulic press to extract juice from produce by applying high pressure. This method yields maximum juice extraction with minimal oxidation, resulting in juice that retains more nutrients and enzymes compared to other juicing methods. However, hydraulic press juicers tend to be larger and more expensive than other types of juicers.

In summary...

In the world of health and fitness, the allure of juicing as a means of detoxification and replenishment is undeniable. The convenience of gulping down a concentrated blend of vitamins and minerals seems like a shortcut to vitality, especially for adult athletes looking to optimize their performance and recovery. However, it’s crucial to approach juicing with discernment, recognizing both its benefits and limitations. While green juice can indeed offer a potent dose of nutrients and aid in the body’s healing and recovery processes, it’s not a magic bullet solution.

As adult athletes striving for peak performance, it’s essential to understand that relying solely on juice as a fuel source for workouts may not suffice. Juice lacks the necessary balance of macronutrients like protein and healthy fats needed for sustained energy and muscle repair. To truly thrive in our athletic endeavors, let’s embrace juicing as a complementary tool in our holistic approach to nutrition and wellness, incorporating it alongside a diverse array of whole foods and mindful eating practices. By striking this balance and listening to our bodies’ cues, we can harness the power of juice to support our athletic pursuits while honoring the broader spectrum of our nutritional needs.

The post The beginners guide to juicing for detox appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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A guide to using red light therapy for faster healing Wed, 14 Feb 2024 19:59:43 +0000 (Read time:  8 minutes) Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One of the primary advantages of red light therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light wavelengths penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological responses. As always, athletes should consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on incorporating red light therapy into their training and recovery routines. What are the potential benefits? Pain relief: It can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain in conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint pain. Wound healing: By promoting cellular repair and regeneration, red light therapy may accelerate wound healing and tissue repair. Skin rejuvenation: It has been used to improve skin tone and texture, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and promote collagen production, making it popular in cosmetic applications. Hair growth: Some studies suggest that red light therapy may stimulate hair growth in people experiencing hair loss or thinning. Improved mood and sleep: Red light therapy may have positive effects on mood and sleep by regulating circadian rhythms and increasing the production of serotonin, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone. How does it work? Once absorbed, the light energy triggers a series of biological responses within the cells. It is believed that red light therapy enhances mitochondrial function, which is responsible for producing energy in cells. This, in turn, can lead to increased ATP production, improved cell metabolism, and the release of nitric oxide, which helps improve blood flow. Additionally, red light therapy has shown promise in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, making it a valuable tool for accelerating the healing process in injuries and wounds. Beyond physical benefits, red light therapy is also recognized for its positive impact on skin health, promoting collagen production and improving skin tone. Moreover, it has been explored for its potential in mitigating pain, improving mood, and even supporting cognitive function. As research in this field continues, the versatile benefits of red light therapy make it an intriguing and accessible option for individuals seeking non-invasive ways to enhance overall well-being. What does the science say? These studies suggest that red light therapy may offer benefits for athletes in terms of muscle recovery, injury rehabilitation, pain reduction, and performance enhancement. However, more research is needed to further understand its mechanisms of action and optimal application protocols for different athletic populations and conditions. For muscle recovery:  A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2018 examined the effects of red light therapy on muscle fatigue and recovery in collegiate athletes. The researchers found that red light therapy significantly reduced muscle fatigue and improved muscle recovery following high-intensity exercise. Another study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2016 investigated the effects of red light therapy on muscle performance recovery after eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. The results showed that red light therapy enhanced muscle recovery and reduced muscle soreness in athletes. For injury rehabilitation: Research published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine in 2015 evaluated the efficacy of red light therapy for the rehabilitation of hamstring muscle strains in professional athletes. The study found that red light therapy, when combined with standard rehabilitation protocols, accelerated the recovery process and facilitated return to play in athletes with hamstring injuries. A randomized controlled trial published in Physical Therapy in Sport in 2020 investigated the effects of red light therapy on pain and function in athletes with patellar tendinopathy (also known as jumper’s knee). The study demonstrated that red light therapy reduced pain and improved function in athletes with patellar tendinopathy, suggesting its potential as an adjunctive treatment for this condition. A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2019 examined the effects of red light therapy on knee joint pain and function in collegiate athletes with patellofemoral pain syndrome. The researchers found that red light therapy reduced knee pain and improved knee function, suggesting its potential as a non-invasive treatment option for athletes with knee injuries. For wound healing: A study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology in 2018 examined the effects of red and near-infrared light therapy on wound healing in humans. The researchers found that red light therapy significantly accelerated wound closure and improved overall wound healing outcomes. Another study published in Lasers in Medical Science in 2018 evaluated the effects of red light therapy on diabetic foot ulcers. The results showed that red light therapy promoted faster healing of diabetic ulcers and reduced the risk of infection. For pain relief: Research published in Pain Research & Management in 2018 investigated the efficacy of red light therapy for reducing pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The study found that red light therapy significantly decreased pain levels and improved jaw function in TMD patients. A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy in 2018 analyzed multiple studies on the use of photobiomodulation therapy (including red light therapy) for musculoskeletal pain relief. The review concluded that photobiomodulation therapy was effective for reducing pain intensity and improving function in various musculoskeletal conditions. How can I find a good red light device? Red light therapy can be administered using various devices, including handheld devices, light panels, and full-body light beds. Since red light therapy is an area that is not regulated, there are thousands of devices available on the market. But not all of them provide the type of light that provides benefits. To find a good device, consider your goals, available space in your home, and budget. Wavelength In order to reap the healing benefits of red light therapy, you want a device that emits a wavelength between 800 and 880 nanometers which is a near infrared wavelength and penetrates through skin into the tissue. If you’re interested in using red light therapy primarily for skin care, you don’t need the light to penetrate as deep. In this case you’ll want a device that emits a wavelength between 620 and 680 nanometers. There are some devices, like this one, that have the ability to do both. The device that I use at home has the option to turn on red light only, near infrared only, or both at the same time. I use both at the same time because I like the idea of treating my skin and my underlying tissues at the same time. Coverage area Before selecting a device, consider the body part or parts that you’d like to treat. If you want to spot treat wound or specific joint that is inflamed, then I could use a hand held device like this one. For full-body muscle recover, I’d recommend something more like this to cover more surface area of your body. The device that I have is what I would consider half-body coverage. I hang it on the back of my bedroom door and can raise or lower it depending on the part of my body that I want to treat. I think this option is a good one because it gives me different options for areas of my body that I can treat, and it isn’t super expensive. There are some devices, like this one, that have the ability to do both. The device that I use at home has the option to turn on red light only, near infrared only, or both at the same time. I use both at the same time because I like the idea of treating my skin and my underlying tissues at the same time. Power output Generally, the higher the power, the more effective the treatment will be. A higher powered device will give you more of the healing benefit in less time than a lower powered device. Usually, cost is an indicator of power output so this is where you’ll want to consider your budget. For pain relief and muscle recovery, look for a device that has a wattage range of 50-100 watts. To allow for the red light to penetrate to deeper tissues, look for a device that has over 100 watts of power.  Also keep in mind that a device with a higher output will mean that you can increase the distance away from the device in order to reap the benefits safely. Typically, standing further away means that you can increase the coverage area that the light hits. The device that I own is 172 watts which means that it provides benefits from a minimum distance of 4 inches when I want to target a specific area. If I want more coverage, I can step back up to 3 feet. If I want to use red light therapy to help with my sleep and circadian rhythms, distance isn’t a factor. I can use this anywhere in my bedroom while I sleep – but have to make sure that I’m not staring directly into the light source. How do I use it? The use of the red light device depends on the device itself but in general, you’ll want the light to be exposed to the skin of the area that you want to treat. For wand-like devices, you can just shine the light on the spot you’d like to treat. If you’re going for a full-body treatment with a larger device, I’d recommend getting naked for your session. If you’re using a hanging device, you might want to consider standing or sitting in front of it. You can also get naked and lay down on a mat, like this one, or in a pod, like this one. Typically, you’ll see benefits of red light therapy by using a high-quality device 3 times a week for 10-20 minutes each. I would also recommend starting with a short session and working your way up to a longer one. Start with 2 minutes just to make sure that you don’t have any adverse reaction. Then you can keep adding time until you reach your desired session length. As mentioned earlier, the distance away from the device will depend on the power output and the area of desired coverage. Some devices are designed to be directly applied to your skin while other devices require a minimum distance between 4 and 10 inches away. Make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for whatever device you use. There’s some evidence that certain creams and lotions can interfere with the red light or cause cellular damage. So when you do use it, I’d recommend treating just after a shower and before you apply any products. You’ll also want to take off any jewelry or clothing that has metal components on it such as snaps, zippers, or buttons. There are also wellness businesses popping up everywhere which offer red light therapy sessions as one of their healing services. In Denver, where I live, we have a place called The Light Lounge which offers both whole-body bed sessions and targeted hand-held sessions with professional grade red light devices. The beds look exactly like tanning beds but without the harmful UV rays. Each session lasts between 8 and 12 minutes, and the price varies based on the package you select. To see if you have a Light Lounge near you, click here.  Keep in mind that looking at red light can cause damage to the eyes. If you do decide to try out red light therapy, make sure that you are using proper eye protection while the light is on and avoid using the device near your eyes. You’ll also want to avoid using red light therapy on open or bleeding wounds, and to take care with swollen or inflamed skin but increasing your distance away from the device. You’ll also want to avoid red light therapy completely if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re interested in using red light therapy to treat a tumor, make sure you consult with your oncologist first. Red light therapy can also interfere...

The post A guide to using red light therapy for faster healing appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


(Read time:  8 minutes)

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One of the primary advantages of red light therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light wavelengths penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological responses. As always, athletes should consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on incorporating red light therapy into their training and recovery routines.

What are the potential benefits?

How does it work?

Once absorbed, the light energy triggers a series of biological responses within the cells. It is believed that red light therapy enhances mitochondrial function, which is responsible for producing energy in cells. This, in turn, can lead to increased ATP production, improved cell metabolism, and the release of nitric oxide, which helps improve blood flow.

Additionally, red light therapy has shown promise in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, making it a valuable tool for accelerating the healing process in injuries and wounds. Beyond physical benefits, red light therapy is also recognized for its positive impact on skin health, promoting collagen production and improving skin tone. Moreover, it has been explored for its potential in mitigating pain, improving mood, and even supporting cognitive function. As research in this field continues, the versatile benefits of red light therapy make it an intriguing and accessible option for individuals seeking non-invasive ways to enhance overall well-being.

What does the science say?

These studies suggest that red light therapy may offer benefits for athletes in terms of muscle recovery, injury rehabilitation, pain reduction, and performance enhancement. However, more research is needed to further understand its mechanisms of action and optimal application protocols for different athletic populations and conditions.

For muscle recovery: 

For injury rehabilitation:

For wound healing:

For pain relief:

How can I find a good red light device?

Red light therapy can be administered using various devices, including handheld devices, light panels, and full-body light beds. Since red light therapy is an area that is not regulated, there are thousands of devices available on the market. But not all of them provide the type of light that provides benefits. To find a good device, consider your goals, available space in your home, and budget.


In order to reap the healing benefits of red light therapy, you want a device that emits a wavelength between 800 and 880 nanometers which is a near infrared wavelength and penetrates through skin into the tissue. If you’re interested in using red light therapy primarily for skin care, you don’t need the light to penetrate as deep. In this case you’ll want a device that emits a wavelength between 620 and 680 nanometers.

There are some devices, like this one, that have the ability to do both. The device that I use at home has the option to turn on red light only, near infrared only, or both at the same time. I use both at the same time because I like the idea of treating my skin and my underlying tissues at the same time.

Coverage area

Before selecting a device, consider the body part or parts that you’d like to treat. If you want to spot treat wound or specific joint that is inflamed, then I could use a hand held device like this one. For full-body muscle recover, I’d recommend something more like this to cover more surface area of your body. The device that I have is what I would consider half-body coverage. I hang it on the back of my bedroom door and can raise or lower it depending on the part of my body that I want to treat. I think this option is a good one because it gives me different options for areas of my body that I can treat, and it isn’t super expensive.

There are some devices, like this one, that have the ability to do both. The device that I use at home has the option to turn on red light only, near infrared only, or both at the same time. I use both at the same time because I like the idea of treating my skin and my underlying tissues at the same time.

Power output

Generally, the higher the power, the more effective the treatment will be. A higher powered device will give you more of the healing benefit in less time than a lower powered device. Usually, cost is an indicator of power output so this is where you’ll want to consider your budget. For pain relief and muscle recovery, look for a device that has a wattage range of 50-100 watts. To allow for the red light to penetrate to deeper tissues, look for a device that has over 100 watts of power. 

Also keep in mind that a device with a higher output will mean that you can increase the distance away from the device in order to reap the benefits safely. Typically, standing further away means that you can increase the coverage area that the light hits. The device that I own is 172 watts which means that it provides benefits from a minimum distance of 4 inches when I want to target a specific area. If I want more coverage, I can step back up to 3 feet. If I want to use red light therapy to help with my sleep and circadian rhythms, distance isn’t a factor. I can use this anywhere in my bedroom while I sleep – but have to make sure that I’m not staring directly into the light source.

How do I use it?

The use of the red light device depends on the device itself but in general, you’ll want the light to be exposed to the skin of the area that you want to treat. For wand-like devices, you can just shine the light on the spot you’d like to treat. If you’re going for a full-body treatment with a larger device, I’d recommend getting naked for your session. If you’re using a hanging device, you might want to consider standing or sitting in front of it. You can also get naked and lay down on a mat, like this one, or in a pod, like this one.

Typically, you’ll see benefits of red light therapy by using a high-quality device 3 times a week for 10-20 minutes each. I would also recommend starting with a short session and working your way up to a longer one. Start with 2 minutes just to make sure that you don’t have any adverse reaction. Then you can keep adding time until you reach your desired session length.

As mentioned earlier, the distance away from the device will depend on the power output and the area of desired coverage. Some devices are designed to be directly applied to your skin while other devices require a minimum distance between 4 and 10 inches away. Make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for whatever device you use.

There’s some evidence that certain creams and lotions can interfere with the red light or cause cellular damage. So when you do use it, I’d recommend treating just after a shower and before you apply any products. You’ll also want to take off any jewelry or clothing that has metal components on it such as snaps, zippers, or buttons.

There are also wellness businesses popping up everywhere which offer red light therapy sessions as one of their healing services. In Denver, where I live, we have a place called The Light Lounge which offers both whole-body bed sessions and targeted hand-held sessions with professional grade red light devices. The beds look exactly like tanning beds but without the harmful UV rays. Each session lasts between 8 and 12 minutes, and the price varies based on the package you select. To see if you have a Light Lounge near you, click here

Keep in mind that looking at red light can cause damage to the eyes. If you do decide to try out red light therapy, make sure that you are using proper eye protection while the light is on and avoid using the device near your eyes. You’ll also want to avoid using red light therapy on open or bleeding wounds, and to take care with swollen or inflamed skin but increasing your distance away from the device.

You’ll also want to avoid red light therapy completely if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re interested in using red light therapy to treat a tumor, make sure you consult with your oncologist first. Red light therapy can also interfere with some common medications and products, especially those that cause photosensitivity so make sure to consult with your physician and do your research ahead of time. Remember that red light therapy devices are not medical devices. Therefore, these devices are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. While there is significant scientific evidence that red light therapy is beneficial, it is ultimately your responsibility to determine whether or not this treatment is safe for you and to follow the warnings and cautions of the product manufacturer.

The post A guide to using red light therapy for faster healing appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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8 ways to speed up healing Fri, 09 Feb 2024 22:01:06 +0000 (Read time: 6 minutes)   When I was 37, I tore my meniscus and decided to have surgery to repair it. After surgery, I hit the physical therapy hard but began incorporating other lifestyle changes that would help me heal faster. My philosophy was that the faster I heal, the faster I could get back to my active lifestyle. But the healing process wasn’t just physical. I also began to realize the emotional toll that injuries can have and getting into a healing mindset is easier said than done. 2 years after my knee injury, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am in the middle of one hell of an aggressive treatment plan. My chemotherapy treatment alone has keeping my body in a state of distress for the past 4 months. And as soon as my body recovers from the chemo, I will endure a major surgery to remove and reconstruct my breasts. And it will need to heal itself once again. I find myself in healing mode but it’s much more involved than my knee recovery. My body is literally fighting to keep me alive, and I want to support it as much as possible. The physical and emotional stress of fighting cancer is far greater than a knee injury. But turns out the lifestyle interventions that I can use to speed up healing in my body are the same. Healing is a natural and essential process that our bodies undergo when recovering from illness, injury, or emotional distress. While time is a crucial factor in the healing journey, there are ways to enhance and expedite the healing process. Having a baby, a physical injury, a medical condition, or emotional wounds, all need time to heal. And by incorporating certain practices into your daily routine during these life-altering events can contribute to a swifter recovery. In this post, I will share eight effective ways that have helped me heal faster by reducing inflammation and managing stress. I also go into each of these in more detail in other blog posts. These strategies continue to help me recover physically and emotionally after chemotherapy and surgery. They’ve also come in handy after minor injuries, tough training sessions and multi-day tournaments. 1. Red light therapy Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One of the primary advantages of red light therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light wavelengths penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological responses. This healing therapy has shown promise in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. This makes it valuable for accelerating the healing process in injuries and wounds, and after surgery. 2. Nutrients Nutrition plays a fundamental role in the healing process for several reasons. The nutrients that we consume influences the body’s ability to recover and repair itself effectively. Amino acids from protein, vitamins and minerals are essential cellular repair and regeneration. Immune system function also depends on the availability of specific vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, D and zinc. Healing is also an energy-demanding process so it’s important to consume enough carbohydrates and fat to support this. Collagen, in particular, is a protein that makes up structural tissues in animals. It is crucial for wound healing, maintaining strong muscles and joints. and preserving tissue integrity. When consumed with Vitamin C, healing is enhanced because it boosts your body’s natural ability to use collagen. There are other specific nutrients that aid in faster healing.  Some examples include:  curcumin, adaptogens, magnesium, and bromelain.   3. Rhythmic movement Rhythmic movement stimulates healing by improving circulation which improves oxygenation of tissues. This also reduces inflammation and stress by promoting a sense of relaxation. The type of movement that speeds up healing can vary depending on the nature of the injury or condition. Examples of rhythmic movement include low-impact activities such as walking, yoga, tai chi, swimming, and cycling. You can boost the benefits of these activities by also incorporating deep breathing exercises. Before starting any exercise regimen during the healing process, individuals should consult with their healthcare provider or a qualified rehabilitation professional. They can provide guidance on the most suitable exercises and movements based on the individual’s health status and the nature of the healing required. In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to ensure a safe and effective recovery. 4. Declutter inside and out Stress and anxiety can impair the healing process by suppressing the immune system. A poorly functioning immune system delays healing, causes inflammation and disrupts hormonal balance. Decluttering your physical and mental environment is a great way to reduce stress and have a positive impact on healing. An environment that promotes healing is one that is free of clutter, and contains elements that are soothing. Calming colors, meaningful decorations, or relaxing scents can transform a space into a healing sanctuary. Clearing mental clutter can also promote healing by providing enhanced focus and mental clarity, and facilitates better sleep. Adequate and restful sleep is crucial for those in a state of healing. 5. Get enough good sleep Getting enough good sleep is crucial for faster healing and overall well-being. Quality sleep plays a significant role in various physiological processes that support recovery and restoration. During deep sleep stages, the body releases growth hormone, which is essential for cellular repair and regeneration. This hormone promotes the healing of tissues, muscles, and bones, contributing to a faster recovery from injuries or illnesses. While sleeping, the body produces immune cells and antibodies that help defend against infections and illnesses. A robust immune response is crucial for faster healing. Sleep also has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to regulate the body’s inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation can impede the healing process, and a good night’s sleep contributes to the reduction of inflammation, promoting a more efficient recovery. 6. Spend time outside Spending time outdoors can have a profound impact on accelerating the healing process, fostering both physical and mental well-being. Exposure to natural sunlight is a key contributor, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in bone health and immune function. Vitamin D has been linked to faster recovery from injuries and surgeries, promoting the absorption of calcium and aiding in the formation of new bone tissue. Additionally, natural sunlight exposure helps regulate circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality. Quality sleep is paramount for healing, as it supports cellular repair, immune function, and overall physiological restoration. Moreover, the therapeutic benefits of nature extend beyond sunlight exposure. Immersing oneself in green spaces and natural environments has been associated with reduced stress levels and enhanced mental well-being. Nature has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a state of relaxation. This reduction in stress minimizes inflammation and supporting a more efficient immune response. Outdoor activities, such as gentle walks in nature promote circulation, flexibility, and well-being. The combination of sunlight, fresh air, and the soothing qualities of nature creates an optimal environment that complements and accelerates the healing journey. 7. Focus on gut health A healthy gut plays a crucial role in promoting healing after surgery or injury. The gut influences various physiological processes that contribute to recovery. The gut microbiome is a complex community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. It plays a key role in maintaining a balanced immune system. Probiotics, beneficial bacteria found in the gut, also contribute to immune regulation and help prevent infections. These bacteria are particularly important during the vulnerable post-surgery period. A diverse and thriving gut microbiome supports absorption of nutrients that are critical for tissue repair and regeneration. Proper digestion and nutrient absorption are essential for the healing process. This ensures that the body has the necessary building blocks to repair damaged tissues efficiently. Prebiotics, which are substances that nourish the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, can also support gut health. Consuming a variety of fiber-rich foods promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. Examples of fiber-rich foods include legumes, whole grains, and vegetables. 8. Activate your vagus nerve The vagus nerve plays a central role in regulating various bodily functions and has a profound impact on overall health and healing. This nerve extends from the brainstem to multiple organs in the body, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system. Activating it induces the relaxation response, and promote a state of calmness. This state is significant for healing because it reduces stress. Chronic stress can hinder the recovery process by suppressing the immune system and promoting inflammation. Activation of the vagus nerve can also improve gastrointestinal function, enhance nutrient absorption, and promote a balanced gut microbiome. Research suggests that vagus nerve stimulation has positive effects on mood, anxiety, and overall emotional well-being, factors that can significantly impact the healing process. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness practices all activate the vagus nerve. In summary… From my experience, there is no single activity that can promote healing. It’s the combination of effective and holistic techniques such as the ones I’ve listed that speed up the healing process. I didn’t incorporate all of these activities at one time. I started out with a few of them and kept adding more until I felt that I had an effective healing strategy. My healing strategy helps me to regain control when I feel that I have none, and creates an optimal environment for my body’s innate healing abilities. I believe that these holistic healing practices not only expedite physical recovery but also enhance overall resilience.

The post 8 ways to speed up healing appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


(Read time: 6 minutes)


When I was 37, I tore my meniscus and decided to have surgery to repair it. After surgery, I hit the physical therapy hard but began incorporating other lifestyle changes that would help me heal faster. My philosophy was that the faster I heal, the faster I could get back to my active lifestyle. But the healing process wasn’t just physical. I also began to realize the emotional toll that injuries can have and getting into a healing mindset is easier said than done.

2 years after my knee injury, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am in the middle of one hell of an aggressive treatment plan. My chemotherapy treatment alone has keeping my body in a state of distress for the past 4 months. And as soon as my body recovers from the chemo, I will endure a major surgery to remove and reconstruct my breasts. And it will need to heal itself once again.

I find myself in healing mode but it’s much more involved than my knee recovery. My body is literally fighting to keep me alive, and I want to support it as much as possible. The physical and emotional stress of fighting cancer is far greater than a knee injury. But turns out the lifestyle interventions that I can use to speed up healing in my body are the same.

Healing is a natural and essential process that our bodies undergo when recovering from illness, injury, or emotional distress. While time is a crucial factor in the healing journey, there are ways to enhance and expedite the healing process. Having a baby, a physical injury, a medical condition, or emotional wounds, all need time to heal. And by incorporating certain practices into your daily routine during these life-altering events can contribute to a swifter recovery.

In this post, I will share eight effective ways that have helped me heal faster by reducing inflammation and managing stress. I also go into each of these in more detail in other blog posts. These strategies continue to help me recover physically and emotionally after chemotherapy and surgery. They’ve also come in handy after minor injuries, tough training sessions and multi-day tournaments.

1. Red light therapy

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One of the primary advantages of red light therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light wavelengths penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological responses.

This healing therapy has shown promise in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. This makes it valuable for accelerating the healing process in injuries and wounds, and after surgery.

2. Nutrients

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in the healing process for several reasons. The nutrients that we consume influences the body’s ability to recover and repair itself effectively. Amino acids from protein, vitamins and minerals are essential cellular repair and regeneration. Immune system function also depends on the availability of specific vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, D and zinc. Healing is also an energy-demanding process so it’s important to consume enough carbohydrates and fat to support this.

Collagen, in particular, is a protein that makes up structural tissues in animals. It is crucial for wound healing, maintaining strong muscles and joints. and preserving tissue integrity. When consumed with Vitamin C, healing is enhanced because it boosts your body’s natural ability to use collagen.

There are other specific nutrients that aid in faster healing.  Some examples include:  curcumin, adaptogens, magnesium, and bromelain.  

3. Rhythmic movement

Rhythmic movement stimulates healing by improving circulation which improves oxygenation of tissues. This also reduces inflammation and stress by promoting a sense of relaxation.

The type of movement that speeds up healing can vary depending on the nature of the injury or condition. Examples of rhythmic movement include low-impact activities such as walking, yoga, tai chi, swimming, and cycling. You can boost the benefits of these activities by also incorporating deep breathing exercises.

Before starting any exercise regimen during the healing process, individuals should consult with their healthcare provider or a qualified rehabilitation professional. They can provide guidance on the most suitable exercises and movements based on the individual’s health status and the nature of the healing required. In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

4. Declutter inside and out

Stress and anxiety can impair the healing process by suppressing the immune system. A poorly functioning immune system delays healing, causes inflammation and disrupts hormonal balance. Decluttering your physical and mental environment is a great way to reduce stress and have a positive impact on healing.

An environment that promotes healing is one that is free of clutter, and contains elements that are soothing. Calming colors, meaningful decorations, or relaxing scents can transform a space into a healing sanctuary.

Clearing mental clutter can also promote healing by providing enhanced focus and mental clarity, and facilitates better sleep. Adequate and restful sleep is crucial for those in a state of healing.

5. Get enough good sleep

Getting enough good sleep is crucial for faster healing and overall well-being. Quality sleep plays a significant role in various physiological processes that support recovery and restoration. During deep sleep stages, the body releases growth hormone, which is essential for cellular repair and regeneration. This hormone promotes the healing of tissues, muscles, and bones, contributing to a faster recovery from injuries or illnesses.

While sleeping, the body produces immune cells and antibodies that help defend against infections and illnesses. A robust immune response is crucial for faster healing.

Sleep also has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to regulate the body’s inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation can impede the healing process, and a good night’s sleep contributes to the reduction of inflammation, promoting a more efficient recovery.

6. Spend time outside

Spending time outdoors can have a profound impact on accelerating the healing process, fostering both physical and mental well-being. Exposure to natural sunlight is a key contributor, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in bone health and immune function. Vitamin D has been linked to faster recovery from injuries and surgeries, promoting the absorption of calcium and aiding in the formation of new bone tissue. Additionally, natural sunlight exposure helps regulate circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality. Quality sleep is paramount for healing, as it supports cellular repair, immune function, and overall physiological restoration.

Moreover, the therapeutic benefits of nature extend beyond sunlight exposure. Immersing oneself in green spaces and natural environments has been associated with reduced stress levels and enhanced mental well-being. Nature has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a state of relaxation. This reduction in stress minimizes inflammation and supporting a more efficient immune response. Outdoor activities, such as gentle walks in nature promote circulation, flexibility, and well-being. The combination of sunlight, fresh air, and the soothing qualities of nature creates an optimal environment that complements and accelerates the healing journey.

7. Focus on gut health

A healthy gut plays a crucial role in promoting healing after surgery or injury. The gut influences various physiological processes that contribute to recovery. The gut microbiome is a complex community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. It plays a key role in maintaining a balanced immune system. Probiotics, beneficial bacteria found in the gut, also contribute to immune regulation and help prevent infections. These bacteria are particularly important during the vulnerable post-surgery period.

A diverse and thriving gut microbiome supports absorption of nutrients that are critical for tissue repair and regeneration. Proper digestion and nutrient absorption are essential for the healing process. This ensures that the body has the necessary building blocks to repair damaged tissues efficiently.

Prebiotics, which are substances that nourish the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, can also support gut health. Consuming a variety of fiber-rich foods promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. Examples of fiber-rich foods include legumes, whole grains, and vegetables.

8. Activate your vagus nerve

The vagus nerve plays a central role in regulating various bodily functions and has a profound impact on overall health and healing. This nerve extends from the brainstem to multiple organs in the body, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system. Activating it induces the relaxation response, and promote a state of calmness. This state is significant for healing because it reduces stress. Chronic stress can hinder the recovery process by suppressing the immune system and promoting inflammation. Activation of the vagus nerve can also improve gastrointestinal function, enhance nutrient absorption, and promote a balanced gut microbiome.

Research suggests that vagus nerve stimulation has positive effects on mood, anxiety, and overall emotional well-being, factors that can significantly impact the healing process. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness practices all activate the vagus nerve.

In summary...

From my experience, there is no single activity that can promote healing. It’s the combination of effective and holistic techniques such as the ones I’ve listed that speed up the healing process. I didn’t incorporate all of these activities at one time. I started out with a few of them and kept adding more until I felt that I had an effective healing strategy.

My healing strategy helps me to regain control when I feel that I have none, and creates an optimal environment for my body’s innate healing abilities. I believe that these holistic healing practices not only expedite physical recovery but also enhance overall resilience.

The post 8 ways to speed up healing appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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7 natural supplements that boost post workout recovery Thu, 12 Oct 2023 21:40:34 +0000 Read time: 5 minutes Post-workout recovery can be a formidable challenge for adult athletes, as their bodies undergo a series of physical and physiological stresses during intense training sessions. One of the primary hurdles is managing muscle soreness and fatigue, which can hinder subsequent workouts and daily activities. Adequate rest and sleep become crucial, yet they often grapple with busy schedules and responsibilities. Nutrition plays a pivotal role, necessitating a balanced diet that meets the increased energy demands of their training regimen while supplying essential nutrients for tissue repair. Furthermore, adult athletes must contend with the natural aging process, which can lead to slower recovery times and a heightened risk of injury. Balancing training intensity and frequency with recovery becomes a delicate juggling act, as pushing too hard can lead to burnout and overtraining, while not pushing enough can hinder progress. In this demanding journey, adult athletes must also factor in work, family commitments, and stress management to maintain a sustainable and effective post-workout recovery routine. In addition to a balanced diet, there are several supplements that can aid the body in recovery after a tough workout. Here are what I consider to be the 7 best (and natural) post workout recovery supplements: 1. Protein powder Protein powder stands out as a highly effective supplement for post-workout recovery, thanks to its convenience and ability to provide essential amino acids quickly, aiding in muscle repair and growth. High-quality protein powders can be a valuable addition to your routine. Whey protein is known for its fast absorbing qualities and excellent flavor options but it is milk based so it could cause issues in those sensitive to dairy. Plant-based protein powders made from pea, brown rice, and hemp are also great options for vegetarian athletes – especially if they are made with multiple types of plant proteins. Other types of non-dairy animal protein include those made from egg whites, collagen, beef and bone broth. These non-dairy animal-based protein options are suitable for individuals who have lactose intolerance or dairy allergies but still want to benefit from the protein content of animal sources. 2. Tart cherry juice Tart cherry juice has gained recognition as a valuable supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery due to its numerous health benefits. Packed with antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, tart cherry juice can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress generated during intense physical activity. This reduction in inflammation can lead to decreased muscle soreness and faster recovery times. Tart cherry juice also causes improvements in sleep quality. This is due to its natural melatonin content, which can aid in restorative rest crucial for recovery. Additionally, its high potassium content helps with muscle function and hydration. By incorporating tart cherry juice into their post-workout routines, athletes can potentially promote quicker healing, reduce discomfort, and optimize their overall recovery process. 3. BCAAs Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are a valuable supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery for several compelling reasons. Consisting of three essential amino acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—BCAAs play a critical role in muscle protein synthesis, which is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscle fibers damaged during exercise. They can also reduce the perception of muscle soreness, enabling athletes to bounce back more quickly for subsequent workouts. BCAAs are rapidly absorbed, making them readily available to muscles in need of repair. Moreover, they can help prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue during periods of intense training, thereby preserving hard-earned muscle mass. 4. Glutamine Glutamine is a highly beneficial supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery, particularly for athletes engaged in intense physical training. As a conditionally essential amino acid, glutamine plays a pivotal role in immune function, making it valuable for supporting the body’s defenses during periods of heavy exercise-induced stress. Moreover, glutamine helps reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, facilitating faster recovery. It is a crucial component of muscle tissue repair, as it aids in the synthesis of new proteins and the rebuilding of muscle fibers that undergo stress and damage during workouts. Additionally, glutamine can help maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which is essential for overall muscle growth and repair. Incorporating glutamine into one’s post-workout routine can enhance the recovery process, reduce the risk of overtraining, and promote overall athletic performance. 5. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is an herb that is used for enhancing post-workout recovery. Its adaptogenic properties make it particularly valuable in this context. The term “adaptogenic” refers to substances, typically herbs or natural compounds, that have the ability to help the body adapt to various stressors, whether they are physical, mental, or environmental in nature. Stress and cortisol levels can rise during intense physical training, potentially hindering recovery and muscle growth. Ashwagandha helps mitigate these effects by regulating cortisol production and promoting a more balanced stress response. This adaptogen also supports energy levels and reduces fatigue, aiding in the recovery of overall physical and mental well-being after demanding workouts. 6. Creatine Creatine is a well-regarded supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery, primarily due to its ability to support muscle repair and regeneration. This naturally occurring compound helps replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy source for muscle contractions, which can become depleted during intense exercise. By restoring ATP levels more rapidly, creatine allows athletes to recover their strength and energy faster between workouts. Creatine may also increase muscle cell hydration, aiding in muscle fullness and reducing the risk of muscle cramps and injury. Its ability to promote protein synthesis and increase muscle mass can contribute to improved recovery by accelerating the repair of muscle fibers damaged during exercise. 7. Curcumin Curcumin, the active compound found in turmeric, is a promising supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery. Its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a valuable addition to a recovery regimen. Intense exercise can lead to muscle inflammation and oxidative stress, resulting in soreness and delayed recovery. Curcumin helps mitigate these issues by reducing inflammation and neutralizing harmful free radicals. By doing so, it may alleviate muscle soreness and expedite the healing of micro-injuries in muscle fibers. Moreover, curcumin has been linked to improved joint health, which is crucial for athletes, as it aids in maintaining mobility and preventing injuries. As a natural supplement, curcumin offers a holistic approach to post-workout recovery, promoting overall well-being and helping athletes bounce back more quickly after strenuous physical activity. 8. In summary… Post-workout recovery is essential for athletes looking to optimize their performance and overall well-being. Several natural supplements can aid in this process, each offering unique benefits. Protein powder, whether plant-based or animal-based, provides essential amino acids crucial for muscle repair and growth. BCAAs support muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and prevent muscle breakdown. Tart cherry juice helps reduce inflammation and improve sleep quality, vital for recovery. Creatine replenishes energy stores and accelerates muscle repair. Glutamine aids in muscle tissue repair and immune function. Ashwagandha helps regulate stress hormones and reduce fatigue. Curcumin, found in turmeric, offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It’s crucial for athletes to remember that individual needs and health conditions vary. Therefore, consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplement into their routine is essential to ensure safety and effectiveness.

The post 7 natural supplements that boost post workout recovery appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 5 minutes

Post-workout recovery can be a formidable challenge for adult athletes, as their bodies undergo a series of physical and physiological stresses during intense training sessions. One of the primary hurdles is managing muscle soreness and fatigue, which can hinder subsequent workouts and daily activities. Adequate rest and sleep become crucial, yet they often grapple with busy schedules and responsibilities.

Nutrition plays a pivotal role, necessitating a balanced diet that meets the increased energy demands of their training regimen while supplying essential nutrients for tissue repair. Furthermore, adult athletes must contend with the natural aging process, which can lead to slower recovery times and a heightened risk of injury.

Balancing training intensity and frequency with recovery becomes a delicate juggling act, as pushing too hard can lead to burnout and overtraining, while not pushing enough can hinder progress. In this demanding journey, adult athletes must also factor in work, family commitments, and stress management to maintain a sustainable and effective post-workout recovery routine.

In addition to a balanced diet, there are several supplements that can aid the body in recovery after a tough workout. Here are what I consider to be the 7 best (and natural) post workout recovery supplements:

1. Protein powder

Protein powder stands out as a highly effective supplement for post-workout recovery, thanks to its convenience and ability to provide essential amino acids quickly, aiding in muscle repair and growth. High-quality protein powders can be a valuable addition to your routine.

Whey protein is known for its fast absorbing qualities and excellent flavor options but it is milk based so it could cause issues in those sensitive to dairy. Plant-based protein powders made from pea, brown rice, and hemp are also great options for vegetarian athletes – especially if they are made with multiple types of plant proteins.

Other types of non-dairy animal protein include those made from egg whites, collagen, beef and bone broth. These non-dairy animal-based protein options are suitable for individuals who have lactose intolerance or dairy allergies but still want to benefit from the protein content of animal sources.

2. Tart cherry juice

Tart cherry juice has gained recognition as a valuable supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery due to its numerous health benefits. Packed with antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, tart cherry juice can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress generated during intense physical activity. This reduction in inflammation can lead to decreased muscle soreness and faster recovery times.

Tart cherry juice also causes improvements in sleep quality. This is due to its natural melatonin content, which can aid in restorative rest crucial for recovery. Additionally, its high potassium content helps with muscle function and hydration. By incorporating tart cherry juice into their post-workout routines, athletes can potentially promote quicker healing, reduce discomfort, and optimize their overall recovery process.

3. BCAAs

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are a valuable supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery for several compelling reasons. Consisting of three essential amino acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—BCAAs play a critical role in muscle protein synthesis, which is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscle fibers damaged during exercise.

They can also reduce the perception of muscle soreness, enabling athletes to bounce back more quickly for subsequent workouts. BCAAs are rapidly absorbed, making them readily available to muscles in need of repair. Moreover, they can help prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue during periods of intense training, thereby preserving hard-earned muscle mass.

4. Glutamine

Glutamine is a highly beneficial supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery, particularly for athletes engaged in intense physical training. As a conditionally essential amino acid, glutamine plays a pivotal role in immune function, making it valuable for supporting the body’s defenses during periods of heavy exercise-induced stress. Moreover, glutamine helps reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, facilitating faster recovery.

It is a crucial component of muscle tissue repair, as it aids in the synthesis of new proteins and the rebuilding of muscle fibers that undergo stress and damage during workouts. Additionally, glutamine can help maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which is essential for overall muscle growth and repair. Incorporating glutamine into one’s post-workout routine can enhance the recovery process, reduce the risk of overtraining, and promote overall athletic performance.

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an herb that is used for enhancing post-workout recovery. Its adaptogenic properties make it particularly valuable in this context. The term “adaptogenic” refers to substances, typically herbs or natural compounds, that have the ability to help the body adapt to various stressors, whether they are physical, mental, or environmental in nature.

Stress and cortisol levels can rise during intense physical training, potentially hindering recovery and muscle growth. Ashwagandha helps mitigate these effects by regulating cortisol production and promoting a more balanced stress response. This adaptogen also supports energy levels and reduces fatigue, aiding in the recovery of overall physical and mental well-being after demanding workouts.

6. Creatine

Creatine is a well-regarded supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery, primarily due to its ability to support muscle repair and regeneration. This naturally occurring compound helps replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy source for muscle contractions, which can become depleted during intense exercise. By restoring ATP levels more rapidly, creatine allows athletes to recover their strength and energy faster between workouts.

Creatine may also increase muscle cell hydration, aiding in muscle fullness and reducing the risk of muscle cramps and injury. Its ability to promote protein synthesis and increase muscle mass can contribute to improved recovery by accelerating the repair of muscle fibers damaged during exercise.

7. Curcumin

Curcumin, the active compound found in turmeric, is a promising supplement for enhancing post-workout recovery. Its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a valuable addition to a recovery regimen. Intense exercise can lead to muscle inflammation and oxidative stress, resulting in soreness and delayed recovery.

Curcumin helps mitigate these issues by reducing inflammation and neutralizing harmful free radicals. By doing so, it may alleviate muscle soreness and expedite the healing of micro-injuries in muscle fibers. Moreover, curcumin has been linked to improved joint health, which is crucial for athletes, as it aids in maintaining mobility and preventing injuries. As a natural supplement, curcumin offers a holistic approach to post-workout recovery, promoting overall well-being and helping athletes bounce back more quickly after strenuous physical activity.

8. In summary...

Post-workout recovery is essential for athletes looking to optimize their performance and overall well-being. Several natural supplements can aid in this process, each offering unique benefits. Protein powder, whether plant-based or animal-based, provides essential amino acids crucial for muscle repair and growth. BCAAs support muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and prevent muscle breakdown. Tart cherry juice helps reduce inflammation and improve sleep quality, vital for recovery. Creatine replenishes energy stores and accelerates muscle repair. Glutamine aids in muscle tissue repair and immune function. Ashwagandha helps regulate stress hormones and reduce fatigue. Curcumin, found in turmeric, offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It’s crucial for athletes to remember that individual needs and health conditions vary. Therefore, consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplement into their routine is essential to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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The importance of pre workout nutrition Mon, 09 Oct 2023 20:53:29 +0000 Read time: 5 minutes Sports nutrition is a specialized branch of nutrition tailored to meet the unique dietary needs of athletes and individuals engaged in physical activity. While general nutrition focuses on providing essential nutrients for overall health and well-being, sports nutrition places a heightened emphasis on optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and supporting specific training goals. Pre workout nutrition considers timing of nutrient intake, amount of nutrients and hydration strategies. It could also include the use of supplements tailored to an athlete’s specific sport and training regimen. Sports nutrition recognizes that athletes require not only the right quantity of nutrients but also the right timing and quality of those nutrients to perform at their peak and recover effectively. It’s a dynamic field that continues to evolve as researchers and practitioners work to refine strategies that help athletes achieve their full potential. When it comes to optimizing athletic performance, it’s not just about what you do during your workout. It’s also about what you do up to 4 hours before. Pre workout nutrition plays a vital role in preparing your body for the physical demands of exercise, and it is especially important for adult athletes. In this blog post, I share the significance of pre-workout nutrition and provide valuable guidelines for how it can help adult athletes perform at their best. Why is pre workout nutrition important? It enhances energy levels. One of the primary reasons pre-workout nutrition is essential is because it provides the necessary energy to power through your workout. Carbohydrates are a key player in this aspect. Consuming complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables before exercise ensures a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream, providing a sustained source of energy throughout your workout. This is particularly important for adult athletes who may have lower energy reserves than younger individuals. It improves endurance. Pre-workout nutrition also aids in improving endurance. Adequate carbohydrates not only provide energy but also help spare muscle glycogen stores. This means your muscles can work harder and longer before they fatigue. As an adult athlete, maintaining endurance is crucial for consistent training progress and overall performance. It preserves muscle. Protein is another vital component of pre-workout nutrition. It helps prevent muscle breakdown during exercise. This is particularly important for adult athletes because muscle mass becomes more precious as we age. When you consume protein before your workout, it primes your body with the necessary amino acids to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. This is especially important for adult athletes who may be more prone to muscle loss due to the natural aging process. In general, consuming protein before a workout can provide amino acids for muscle repair and growth. Lean protein sources are usually recommended before workouts to avoid excessive fat intake, which can slow down digestion. Examples include lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean beef), fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, or plant-based options like tofu or legumes. It keeps you hydrated. One of the most neglected aspects of sports nutrition is hydration. Proper hydration is a fundamental aspect of pre-workout nutrition. Dehydration can lead to decreased performance, muscle cramps, and even heat-related illnesses. Adult athletes may be more susceptible to dehydration due to changes in their body’s water balance, making it crucial to start their workout well-hydrated. Begin your workout well-hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Consider adding an electrolyte beverage for intense or prolonged exercise. It keeps you mentally focused and alert. Pre-workout nutrition doesn’t just benefit the body; it also benefits the mind. Consuming the right nutrients before exercise can enhance mental focus and alertness, helping adult athletes stay sharp during their workouts. This is particularly important when you’re juggling a busy schedule and may be mentally fatigued. Pre workout nutrition guidelines for adult athletes Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of pre-workout nutrition, let’s discuss some practical guidelines for adult athletes: Timing It typically takes about 2-4 hours for your digestive system to completely break down food into accessible nutrients for energy. But it could take up to 10 hours for complete digestion to occur. The exact time it takes depends on several factors, including the composition of the meal, your individual digestive system, and your overall health. Meals that are higher in fat and protein may take longer than meals that contain primarily carbohydrates. Aim to consume a balanced pre-workout meal 2 to 3 hours before and a snack 30-60 minutes before your exercise session. This allows for proper digestion and nutrient absorption, and ensures that your cells have access enough energy when they need it. Amount As a sports nutritionist, I recommend prioritizing carbohydrates before a workout over fats and protein. This is because carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy during exercise. If you plan to eat a meal before a workout, your meal should include 30-60 grams of digestible carbohydrates and 15-20 grams of protein. To make this a balanced meal, make sure to also add plenty of fiber and and a serving of healthy fat, too. If you’re relying on a snack to fuel your workout, shoot for one that contains 30-60 grams of carbohydrates and 15-20 grams of protein. In this case, you can opt for very low quantity of other macronutrients such as fat, protein and fiber. Type of food Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for sustained energy release. Simple carbohydrates like fruits can also be included for a quick energy boost, but avoid excessive sugar, as it may lead to energy crashes. Fiber is essential for overall health but consuming too much fiber immediately before a workout can cause digestive discomfort. High-fiber foods can be included in your pre-workout meal that you consume 2-3 hours prior. However you might want to stick to lower-fiber foods sources in your pre-workout snack that you consume 30-60 minutes prior. Find what works for you It’s essential to experiment with your pre-workout nutrition to find what works best for your body. Pay attention to how your body responds to different pre-workout nutrition strategies. Some people may prefer a balanced meal containing both protein and carbohydrates, while others may prefer a smaller snack with easily digestible carbohydrates and a moderate amount of protein. Some athletes may prefer liquid supplements or energy gels, while others may prefer whole foods. Customize your pre-workout nutrition based on your individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and workout intensity. Remember that hydration is equally important. Drinking water before your workout helps maintain optimal performance and prevents dehydration. Lastly, consult with a sports nutritionist for personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and fitness goals. They can help create a nutrition plan that aligns with your workout routine and dietary preferences. In summary… Pre-workout nutrition is a vital component of an athlete’s regimen, and its importance only increases with age. For adult athletes looking to perform at their best, enhance endurance, preserve muscle, and maintain mental focus, paying attention to what you eat before exercise is crucial. By following the guidelines mentioned above and tailoring your pre-workout nutrition to your specific needs, you can unlock your full athletic potential and achieve your fitness goals. Remember, success in sports isn’t just about the hours you spend training; it’s also about the fuel you provide your body to excel.

The post The importance of pre workout nutrition appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 5 minutes

Sports nutrition is a specialized branch of nutrition tailored to meet the unique dietary needs of athletes and individuals engaged in physical activity. While general nutrition focuses on providing essential nutrients for overall health and well-being, sports nutrition places a heightened emphasis on optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and supporting specific training goals. Pre workout nutrition considers timing of nutrient intake, amount of nutrients and hydration strategies. It could also include the use of supplements tailored to an athlete’s specific sport and training regimen.

Sports nutrition recognizes that athletes require not only the right quantity of nutrients but also the right timing and quality of those nutrients to perform at their peak and recover effectively. It’s a dynamic field that continues to evolve as researchers and practitioners work to refine strategies that help athletes achieve their full potential.

When it comes to optimizing athletic performance, it’s not just about what you do during your workout. It’s also about what you do up to 4 hours before. Pre workout nutrition plays a vital role in preparing your body for the physical demands of exercise, and it is especially important for adult athletes. In this blog post, I share the significance of pre-workout nutrition and provide valuable guidelines for how it can help adult athletes perform at their best.

Why is pre workout nutrition important?

One of the primary reasons pre-workout nutrition is essential is because it provides the necessary energy to power through your workout. Carbohydrates are a key player in this aspect. Consuming complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables before exercise ensures a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream, providing a sustained source of energy throughout your workout. This is particularly important for adult athletes who may have lower energy reserves than younger individuals.

Pre-workout nutrition also aids in improving endurance. Adequate carbohydrates not only provide energy but also help spare muscle glycogen stores. This means your muscles can work harder and longer before they fatigue. As an adult athlete, maintaining endurance is crucial for consistent training progress and overall performance.

Protein is another vital component of pre-workout nutrition. It helps prevent muscle breakdown during exercise. This is particularly important for adult athletes because muscle mass becomes more precious as we age. When you consume protein before your workout, it primes your body with the necessary amino acids to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. This is especially important for adult athletes who may be more prone to muscle loss due to the natural aging process.

In general, consuming protein before a workout can provide amino acids for muscle repair and growth. Lean protein sources are usually recommended before workouts to avoid excessive fat intake, which can slow down digestion. Examples include lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean beef), fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, or plant-based options like tofu or legumes.

One of the most neglected aspects of sports nutrition is hydration. Proper hydration is a fundamental aspect of pre-workout nutrition. Dehydration can lead to decreased performance, muscle cramps, and even heat-related illnesses. Adult athletes may be more susceptible to dehydration due to changes in their body’s water balance, making it crucial to start their workout well-hydrated.
Begin your workout well-hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Consider adding an electrolyte beverage for intense or prolonged exercise.

Pre-workout nutrition doesn’t just benefit the body; it also benefits the mind. Consuming the right nutrients before exercise can enhance mental focus and alertness, helping adult athletes stay sharp during their workouts. This is particularly important when you’re juggling a busy schedule and may be mentally fatigued.

Pre workout nutrition guidelines for adult athletes

Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of pre-workout nutrition, let’s discuss some practical guidelines for adult athletes:

It typically takes about 2-4 hours for your digestive system to completely break down food into accessible nutrients for energy. But it could take up to 10 hours for complete digestion to occur. The exact time it takes depends on several factors, including the composition of the meal, your individual digestive system, and your overall health. Meals that are higher in fat and protein may take longer than meals that contain primarily carbohydrates.

Aim to consume a balanced pre-workout meal 2 to 3 hours before and a snack 30-60 minutes before your exercise session. This allows for proper digestion and nutrient absorption, and ensures that your cells have access enough energy when they need it.

As a sports nutritionist, I recommend prioritizing carbohydrates before a workout over fats and protein. This is because carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy during exercise. If you plan to eat a meal before a workout, your meal should include 30-60 grams of digestible carbohydrates and 15-20 grams of protein. To make this a balanced meal, make sure to also add plenty of fiber and and a serving of healthy fat, too.

If you’re relying on a snack to fuel your workout, shoot for one that contains 30-60 grams of carbohydrates and 15-20 grams of protein. In this case, you can opt for very low quantity of other macronutrients such as fat, protein and fiber.

Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for sustained energy release. Simple carbohydrates like fruits can also be included for a quick energy boost, but avoid excessive sugar, as it may lead to energy crashes.

Fiber is essential for overall health but consuming too much fiber immediately before a workout can cause digestive discomfort. High-fiber foods can be included in your pre-workout meal that you consume 2-3 hours prior. However you might want to stick to lower-fiber foods sources in your pre-workout snack that you consume 30-60 minutes prior.

It’s essential to experiment with your pre-workout nutrition to find what works best for your body. Pay attention to how your body responds to different pre-workout nutrition strategies. Some people may prefer a balanced meal containing both protein and carbohydrates, while others may prefer a smaller snack with easily digestible carbohydrates and a moderate amount of protein. Some athletes may prefer liquid supplements or energy gels, while others may prefer whole foods. Customize your pre-workout nutrition based on your individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and workout intensity.

Remember that hydration is equally important. Drinking water before your workout helps maintain optimal performance and prevents dehydration.

Lastly, consult with a sports nutritionist for personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and fitness goals. They can help create a nutrition plan that aligns with your workout routine and dietary preferences.

In summary...

Pre-workout nutrition is a vital component of an athlete’s regimen, and its importance only increases with age. For adult athletes looking to perform at their best, enhance endurance, preserve muscle, and maintain mental focus, paying attention to what you eat before exercise is crucial. 

By following the guidelines mentioned above and tailoring your pre-workout nutrition to your specific needs, you can unlock your full athletic potential and achieve your fitness goals. Remember, success in sports isn’t just about the hours you spend training; it’s also about the fuel you provide your body to excel.

The post The importance of pre workout nutrition appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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30 day declutter challenge Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:49:22 +0000 Decluttering is a powerful tool for achieving organization and reducing overwhelm in our lives. One of its primary benefits is the immediate sense of control and order it brings to our spaces. When we systematically go through our belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard, we create a more streamlined and efficient environment. This not only saves us time searching for things but also reduces the mental stress caused by a cluttered and chaotic setting. As we eliminate unnecessary items and simplify our surroundings, we gain a clearer perspective on what truly matters, leading to increased focus and reduced mental clutter. Furthermore, decluttering has a profound impact on our emotional well-being. The act of letting go of items we no longer need or cherish can be incredibly liberating. It symbolizes a fresh start and a break from the burden of excess possessions. As we declutter, we also confront our attachment to material things and learn to prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material accumulation. This shift in mindset fosters a sense of freedom and contentment, ultimately reducing the overwhelm that often accompanies the quest for more. Decluttering extends beyond physical spaces; it can also apply to digital clutter, such as emails and files. Tackling these digital areas can alleviate the mental weight of a disorganized digital life, allowing us to better focus on tasks and responsibilities. In sum, decluttering is a transformative process that empowers us to regain control, find clarity, and reduce overwhelm in both our physical and mental spaces, ultimately paving the way for a more peaceful and balanced life. For this 30-day challenge, I’d recommend breaking up areas of your home and either spend all 10-minutes each day in that 1 area or tackle 30 smaller projects.   Below is a 30-day challenge that I’d recommend using to clear the clutter and get organized in a way that is practical for your space.   I’ve also created this downloadable template that you can use to complete this 30-day challenge. Step 1: What are you going to declutter? Write a list of 30 tasks to tackle for the next 30 days.  My advice is to pick small tasks that you can do in less than 20 minutes.  This will help to minimize overwhelm and stress and you might even find that it builds momentum to take on larger tasks later.  If you do pick a task that will take longer than 20 minutes to complete, break it up so that you’re working on it over several days.   And don’t forget that you can also extend these efforts to your car, shed, yard, storage unit, office or digital world. I would also recommend writing your plan for that area of your home next to the task – especially if you want to purchase organizing supplies.  I know we are trying to get rid of items, but we are also aiming for organized spaces where items have a specific place to live.   As long as you’re getting rid of far more items than you are purchasing for organizing, you’ll be in good shape. For example, if you want to declutter and organize the junk drawer, your plan might be to buy some drawer organizers.   Target, Amazon, HomeGoods (the storage and office aisles are my fave!) and the Container Store are excellent places to buy organizing supplies. Here is an example using the template I provided: Step 2: What are you going to do with the items you remove? The process of decluttering requires deciding what to do with the items you find in that space.  The first decision is to decide if you want to keep it or get rid of it.  If you do keep it, are you going to allow that thing to stay in this area or is there a better area of your home that makes more sense? If you choose to get rid of an item, decide whether it’s worthy of selling or donating.  If not, then trash it in the most environmentally responsible way. One thing that I like to do before I start decluttering is to have a trash bags nearby for donating/trashing, and another container or box for items that I want to keep but that go somewhere else.  And my task isn’t complete unless those items have been relocated to their proper homes.  So make sure you factor that into your sub 30-minute activity. Step 3: Follow through with each task. Now that you have the plan and schedule, it’s time to follow-through.  You’d be surprised how much clutter you can remove from your space(s) in less than 20 minutes a day.  If you do end up missing a day, because life happens, then be sure to double up on a day that you have some extra time.  I find that I sometimes gain a lot of momentum after completing 1 small task that I end up doing multiple tasks anyway.  If that happens to you, let it!  If not or you don’t have the time, then stick to your schedule.   And this is also a great project to do with family members, especially if it’s their stuff in question. If you find yourself challenged by the thought of getting rid of things because you’re too emotionally attached to them, recruit a friend that doesn’t have that same connection.  They can help you let go of the item and enjoy your freedom from a material item.  Remember that stuff is just stuff but memories last forever!

The post 30 day declutter challenge appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Decluttering is a powerful tool for achieving organization and reducing overwhelm in our lives. One of its primary benefits is the immediate sense of control and order it brings to our spaces. When we systematically go through our belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard, we create a more streamlined and efficient environment. This not only saves us time searching for things but also reduces the mental stress caused by a cluttered and chaotic setting. As we eliminate unnecessary items and simplify our surroundings, we gain a clearer perspective on what truly matters, leading to increased focus and reduced mental clutter.

Furthermore, decluttering has a profound impact on our emotional well-being. The act of letting go of items we no longer need or cherish can be incredibly liberating. It symbolizes a fresh start and a break from the burden of excess possessions. As we declutter, we also confront our attachment to material things and learn to prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material accumulation. This shift in mindset fosters a sense of freedom and contentment, ultimately reducing the overwhelm that often accompanies the quest for more.

Decluttering extends beyond physical spaces; it can also apply to digital clutter, such as emails and files. Tackling these digital areas can alleviate the mental weight of a disorganized digital life, allowing us to better focus on tasks and responsibilities. In sum, decluttering is a transformative process that empowers us to regain control, find clarity, and reduce overwhelm in both our physical and mental spaces, ultimately paving the way for a more peaceful and balanced life.

For this 30-day challenge, I’d recommend breaking up areas of your home and either spend all 10-minutes each day in that 1 area or tackle 30 smaller projects.   Below is a 30-day challenge that I’d recommend using to clear the clutter and get organized in a way that is practical for your space.   I’ve also created this downloadable template that you can use to complete this 30-day challenge.

Step 1: What are you going to declutter?

Write a list of 30 tasks to tackle for the next 30 days.  My advice is to pick small tasks that you can do in less than 20 minutes.  This will help to minimize overwhelm and stress and you might even find that it builds momentum to take on larger tasks later.  If you do pick a task that will take longer than 20 minutes to complete, break it up so that you’re working on it over several days.   And don’t forget that you can also extend these efforts to your car, shed, yard, storage unit, office or digital world.  

I would also recommend writing your plan for that area of your home next to the task – especially if you want to purchase organizing supplies.  I know we are trying to get rid of items, but we are also aiming for organized spaces where items have a specific place to live.   As long as you’re getting rid of far more items than you are purchasing for organizing, you’ll be in good shape.

For example, if you want to declutter and organize the junk drawer, your plan might be to buy some drawer organizers.   Target, Amazon, HomeGoods (the storage and office aisles are my fave!) and the Container Store are excellent places to buy organizing supplies. 

Here is an example using the template I provided: 

Step 2: What are you going to do with the items you remove?

The process of decluttering requires deciding what to do with the items you find in that space.  The first decision is to decide if you want to keep it or get rid of it.  If you do keep it, are you going to allow that thing to stay in this area or is there a better area of your home that makes more sense?  

If you choose to get rid of an item, decide whether it’s worthy of selling or donating.  If not, then trash it in the most environmentally responsible way.  

One thing that I like to do before I start decluttering is to have a trash bags nearby for donating/trashing, and another container or box for items that I want to keep but that go somewhere else.  And my task isn’t complete unless those items have been relocated to their proper homes.  So make sure you factor that into your sub 30-minute activity. 

Step 3: Follow through with each task.

Now that you have the plan and schedule, it’s time to follow-through.  You’d be surprised how much clutter you can remove from your space(s) in less than 20 minutes a day.  If you do end up missing a day, because life happens, then be sure to double up on a day that you have some extra time.  I find that I sometimes gain a lot of momentum after completing 1 small task that I end up doing multiple tasks anyway.  If that happens to you, let it!  If not or you don’t have the time, then stick to your schedule.   And this is also a great project to do with family members, especially if it’s their stuff in question.  

If you find yourself challenged by the thought of getting rid of things because you’re too emotionally attached to them, recruit a friend that doesn’t have that same connection.  They can help you let go of the item and enjoy your freedom from a material item.  Remember that stuff is just stuff but memories last forever! 

The post 30 day declutter challenge appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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12 superfood coffee alternatives Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:46:00 +0000 Read time: 5 minutes Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed by millions worldwide, celebrated not only for its rich flavor but also for the numerous potential health benefits it offers. Coffee is a potent source of antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can enhance alertness and cognitive function. Coffee’s potential health benefits, such as improved alertness, enhanced cognitive function, and reduced risk of certain diseases like Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes, primarily come from its caffeine content and antioxidant properties. But, coffee can also have drawbacks. Some people may have an intolerance or sensitivity to caffeine, and excessive caffeine intake can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns. Others may have no problem with caffeine but are sensitive to coffee’s acidity or experience digestive discomfort. For those opting for a coffee alternative, there are liquid superfoods that provide a milder, caffeine-free, or less acidic experience. But they still provide the experience and comforting ritual of a warm beverage. The alternatives listed here can offer unique flavors and additional health benefits, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences. Remember to customize these alternatives to your taste preferences and dietary needs. They can be enjoyed hot or cold, and you can add sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia if desired. As with any supplement or dietary addition, individual results may vary. Therefore, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before adding superfoods to your diet. Especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. Coffee swaps with caffeine Matcha green tea Matcha green tea is a vibrant and finely ground powdered tea originating from Japan, celebrated for its unique flavor and potential health benefits. Unlike traditional green teas, matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, which enhances its rich, umami taste. This vibrant green elixir has a high concentration of antioxidants, including catechins. These phytonutrients may help combat oxidative stress and promote overall well-being. Matcha is also cherished for its L-theanine content. L-theanine can induce a calm alertness and mental clarity, making it great for meditation and focus. Yerba mate tea Yerba mate is a traditional South American herbal tea with a rich cultural heritage and a unique flavor profile. It’s made from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant and known for its robust and earthy taste. It’s often described as a combination of green tea and grassy notes. Yerba mate contains natural caffeine, which provides a sustained energy boost without the jitters. It’s also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Yerba mate is typically enjoyed from a gourd or cup, using a metal straw called a “bombilla,”. This tradition is deeply ingrained in the social fabric of South American communities, where it’s often shared among friends and family. Green tea Green teais known for it’s anti-aging properties, and is popular among those looking to maintain youthful vitality. Packed with powerful antioxidants, particularly catechins, green tea can help combat oxidative stress. This stress plays a key role in the cellular aging process. These antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing cellular damage. This slows down the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Green tea also contains compounds like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG has been linked to improved skin health and protection against UV radiation. Thus further contributing to a youthful appearance. Regular consumption of green tea, as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, may be a simple and delicious way to support the body in its quest for graceful aging. Chai tea Chai tea offers a plethora of potential benefits, making it a beloved beverage worldwide. The blend of spices in chai, including cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and cloves, provides not only a warm and aromatic flavor but also a range of health advantages. Chai is rich in antioxidants, thanks to the spices, which may help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The black tea base contains caffeine, offering a gentle energy boost and improved alertness. Additionally, the spices in chai are known for their potential anti-inflammatory, digestive, and mood-enhancing properties. The combination of these factors makes chai tea a delightful and health-conscious choice for those seeking both flavor and wellness benefits in their daily beverage. Cocao nib infusion A cacao nib infusion, made by steeping cacao nibs in hot water or milk, offers a unique blend of flavors and potential health benefits. Cacao nibs are derived from crushed and roasted cacao beans and are rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which can help combat oxidative stress and support heart health. Additionally, cacao contains theobromine, a natural stimulant that can provide a gentle energy lift without the jitteriness associated with caffeine. This infusion has a pleasantly robust and slightly bitter taste, reminiscent of dark chocolate. It may also promote mood enhancement and cognitive function, thanks to the presence of certain compounds in cacao. Enjoying a cacao nib infusion is a delightful way to savor the distinct flavors of cacao while potentially reaping its healthful advantages. Coffee swaps without caffeine Turmeric latte (aka golden milk) A turmeric latte, often referred to as “golden milk,” is a warm and comforting beverage with a range of potential health benefits. The star ingredient, turmeric, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. Consuming turmeric latte may help reduce inflammation, alleviate joint pain, and support overall joint health. Additionally, curcumin is believed to have a positive impact on digestion and may aid in the management of digestive disorders. Turmeric’s potential to boost the immune system and promote heart health has also been explored in various studies. The addition of black pepper to the latte enhances the absorption of curcumin, maximizing its potential benefits. Beyond its health advantages, a turmeric latte offers a warm and soothing experience with its rich, earthy flavor, making it a popular choice for those seeking both wellness and comfort in a single cup. Maca latte A maca latte is a nourishing beverage that combines maca root powder with milk or a plant-based milk alternative, often sweetened with natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. Maca root is renowned for its potential health benefits, including increased energy and stamina, hormonal balance support, mood enhancement, and potential improvements in sexual health. Maca is considered an adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stress and promoting overall well-being. It is nutrient-rich, containing essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can contribute to a balanced diet. The comforting warmth and unique flavor of a maca latte make it a soothing and nutritious choice, perfect for those looking to harness the potential benefits of this ancient Peruvian superfood in a delicious and rejuvenating way. Dandelion root coffee Dandelion root tea offers a range of potential health benefits, making it a valuable addition to one’s wellness routine. Known for its mild, earthy flavor, this herbal tea has been traditionally used for its diuretic properties, aiding in the elimination of excess water and toxins from the body. This makes it a natural choice for supporting kidney and liver health. Dandelion root is also rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, the tea may support digestive health by promoting the production of digestive enzymes and soothing gastrointestinal discomfort. Mushroom coffee Mushroom coffee, made from medicinal mushrooms like reishi, chaga, or lion’s mane, offers a unique blend of potential health benefits. These mushrooms are known for their adaptogenic properties, which can help the body adapt to stress and enhance overall resilience. Mushroom coffee provides a mild caffeine boost without the jitters, offering sustained energy and mental clarity. These mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and contain bioactive compounds that may support immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote cognitive health. While the taste of mushroom coffee may vary depending on the blend, it often has earthy, nutty notes that some find quite enjoyable. Beetroot coffee Beetroot coffee, made by blending roasted beetroot with coffee or as a caffeine-free alternative, boasts a host of potential health benefits. Beetroots are rich in dietary nitrates, which can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles, potentially enhancing exercise performance. This natural source of nitrates may also support cardiovascular health by helping to regulate blood pressure. Beetroots are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, offering potential anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. When used as a coffee substitute, beetroot coffee provides a unique and slightly earthy flavor while contributing to overall well-being. Lemon water Lemon water is a simple and refreshing beverage that offers a multitude of potential health benefits. The high vitamin C content in lemons provides a boost to the immune system and aids in collagen production, contributing to healthy skin. The citric acid in lemon juice can support digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and promoting regular bowel movements. Lemon water’s alkalizing effect may help balance the body’s pH levels and reduce acidity. Moreover, it’s a low-calorie and hydrating alternative to sugary beverages, making it an excellent choice for weight management. Additionally, the antioxidants in lemons can combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Enjoyed as a warm or cold drink, lemon water is a versatile and healthful addition to your daily routine. Moringa tea Moringa tea, made from the leaves of the moringa oleifera tree, is celebrated for its impressive array of potential health benefits. This nutrient-dense herbal tea is rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and various B vitamins, as well as essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium. Moringa is also a potent source of antioxidants, particularly quercetin and chlorogenic acid, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Its anti-inflammatory properties may alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis, and its immune-boosting potential contributes to overall well-being. Moringa tea is believed to support digestion and may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable beverage for those seeking to enhance their nutritional intake and promote holistic health. Its mild, earthy flavor and potential wellness benefits make it an excellent addition to a balanced diet. In summary… Healthy coffee alternatives offer a diverse array of options for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake or explore new, nutritious beverages. These alternatives, ranging from matcha green tea and herbal teas to mushroom coffee and golden milk, provide various health benefits. They often contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can support overall well-being. These beverages can be tailored to individual preferences, whether you seek an energy boost, digestive aid, or relaxation. By incorporating these alternatives into your routine, you can enjoy flavorful and health-conscious beverages while reducing your reliance on traditional coffee. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 12 superfood coffee alternatives appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 5 minutes

Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed by millions worldwide, celebrated not only for its rich flavor but also for the numerous potential health benefits it offers. Coffee is a potent source of antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can enhance alertness and cognitive function.

Coffee’s potential health benefits, such as improved alertness, enhanced cognitive function, and reduced risk of certain diseases like Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes, primarily come from its caffeine content and antioxidant properties. But, coffee can also have drawbacks.

Some people may have an intolerance or sensitivity to caffeine, and excessive caffeine intake can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns. Others may have no problem with caffeine but are sensitive to coffee’s acidity or experience digestive discomfort.

For those opting for a coffee alternative, there are liquid superfoods that provide a milder, caffeine-free, or less acidic experience. But they still provide the experience and comforting ritual of a warm beverage.

The alternatives listed here can offer unique flavors and additional health benefits, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences. Remember to customize these alternatives to your taste preferences and dietary needs. They can be enjoyed hot or cold, and you can add sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia if desired. As with any supplement or dietary addition, individual results may vary. Therefore, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before adding superfoods to your diet. Especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Coffee swaps with caffeine

Matcha green tea

Matcha green tea is a vibrant and finely ground powdered tea originating from Japan, celebrated for its unique flavor and potential health benefits. Unlike traditional green teas, matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, which enhances its rich, umami taste.

This vibrant green elixir has a high concentration of antioxidants, including catechins. These phytonutrients may help combat oxidative stress and promote overall well-being. Matcha is also cherished for its L-theanine content. L-theanine can induce a calm alertness and mental clarity, making it great for meditation and focus.

Yerba mate tea

Yerba mate is a traditional South American herbal tea with a rich cultural heritage and a unique flavor profile. It’s made from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant and known for its robust and earthy taste. It’s often described as a combination of green tea and grassy notes. Yerba mate contains natural caffeine, which provides a sustained energy boost without the jitters. It’s also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Yerba mate is typically enjoyed from a gourd or cup, using a metal straw called a “bombilla,”. This tradition is deeply ingrained in the social fabric of South American communities, where it’s often shared among friends and family.

Green tea

Green teais known for it’s anti-aging properties, and is popular among those looking to maintain youthful vitality. Packed with powerful antioxidants, particularly catechins, green tea can help combat oxidative stress. This stress plays a key role in the cellular aging process. These antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing cellular damage. This slows down the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Green tea also contains compounds like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG has been linked to improved skin health and protection against UV radiation. Thus further contributing to a youthful appearance. Regular consumption of green tea, as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, may be a simple and delicious way to support the body in its quest for graceful aging.

Chai tea

Chai tea offers a plethora of potential benefits, making it a beloved beverage worldwide. The blend of spices in chai, including cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and cloves, provides not only a warm and aromatic flavor but also a range of health advantages. Chai is rich in antioxidants, thanks to the spices, which may help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The black tea base contains caffeine, offering a gentle energy boost and improved alertness. Additionally, the spices in chai are known for their potential anti-inflammatory, digestive, and mood-enhancing properties. The combination of these factors makes chai tea a delightful and health-conscious choice for those seeking both flavor and wellness benefits in their daily beverage.

Cocao nib infusion

A cacao nib infusion, made by steeping cacao nibs in hot water or milk, offers a unique blend of flavors and potential health benefits. Cacao nibs are derived from crushed and roasted cacao beans and are rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which can help combat oxidative stress and support heart health. Additionally, cacao contains theobromine, a natural stimulant that can provide a gentle energy lift without the jitteriness associated with caffeine. 

This infusion has a pleasantly robust and slightly bitter taste, reminiscent of dark chocolate. It may also promote mood enhancement and cognitive function, thanks to the presence of certain compounds in cacao. Enjoying a cacao nib infusion is a delightful way to savor the distinct flavors of cacao while potentially reaping its healthful advantages.

Coffee swaps without caffeine

Turmeric latte (aka golden milk)

A turmeric latte, often referred to as “golden milk,” is a warm and comforting beverage with a range of potential health benefits. The star ingredient, turmeric, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. Consuming turmeric latte may help reduce inflammation, alleviate joint pain, and support overall joint health. Additionally, curcumin is believed to have a positive impact on digestion and may aid in the management of digestive disorders. 

Turmeric’s potential to boost the immune system and promote heart health has also been explored in various studies. The addition of black pepper to the latte enhances the absorption of curcumin, maximizing its potential benefits. Beyond its health advantages, a turmeric latte offers a warm and soothing experience with its rich, earthy flavor, making it a popular choice for those seeking both wellness and comfort in a single cup.

Maca latte

A maca latte is a nourishing beverage that combines maca root powder with milk or a plant-based milk alternative, often sweetened with natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. Maca root is renowned for its potential health benefits, including increased energy and stamina, hormonal balance support, mood enhancement, and potential improvements in sexual health.

Maca is considered an adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stress and promoting overall well-being. It is nutrient-rich, containing essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can contribute to a balanced diet. The comforting warmth and unique flavor of a maca latte make it a soothing and nutritious choice, perfect for those looking to harness the potential benefits of this ancient Peruvian superfood in a delicious and rejuvenating way.

Dandelion root coffee

Dandelion root tea offers a range of potential health benefits, making it a valuable addition to one’s wellness routine. Known for its mild, earthy flavor, this herbal tea has been traditionally used for its diuretic properties, aiding in the elimination of excess water and toxins from the body. This makes it a natural choice for supporting kidney and liver health. Dandelion root is also rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, the tea may support digestive health by promoting the production of digestive enzymes and soothing gastrointestinal discomfort.

Mushroom coffee

Mushroom coffee, made from medicinal mushrooms like reishi, chaga, or lion’s mane, offers a unique blend of potential health benefits. These mushrooms are known for their adaptogenic properties, which can help the body adapt to stress and enhance overall resilience. Mushroom coffee provides a mild caffeine boost without the jitters, offering sustained energy and mental clarity.

These mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and contain bioactive compounds that may support immune function, reduce inflammation, and promote cognitive health. While the taste of mushroom coffee may vary depending on the blend, it often has earthy, nutty notes that some find quite enjoyable.

Beetroot coffee

Beetroot coffee, made by blending roasted beetroot with coffee or as a caffeine-free alternative, boasts a host of potential health benefits. Beetroots are rich in dietary nitrates, which can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles, potentially enhancing exercise performance. This natural source of nitrates may also support cardiovascular health by helping to regulate blood pressure.

Beetroots are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, offering potential anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. When used as a coffee substitute, beetroot coffee provides a unique and slightly earthy flavor while contributing to overall well-being.

Lemon water

Lemon water is a simple and refreshing beverage that offers a multitude of potential health benefits. The high vitamin C content in lemons provides a boost to the immune system and aids in collagen production, contributing to healthy skin. The citric acid in lemon juice can support digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and promoting regular bowel movements.

Lemon water’s alkalizing effect may help balance the body’s pH levels and reduce acidity. Moreover, it’s a low-calorie and hydrating alternative to sugary beverages, making it an excellent choice for weight management. Additionally, the antioxidants in lemons can combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Enjoyed as a warm or cold drink, lemon water is a versatile and healthful addition to your daily routine.

Moringa tea

Moringa tea, made from the leaves of the moringa oleifera tree, is celebrated for its impressive array of potential health benefits. This nutrient-dense herbal tea is rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and various B vitamins, as well as essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium. Moringa is also a potent source of antioxidants, particularly quercetin and chlorogenic acid, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Its anti-inflammatory properties may alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis, and its immune-boosting potential contributes to overall well-being.

Moringa tea is believed to support digestion and may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable beverage for those seeking to enhance their nutritional intake and promote holistic health. Its mild, earthy flavor and potential wellness benefits make it an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

In summary...

Healthy coffee alternatives offer a diverse array of options for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake or explore new, nutritious beverages. These alternatives, ranging from matcha green tea and herbal teas to mushroom coffee and golden milk, provide various health benefits. They often contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can support overall well-being.

These beverages can be tailored to individual preferences, whether you seek an energy boost, digestive aid, or relaxation. By incorporating these alternatives into your routine, you can enjoy flavorful and health-conscious beverages while reducing your reliance on traditional coffee.

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Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 12 superfood coffee alternatives appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

]]> 0 12022
The carbohydrate conundrum: the truth about good and bad carbs Thu, 14 Sep 2023 22:42:18 +0000 Read time: 6 minutes Carbohydrates are a vital macronutrient in sports nutrition, serving as the primary source of energy for athletes and active individuals. Proper carbohydrate intake before, during, and after exercise helps replenish glycogen stores and supports overall athletic performance, making them a cornerstone of sports nutrition strategies for athletes aiming to optimize their endurance, strength, and recovery. Carbohydrates, often dubbed the “enemy” in fad diets, are actually a vital macronutrient and a crucial source of energy for our bodies. However, not all carbs are created equal. There’s a fundamental distinction between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates. Understanding this difference is key to making dietary choices that support health and well-being. Here are some of the nuances between good and bad carbs and how to incorporate them into your diet for a balanced and nutritious lifestyle. What are good and bad carbs? Good carbs are often referred to as complex carbohydrates. They are found in foods that are minimally processed and closer to their natural state. These carbohydrates are rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and are digested slowly, providing a steady release of energy. Good sources of complex carbs include whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, and oats. Vegetables, legumes, and fruits also fall into this category, offering a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants alongside their carb content. Good carbs play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. They are linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved digestive health, and sustained energy levels. The fiber in complex carbs aids in digestion, helps control appetite, and maintains stable blood sugar levels. Plus, the vitamins and minerals found in these foods contribute to a well-rounded, nutritious diet. Bad carbs, on the other hand, are typically refined and highly processed. They have been stripped of their natural fiber and nutrients, causing them to be rapidly digested and leading to spikes in blood sugar levels. This can result in energy crashes and cravings. Common sources of bad carbs include sugary beverages, candy, white bread, pastries, and most breakfast cereals. These empty-calorie options offer little nutritional value and are best consumed sparingly. Bad carbs, when consumed in excess, can lead to various health problems. These include weight gain, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic issues. The rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes associated with bad carbs can leave you feeling lethargic and hungry, leading to overeating and poor dietary choices. Are simple carbohydrates good or bad? Simple carbohydrates, often associated with “bad” carbs due to their quick digestion and potential to spike blood sugar, can actually be considered “good” in certain contexts. While it’s true that foods high in refined sugars and syrups should be limited in a healthy diet, simple carbohydrates found in whole fruits provide essential nutrients and quick energy in a natural, unprocessed form. These natural sugars are accompanied by fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which slow down the absorption of sugar, prevent energy crashes, and contribute to overall health. So, when it comes to simple carbohydrates from whole, unprocessed sources like fruits, they can indeed be considered “good” as part of a balanced diet. Athletes may want to consume simple carbohydrates in specific situations where rapid energy availability is essential. For example, consuming simple carbohydrates 30 minutes to an hour before exercise or competition can provide a quick source of energy. This can help athletes perform at their best, especially in high-intensity or short-duration activities. And for endurance athletes participating in activities lasting more than 60-90 minutes, consuming simple carbohydrates during exercise can help maintain energy levels and delay fatigue. Energy gels, sports drinks, or easily digestible snacks with simple sugars are often used for this purpose. It’s important to note that while simple carbohydrates can be useful in these situations, they should be chosen wisely. Natural sources like fruits and honey are preferable to highly processed sugary snacks and beverages. The amount of simple carbohydrates needed will vary depending on an athlete’s individual energy requirements and their sport or activity. Consulting with a sports nutritionist can help athletes create a personalized nutrition plan to optimize their carbohydrate intake for performance and recovery. How can I make the right food choices? Now that we’ve dissected the difference between good and bad carbs, here are some tips for incorporating the right carbohydrates into your diet: 1. Read food labels. Reading food labels is a valuable skill when it comes to discerning between good and bad carbohydrates. To spot good carbs, look for products with a higher fiber content and whole grains listed as the first ingredient. Favor items that contain minimal added sugars and syrups. On the flip side, to identify bad carbs, watch out for high sugar content and ingredients like high fructose corn syrup or refined grains, such as white flour, listed prominently. Be aware that terms like “enriched” or “fortified” on labels often indicate that essential nutrients have been removed during processing and then added back artificially. By scrutinizing food labels, you can make informed choices that prioritize complex, nutritious carbohydrates while minimizing your intake of empty-calorie, sugary foods, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more balanced diet. 2. Balance is key. Achieving a balanced approach to consuming good and bad carbohydrates is the key to maintaining a healthy diet. While good carbs, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide essential nutrients, fiber, and sustained energy, it’s unrealistic and unnecessary to completely eliminate bad carbs, like sugary treats or refined products, from our diets. Instead, moderation is the guiding principle. Embrace the majority of your carbohydrate intake from good sources, ensuring they form the foundation of your meals. Occasionally indulging in bad carbs can be part of a well-rounded diet, as long as it’s in controlled portions and doesn’t overshadow your intake of nutritious foods. The goal is to make conscious choices that prioritize the nourishing qualities of good carbs while savoring occasional treats in a balanced and mindful manner. This approach not only supports your health but also makes it easier to maintain dietary choices in the long term. 3. Cook from scratch. Cooking from scratch is a powerful strategy to sidestep the pitfalls of bad carbs in your diet. When you prepare meals at home, you have control over the ingredients, allowing you to choose whole, unprocessed options over the highly refined and sugary alternatives often found in pre-packaged and fast-food meals. By using whole grains like brown rice or whole wheat pasta, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and natural sweeteners, you can create delicious and nutritious dishes that are free from the excess sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories commonly associated with bad carbs. Cooking from scratch not only empowers you to make healthier choices but also allows you to experiment with flavors and ingredients, making the journey toward a balanced and wholesome diet a fulfilling and enjoyable one. 4. Choose based on your goals. Choosing wisely when it comes to consuming carbs is essential for maintaining overall health and optimizing athletic performance. The foods that you choose are important, but so is the timing of when you opt for good or bad carbs. Choosing good carbs prior to a performance is important so this is when you’ll opt for foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as they provide essential nutrients, fiber, and sustained energy. And while you want to limit your intake of bad carbs, there is a good time to indulge in the. That’s when you don’t have an event coming up and don’t need to be at the top of your game. This is because bad carbs don’t offer very much nutritional value, may cause fatigue and may cause inflammation in the body. You can also choose carbs based on your body composition goals. If you’re goal is to drop is to body fat, consuming foods such as sugary snacks and processed foods, may derail you. But, if your goals is to maintain your current body composition or to add muscle mass, you may be able to fit these “bad” foods into your daily calorie goals. In summary… Carbohydrates are not the dietary villains they are often portrayed to be. The key lies in distinguishing between good and bad carbs and making conscious choices that support your health and well-being. By prioritizing complex carbohydrates, you can maintain steady energy levels, promote overall health, and enjoy a balanced diet that includes all the essential nutrients your body needs. So, embrace the good carbs and savor them in a variety of delicious and nutritious ways! Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post The carbohydrate conundrum: the truth about good and bad carbs appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 6 minutes

Carbohydrates are a vital macronutrient in sports nutrition, serving as the primary source of energy for athletes and active individuals.

Proper carbohydrate intake before, during, and after exercise helps replenish glycogen stores and supports overall athletic performance, making them a cornerstone of sports nutrition strategies for athletes aiming to optimize their endurance, strength, and recovery.

Carbohydrates, often dubbed the “enemy” in fad diets, are actually a vital macronutrient and a crucial source of energy for our bodies. However, not all carbs are created equal. There’s a fundamental distinction between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates. Understanding this difference is key to making dietary choices that support health and well-being. Here are some of the nuances between good and bad carbs and how to incorporate them into your diet for a balanced and nutritious lifestyle.

What are good and bad carbs?

Good carbs are often referred to as complex carbohydrates. They are found in foods that are minimally processed and closer to their natural state. These carbohydrates are rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and are digested slowly, providing a steady release of energy. Good sources of complex carbs include whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, and oats. Vegetables, legumes, and fruits also fall into this category, offering a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants alongside their carb content.

Good carbs play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. They are linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved digestive health, and sustained energy levels. The fiber in complex carbs aids in digestion, helps control appetite, and maintains stable blood sugar levels. Plus, the vitamins and minerals found in these foods contribute to a well-rounded, nutritious diet.

Bad carbs, on the other hand, are typically refined and highly processed. They have been stripped of their natural fiber and nutrients, causing them to be rapidly digested and leading to spikes in blood sugar levels. This can result in energy crashes and cravings. Common sources of bad carbs include sugary beverages, candy, white bread, pastries, and most breakfast cereals. These empty-calorie options offer little nutritional value and are best consumed sparingly.

Bad carbs, when consumed in excess, can lead to various health problems. These include weight gain, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic issues. The rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes associated with bad carbs can leave you feeling lethargic and hungry, leading to overeating and poor dietary choices.

Are simple carbohydrates good or bad?

Simple carbohydrates, often associated with “bad” carbs due to their quick digestion and potential to spike blood sugar, can actually be considered “good” in certain contexts. While it’s true that foods high in refined sugars and syrups should be limited in a healthy diet, simple carbohydrates found in whole fruits provide essential nutrients and quick energy in a natural, unprocessed form.

These natural sugars are accompanied by fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which slow down the absorption of sugar, prevent energy crashes, and contribute to overall health.

So, when it comes to simple carbohydrates from whole, unprocessed sources like fruits, they can indeed be considered “good” as part of a balanced diet.

Athletes may want to consume simple carbohydrates in specific situations where rapid energy availability is essential. For example, consuming simple carbohydrates 30 minutes to an hour before exercise or competition can provide a quick source of energy. This can help athletes perform at their best, especially in high-intensity or short-duration activities. And for endurance athletes participating in activities lasting more than 60-90 minutes, consuming simple carbohydrates during exercise can help maintain energy levels and delay fatigue. Energy gels, sports drinks, or easily digestible snacks with simple sugars are often used for this purpose.

It’s important to note that while simple carbohydrates can be useful in these situations, they should be chosen wisely. Natural sources like fruits and honey are preferable to highly processed sugary snacks and beverages. The amount of simple carbohydrates needed will vary depending on an athlete’s individual energy requirements and their sport or activity. Consulting with a sports nutritionist can help athletes create a personalized nutrition plan to optimize their carbohydrate intake for performance and recovery.

How can I make the right food choices?

Now that we’ve dissected the difference between good and bad carbs, here are some tips for incorporating the right carbohydrates into your diet:

1. Read food labels.

Reading food labels is a valuable skill when it comes to discerning between good and bad carbohydrates. To spot good carbs, look for products with a higher fiber content and whole grains listed as the first ingredient. Favor items that contain minimal added sugars and syrups.

On the flip side, to identify bad carbs, watch out for high sugar content and ingredients like high fructose corn syrup or refined grains, such as white flour, listed prominently. Be aware that terms like “enriched” or “fortified” on labels often indicate that essential nutrients have been removed during processing and then added back artificially. By scrutinizing food labels, you can make informed choices that prioritize complex, nutritious carbohydrates while minimizing your intake of empty-calorie, sugary foods, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more balanced diet.

2. Balance is key.

Achieving a balanced approach to consuming good and bad carbohydrates is the key to maintaining a healthy diet. While good carbs, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide essential nutrients, fiber, and sustained energy, it’s unrealistic and unnecessary to completely eliminate bad carbs, like sugary treats or refined products, from our diets. Instead, moderation is the guiding principle.

Embrace the majority of your carbohydrate intake from good sources, ensuring they form the foundation of your meals. Occasionally indulging in bad carbs can be part of a well-rounded diet, as long as it’s in controlled portions and doesn’t overshadow your intake of nutritious foods. The goal is to make conscious choices that prioritize the nourishing qualities of good carbs while savoring occasional treats in a balanced and mindful manner. This approach not only supports your health but also makes it easier to maintain dietary choices in the long term.

3. Cook from scratch.

Cooking from scratch is a powerful strategy to sidestep the pitfalls of bad carbs in your diet. When you prepare meals at home, you have control over the ingredients, allowing you to choose whole, unprocessed options over the highly refined and sugary alternatives often found in pre-packaged and fast-food meals.

By using whole grains like brown rice or whole wheat pasta, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and natural sweeteners, you can create delicious and nutritious dishes that are free from the excess sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories commonly associated with bad carbs. Cooking from scratch not only empowers you to make healthier choices but also allows you to experiment with flavors and ingredients, making the journey toward a balanced and wholesome diet a fulfilling and enjoyable one.

4. Choose based on your goals.

Choosing wisely when it comes to consuming carbs is essential for maintaining overall health and optimizing athletic performance. The foods that you choose are important, but so is the timing of when you opt for good or bad carbs. Choosing good carbs prior to a performance is important so this is when you’ll opt for foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as they provide essential nutrients, fiber, and sustained energy.

And while you want to limit your intake of bad carbs, there is a good time to indulge in the. That’s when you don’t have an event coming up and don’t need to be at the top of your game. This is because bad carbs don’t offer very much nutritional value, may cause fatigue and may cause inflammation in the body.

You can also choose carbs based on your body composition goals. If you’re goal is to drop is to body fat, consuming foods such as sugary snacks and processed foods, may derail you. But, if your goals is to maintain your current body composition or to add muscle mass, you may be able to fit these “bad” foods into your daily calorie goals.

In summary...

Carbohydrates are not the dietary villains they are often portrayed to be. The key lies in distinguishing between good and bad carbs and making conscious choices that support your health and well-being. By prioritizing complex carbohydrates, you can maintain steady energy levels, promote overall health, and enjoy a balanced diet that includes all the essential nutrients your body needs. So, embrace the good carbs and savor them in a variety of delicious and nutritious ways!

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post The carbohydrate conundrum: the truth about good and bad carbs appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

]]> 1 12014
A guide to identifying and avoiding gerontogens (aka aging accelerators) Thu, 07 Sep 2023 23:32:21 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds Aging, an inevitable part of life, has fascinated and perplexed humanity for centuries. While we cannot halt the relentless march of time, researchers have made tremendous strides in understanding the processes that drive aging. Among the many factors at play, gerontogens have emerged as key players in the aging puzzle. In this blog post, we will delve into what gerontogens are, explore some examples, and understand why we should strive to avoid them. What are gerontogens? Gerontogens are substances or factors that accelerate the aging process or increase the risk of age-related diseases. The term “gerontogen” derives from the Greek words “geron” (meaning old man) and “genes” (meaning born of), implying factors that give rise to old age. These agents can impact various aspects of cellular function, contributing to the gradual deterioration that accompanies aging. Understanding gerontogens is crucial because they shed light on the complex interplay between genetics and environment in the aging process. While genetics plays a significant role in determining an individual’s aging trajectory, environmental factors, including gerontogens, can modulate these genetic influences. Types of gerontogens Gerontogens can be found in a variety of sources, from the environment to our lifestyle choices. Here are some common ones: Ultraviolet radiation Excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds can lead to premature aging of the skin. UV radiation damages collagen and elastin fibers, causing wrinkles and fine lines. It also increases the risk of skin cancer, a disease strongly associated with aging. Smoking Tobacco smoke contains numerous toxic chemicals that accelerate the aging process. Smoking contributes to wrinkles, sagging skin, and a dull complexion. It also raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases and various cancers, all of which are age-related conditions. Poor diet Diets high in processed foods, sugary beverages, and saturated fats can promote aging by causing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. These processes are linked to age-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Chronic stress Chronic stress, often a consequence of modern lifestyles, can accelerate aging by triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Prolonged exposure to elevated cortisol levels can lead to muscle loss, weakened immune function, and cognitive decline. Environmental toxins Exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals (e.g., lead and mercury) and air pollution can have detrimental effects on the aging process. These substances can damage DNA, impair organ function, and contribute to chronic diseases. Sleep deprivation Inadequate sleep is a common modern problem that can promote aging. Sleep is essential for cellular repair and regeneration, and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to cognitive decline, weakened immunity, and increased susceptibility to age-related diseases. Alcohol consumption Excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate aging by damaging various organs, including the liver and brain. It can also lead to skin problems, including redness, puffiness, and premature aging. Why should we avoid gerontogens? Understanding what gerontogens are is only part of the equation. The more critical question is why we should strive to avoid them. Here are some compelling reasons: Prolonged youthful appearance Avoiding gerontogens helps preserve a more youthful appearance. Many of these factors contribute to the physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. By minimizing exposure to gerontogens, we can delay the onset of these age-related changes and maintain a youthful look for longer. Enhanced quality of life Aging is not just about how we look but also how we feel. Avoiding gerontogens can lead to a better quality of life as we age. By reducing the risk of age-related diseases, we can enjoy better physical and mental health, greater mobility, and a higher level of independence. Longer lifespan While we cannot completely stop the aging process, avoiding gerontogens can extend our lifespan. By reducing the risk of diseases associated with aging, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, we can increase our chances of living a longer, healthier life. Lower healthcare costs Age-related diseases often come with significant healthcare costs. Avoiding gerontogens can reduce the burden on healthcare systems and personal finances by preventing or delaying the onset of these conditions. This, in turn, can lead to a more economically sustainable society. Scientific advancements Avoiding gerontogens contributes to ongoing scientific research on aging. Understanding the impact of these factors on the aging process can lead to the development of targeted interventions and therapies to slow down aging and reduce the associated health risks. Environmental impact Some gerontogens, like air pollution and environmental toxins, not only affect human health but also harm the environment. Reducing exposure to these substances benefits both human populations and the planet. How can we avoid gerontogens? Now that we understand the importance of avoiding gerontogens, let’s explore some strategies to minimize our exposure to these aging accelerators: Protect your skin from UV radiation. Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and avoid excessive sun exposure, especially during peak hours. These measures can protect your skin from premature aging and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Quit smoking. And vaping. If you smoke, quitting is one of the most significant steps you can take to slow down aging and improve your overall health.  Vaping may be slightly less toxic but still very harmful and contributes to premature aging.  Seek support and resources to help you quit smoking successfully. Eat more vegetables. Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-sugar beverages to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Manage stress. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness. Managing stress can help lower cortisol levels and mitigate its aging effects. Limit exposure to toxins. Take steps to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins. This may include using air purifiers, drinking filtered water, and being mindful of the products you use in your home. Prioritize sleep. Aim for eight to ten hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a sleep-conducive environment to support your body’s repair processes. Drink alcohol sparingly. If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Limiting alcohol intake can help protect your liver, brain, and overall health. In summary… Gerontogens are the hidden culprits that contribute to the aging process and increase the risk of age-related diseases. Understanding what they are and why we should avoid them empowers us to take control of our aging journey. By making informed lifestyle choices and minimizing exposure to gerontogens, we can slow down the clock, enjoy a longer and healthier life, and contribute to ongoing scientific advancements in the field of aging research. Aging may be inevitable, but it doesn’t mean we can’t age gracefully and healthily. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post A guide to identifying and avoiding gerontogens (aka aging accelerators) appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds

Aging, an inevitable part of life, has fascinated and perplexed humanity for centuries. While we cannot halt the relentless march of time, researchers have made tremendous strides in understanding the processes that drive aging. Among the many factors at play, gerontogens have emerged as key players in the aging puzzle. In this blog post, we will delve into what gerontogens are, explore some examples, and understand why we should strive to avoid them.

What are gerontogens?

Gerontogens are substances or factors that accelerate the aging process or increase the risk of age-related diseases. The term “gerontogen” derives from the Greek words “geron” (meaning old man) and “genes” (meaning born of), implying factors that give rise to old age. These agents can impact various aspects of cellular function, contributing to the gradual deterioration that accompanies aging.

Understanding gerontogens is crucial because they shed light on the complex interplay between genetics and environment in the aging process. While genetics plays a significant role in determining an individual’s aging trajectory, environmental factors, including gerontogens, can modulate these genetic influences.

Types of gerontogens

Gerontogens can be found in a variety of sources, from the environment to our lifestyle choices. Here are some common ones:

Ultraviolet radiation

Excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds can lead to premature aging of the skin. UV radiation damages collagen and elastin fibers, causing wrinkles and fine lines. It also increases the risk of skin cancer, a disease strongly associated with aging.


Tobacco smoke contains numerous toxic chemicals that accelerate the aging process. Smoking contributes to wrinkles, sagging skin, and a dull complexion. It also raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases and various cancers, all of which are age-related conditions.

Poor diet

Diets high in processed foods, sugary beverages, and saturated fats can promote aging by causing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. These processes are linked to age-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress, often a consequence of modern lifestyles, can accelerate aging by triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Prolonged exposure to elevated cortisol levels can lead to muscle loss, weakened immune function, and cognitive decline.

Environmental toxins

Exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals (e.g., lead and mercury) and air pollution can have detrimental effects on the aging process. These substances can damage DNA, impair organ function, and contribute to chronic diseases.

Sleep deprivation

Inadequate sleep is a common modern problem that can promote aging. Sleep is essential for cellular repair and regeneration, and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to cognitive decline, weakened immunity, and increased susceptibility to age-related diseases.

Alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate aging by damaging various organs, including the liver and brain. It can also lead to skin problems, including redness, puffiness, and premature aging.

Why should we avoid gerontogens?

Understanding what gerontogens are is only part of the equation. The more critical question is why we should strive to avoid them. Here are some compelling reasons:

Prolonged youthful appearance

Avoiding gerontogens helps preserve a more youthful appearance. Many of these factors contribute to the physical signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. By minimizing exposure to gerontogens, we can delay the onset of these age-related changes and maintain a youthful look for longer.

Enhanced quality of life

Aging is not just about how we look but also how we feel. Avoiding gerontogens can lead to a better quality of life as we age. By reducing the risk of age-related diseases, we can enjoy better physical and mental health, greater mobility, and a higher level of independence.

Longer lifespan

While we cannot completely stop the aging process, avoiding gerontogens can extend our lifespan. By reducing the risk of diseases associated with aging, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, we can increase our chances of living a longer, healthier life.

Lower healthcare costs

Age-related diseases often come with significant healthcare costs. Avoiding gerontogens can reduce the burden on healthcare systems and personal finances by preventing or delaying the onset of these conditions. This, in turn, can lead to a more economically sustainable society.

Scientific advancements

Avoiding gerontogens contributes to ongoing scientific research on aging. Understanding the impact of these factors on the aging process can lead to the development of targeted interventions and therapies to slow down aging and reduce the associated health risks.

Environmental impact

Some gerontogens, like air pollution and environmental toxins, not only affect human health but also harm the environment. Reducing exposure to these substances benefits both human populations and the planet.

How can we avoid gerontogens?

Now that we understand the importance of avoiding gerontogens, let’s explore some strategies to minimize our exposure to these aging accelerators:

Protect your skin from UV radiation.

Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and avoid excessive sun exposure, especially during peak hours. These measures can protect your skin from premature aging and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Quit smoking. And vaping.

If you smoke, quitting is one of the most significant steps you can take to slow down aging and improve your overall health.  Vaping may be slightly less toxic but still very harmful and contributes to premature aging.  Seek support and resources to help you quit smoking successfully.

Eat more vegetables.

Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-sugar beverages to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Manage stress.

Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness. Managing stress can help lower cortisol levels and mitigate its aging effects.

Limit exposure to toxins.

Take steps to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins. This may include using air purifiers, drinking filtered water, and being mindful of the products you use in your home.

Prioritize sleep.

Aim for eight to ten hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a sleep-conducive environment to support your body’s repair processes.

Drink alcohol sparingly.

If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Limiting alcohol intake can help protect your liver, brain, and overall health.

In summary...

Gerontogens are the hidden culprits that contribute to the aging process and increase the risk of age-related diseases. Understanding what they are and why we should avoid them empowers us to take control of our aging journey. By making informed lifestyle choices and minimizing exposure to gerontogens, we can slow down the clock, enjoy a longer and healthier life, and contribute to ongoing scientific advancements in the field of aging research. Aging may be inevitable, but it doesn’t mean we can’t age gracefully and healthily.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post A guide to identifying and avoiding gerontogens (aka aging accelerators) appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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7 mind-body techniques to improve mental focus Tue, 05 Sep 2023 23:23:35 +0000 Read time: 8 minutes Mental focus is paramount for adult athletes, both within their chosen activities and in their broader lives. In their sports or athletic pursuits, a sharp and unwavering mental focus can be the difference between success and failure. It enables athletes to remain fully present in the moment, enhancing their decision-making abilities, reaction times, and overall performance. Moreover, mental focus helps athletes cope with stress and pressure, allowing them to maintain composure during critical moments. Beyond the arena, mental focus translates into valuable life skills. Athletes learn discipline, determination, and the ability to set and pursue goals with unwavering dedication, which can positively impact their personal and professional lives. This heightened mental acuity not only serves them well in their athletic endeavors but also equips them with a valuable mindset for overcoming challenges and achieving success in various aspects of life. Enhancing mental focus is a goal shared by many in today’s fast-paced world, and achieving it often involves a harmonious integration of body and mind. These seven powerful body-mind techniques stand out as effective means to sharpen concentration and clarity. Together, these seven techniques provide a versatile toolkit for enhancing mental focus and overall well-being. 1. Meditate Meditation is a powerful practice for improving mental focus due to its ability to train the mind to remain present and cultivate mindfulness. When we meditate, we engage in a deliberate and often structured form of mental exercise. By focusing on a specific object, such as the breath, a mantra, or bodily sensations, we practice redirecting our attention whenever it wanders. This process strengthens our ability to sustain concentration over time. Moreover, meditation promotes mindfulness, the state of being fully aware of the present moment without judgment. As a result, we become more attuned to our thoughts and feelings, which allows us to recognize distractions and gently bring our focus back to the task at hand. Over time, this heightened awareness and sharpened focus spill over into various aspects of our daily lives, enhancing our cognitive abilities and productivity. To meditate effectively, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Choose a point of focus, such as your breath, a specific sound, or a mantra. As you breathe naturally, direct your attention to this chosen point. When your mind inevitably wanders, as it naturally does, gently and without judgment, bring your focus back to your chosen point. Consistency is key, so start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. Whether it’s a few minutes each morning or a longer session in the evening, regular meditation can help train your mind to stay present, reduce mental clutter, and enhance your mental focus in the long run. 2. Yoga Yoga is a holistic practice that can significantly enhance mental focus through its integration of physical postures, controlled breathing, and mindfulness techniques. The physical postures, or asanas, in yoga require concentration and balance, which engage the mind in the present moment. This process of focusing on maintaining proper alignment and breathing during yoga poses helps train the mind to be more attentive and aware. Additionally, the deliberate and controlled breathing exercises, known as pranayama, can have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety that can otherwise distract from mental focus. The incorporation of mindfulness and meditation elements in yoga encourages participants to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, fostering a greater capacity for sustained attention and concentration in everyday life. To practice yoga, start by finding a quiet, comfortable space with enough room to move freely. You can follow along with guided yoga sessions online or attend classes at a local studio. Begin with simple poses and gradually progress to more complex ones as you become more experienced. Pay close attention to your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply as you transition between poses. The key to yoga is not to force yourself into positions but to find a balance between effort and relaxation. It’s important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Regular yoga practice, even if it’s just a few minutes per week, can help improve mental focus by promoting mindfulness, reducing stress, and enhancing mind-body awareness. 3. Deep breathing Deep breathing is a simple yet highly effective technique for improving mental focus by promoting relaxation and enhancing the oxygen supply to the brain. When we engage in deep, diaphragmatic breathing, we activate the body’s relaxation response, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety—a common cause of distractions and scattered thoughts. Deep breaths slow down the heart rate and calm the nervous system, creating a conducive environment for sharper mental focus. Moreover, deep breathing ensures a steady flow of oxygen to the brain, which is essential for optimal cognitive function. This increased oxygen supply can improve alertness, concentration, and mental clarity, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing focus, especially during demanding tasks or high-stress situations. To practice deep breathing, find a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand as you fill your lungs. Count to four as you inhale. Then, exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, counting to six as you release the breath. Focus on the rhythm of your breath and the sensation of your abdomen rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation. Repeat this deep breathing pattern for several minutes, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the technique. You can also practice deep breathing exercises at any time during the day when you need to regain focus or reduce stress. Incorporating deep breathing into your daily routine can be a simple but powerful way to improve mental clarity and enhance your ability to concentrate. 4. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that can significantly enhance mental focus by reducing physical tension and stress. When we’re stressed or anxious, our muscles tend to tighten up, which can lead to discomfort and mental distraction. PMR involves systematically tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body. This process not only helps to relieve physical tension but also encourages greater self-awareness. By learning to recognize and release muscle tension, you become more attuned to your body’s response to stress and can actively work to reduce it. This relaxation technique can create a sense of calm and ease in the body, making it easier to concentrate on tasks and maintain mental focus. To practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Start by taking a few deep breaths to relax. Then, systematically work through different muscle groups, one at a time. Begin with your toes, curling them tightly for a few seconds, then releasing and focusing on the sensation of relaxation. Move upward through your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, and finally, your facial muscles. For each muscle group, tense the muscles for about 5-10 seconds, then release and allow them to relax completely for 20-30 seconds. As you progress through each muscle group, pay close attention to the contrast between tension and relaxation. Continue this process for 15-20 minutes, ideally making it a daily practice. By regularly incorporating PMR into your routine, you can reduce physical tension, ease stress, and improve your mental focus over time. 5. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a structured program designed to reduce stress and improve mental focus through mindfulness meditation and awareness practices. One of the primary ways MBSR enhances mental focus is by training individuals to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. By learning to observe thoughts, emotions, and sensations without attaching judgment or reacting impulsively, participants become better equipped to manage distractions and maintain their focus. MBSR also teaches individuals to become more attuned to their bodily sensations and breathing patterns, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. This, in turn, helps reduce the physiological response to stress, which can often interfere with mental clarity and concentration. To practice Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, you can start by finding a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Begin by focusing your attention on your breath, observing its natural rhythm and sensations without trying to change it. When thoughts or distractions arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently bring your focus back to your breath. You can also incorporate body scan meditations, where you systematically move your attention through different parts of your body, or mindful walking, where you pay close attention to each step and your surroundings. MBSR typically involves regular practice, often with guided sessions or through structured programs led by qualified instructors. Over time, the consistent practice of MBSR can improve your mental focus, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. 6. Cognitive training Cognitive training, which involves engaging in specific mental exercises and activities designed to improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving, can enhance mental focus by sharpening the brain’s ability to process information efficiently. These exercises challenge the brain to work more effectively and can lead to improved concentration and cognitive endurance. Cognitive training often includes tasks that require sustained attention, quick decision-making, and mental agility, all of which contribute to better focus and problem-solving skills. Over time, regular cognitive training can strengthen neural pathways associated with concentration and mental clarity, making it easier to stay attentive and focused on tasks at hand. To engage in cognitive training, you can try various activities and exercises that challenge different aspects of your cognitive abilities. Some common forms of cognitive training include solving puzzles (like Sudoku or crossword puzzles), playing memory-enhancing games, practicing speed reading, learning a new language, or using brain-training apps and software. Additionally, meditation and mindfulness practices can be considered a form of cognitive training as they involve training the mind to focus and sustain attention. Incorporating these activities into your routine, even for just a few minutes each day, can help enhance mental focus and overall cognitive function by stimulating and strengthening your brain’s capabilities. 7. Mindful nature walks Mindful nature walks combine the benefits of spending time in nature with mindfulness practices. Nature itself has a calming and rejuvenating effect on the mind, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. When you combine this natural environment with mindfulness techniques, you create an opportunity to cultivate deep awareness of the present moment. During a nature walk, you can focus your attention on the sights, sounds, and sensations of the environment around you, which can be a refreshing break from the constant stimulation of modern life. This heightened awareness can help clear mental clutter, reduce distractions, and improve your ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Moreover, spending time in nature has been shown to enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and boost overall cognitive function, all of which contribute to better mental focus. To engage in a mindfulness nature walk, find a natural setting such as a park, forest, beach, or any area with greenery and minimal distractions. As you begin your walk, intentionally shift your focus to your surroundings. Pay attention to the details: the texture of tree bark, the colors of leaves, the rustling of leaves in the wind, or the scent of flowers. Try to immerse yourself fully in the experience, letting go of any thoughts about the past or future. If your mind does wander, gently bring it back to the present moment by reengaging with the sensory experiences of nature. This practice can be as short or as long as you like, and it’s adaptable to your preferences and surroundings. By regularly incorporating mindfulness nature walks into your routine, you can improve mental focus, reduce stress, and develop a deeper connection to the natural world around you. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you...

The post 7 mind-body techniques to improve mental focus appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 8 minutes

Mental focus is paramount for adult athletes, both within their chosen activities and in their broader lives. In their sports or athletic pursuits, a sharp and unwavering mental focus can be the difference between success and failure. It enables athletes to remain fully present in the moment, enhancing their decision-making abilities, reaction times, and overall performance. Moreover, mental focus helps athletes cope with stress and pressure, allowing them to maintain composure during critical moments. Beyond the arena, mental focus translates into valuable life skills. Athletes learn discipline, determination, and the ability to set and pursue goals with unwavering dedication, which can positively impact their personal and professional lives. This heightened mental acuity not only serves them well in their athletic endeavors but also equips them with a valuable mindset for overcoming challenges and achieving success in various aspects of life.

Enhancing mental focus is a goal shared by many in today’s fast-paced world, and achieving it often involves a harmonious integration of body and mind. These seven powerful body-mind techniques stand out as effective means to sharpen concentration and clarity. Together, these seven techniques provide a versatile toolkit for enhancing mental focus and overall well-being.

1. Meditate

Meditation is a powerful practice for improving mental focus due to its ability to train the mind to remain present and cultivate mindfulness. When we meditate, we engage in a deliberate and often structured form of mental exercise. By focusing on a specific object, such as the breath, a mantra, or bodily sensations, we practice redirecting our attention whenever it wanders. This process strengthens our ability to sustain concentration over time. Moreover, meditation promotes mindfulness, the state of being fully aware of the present moment without judgment. As a result, we become more attuned to our thoughts and feelings, which allows us to recognize distractions and gently bring our focus back to the task at hand. Over time, this heightened awareness and sharpened focus spill over into various aspects of our daily lives, enhancing our cognitive abilities and productivity.

To meditate effectively, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Choose a point of focus, such as your breath, a specific sound, or a mantra. As you breathe naturally, direct your attention to this chosen point. When your mind inevitably wanders, as it naturally does, gently and without judgment, bring your focus back to your chosen point. Consistency is key, so start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. Whether it’s a few minutes each morning or a longer session in the evening, regular meditation can help train your mind to stay present, reduce mental clutter, and enhance your mental focus in the long run.

2. Yoga

Yoga is a holistic practice that can significantly enhance mental focus through its integration of physical postures, controlled breathing, and mindfulness techniques. The physical postures, or asanas, in yoga require concentration and balance, which engage the mind in the present moment. This process of focusing on maintaining proper alignment and breathing during yoga poses helps train the mind to be more attentive and aware. Additionally, the deliberate and controlled breathing exercises, known as pranayama, can have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety that can otherwise distract from mental focus. The incorporation of mindfulness and meditation elements in yoga encourages participants to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, fostering a greater capacity for sustained attention and concentration in everyday life.

To practice yoga, start by finding a quiet, comfortable space with enough room to move freely. You can follow along with guided yoga sessions online or attend classes at a local studio. Begin with simple poses and gradually progress to more complex ones as you become more experienced. Pay close attention to your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply as you transition between poses. The key to yoga is not to force yourself into positions but to find a balance between effort and relaxation. It’s important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Regular yoga practice, even if it’s just a few minutes per week, can help improve mental focus by promoting mindfulness, reducing stress, and enhancing mind-body awareness.

3. Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a simple yet highly effective technique for improving mental focus by promoting relaxation and enhancing the oxygen supply to the brain. When we engage in deep, diaphragmatic breathing, we activate the body’s relaxation response, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety—a common cause of distractions and scattered thoughts. Deep breaths slow down the heart rate and calm the nervous system, creating a conducive environment for sharper mental focus. Moreover, deep breathing ensures a steady flow of oxygen to the brain, which is essential for optimal cognitive function. This increased oxygen supply can improve alertness, concentration, and mental clarity, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing focus, especially during demanding tasks or high-stress situations.

To practice deep breathing, find a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand as you fill your lungs. Count to four as you inhale. Then, exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, counting to six as you release the breath. Focus on the rhythm of your breath and the sensation of your abdomen rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation. Repeat this deep breathing pattern for several minutes, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the technique. You can also practice deep breathing exercises at any time during the day when you need to regain focus or reduce stress. Incorporating deep breathing into your daily routine can be a simple but powerful way to improve mental clarity and enhance your ability to concentrate.

4. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that can significantly enhance mental focus by reducing physical tension and stress. When we’re stressed or anxious, our muscles tend to tighten up, which can lead to discomfort and mental distraction. PMR involves systematically tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body. This process not only helps to relieve physical tension but also encourages greater self-awareness. By learning to recognize and release muscle tension, you become more attuned to your body’s response to stress and can actively work to reduce it. This relaxation technique can create a sense of calm and ease in the body, making it easier to concentrate on tasks and maintain mental focus.

To practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Start by taking a few deep breaths to relax. Then, systematically work through different muscle groups, one at a time. Begin with your toes, curling them tightly for a few seconds, then releasing and focusing on the sensation of relaxation. Move upward through your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, and finally, your facial muscles. For each muscle group, tense the muscles for about 5-10 seconds, then release and allow them to relax completely for 20-30 seconds. As you progress through each muscle group, pay close attention to the contrast between tension and relaxation. Continue this process for 15-20 minutes, ideally making it a daily practice. By regularly incorporating PMR into your routine, you can reduce physical tension, ease stress, and improve your mental focus over time.

5. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a structured program designed to reduce stress and improve mental focus through mindfulness meditation and awareness practices. One of the primary ways MBSR enhances mental focus is by training individuals to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. By learning to observe thoughts, emotions, and sensations without attaching judgment or reacting impulsively, participants become better equipped to manage distractions and maintain their focus. MBSR also teaches individuals to become more attuned to their bodily sensations and breathing patterns, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. This, in turn, helps reduce the physiological response to stress, which can often interfere with mental clarity and concentration.

To practice Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, you can start by finding a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Begin by focusing your attention on your breath, observing its natural rhythm and sensations without trying to change it. When thoughts or distractions arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently bring your focus back to your breath. You can also incorporate body scan meditations, where you systematically move your attention through different parts of your body, or mindful walking, where you pay close attention to each step and your surroundings. MBSR typically involves regular practice, often with guided sessions or through structured programs led by qualified instructors. Over time, the consistent practice of MBSR can improve your mental focus, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

6. Cognitive training

Cognitive training, which involves engaging in specific mental exercises and activities designed to improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving, can enhance mental focus by sharpening the brain’s ability to process information efficiently. These exercises challenge the brain to work more effectively and can lead to improved concentration and cognitive endurance. Cognitive training often includes tasks that require sustained attention, quick decision-making, and mental agility, all of which contribute to better focus and problem-solving skills. Over time, regular cognitive training can strengthen neural pathways associated with concentration and mental clarity, making it easier to stay attentive and focused on tasks at hand.

To engage in cognitive training, you can try various activities and exercises that challenge different aspects of your cognitive abilities. Some common forms of cognitive training include solving puzzles (like Sudoku or crossword puzzles), playing memory-enhancing games, practicing speed reading, learning a new language, or using brain-training apps and software. Additionally, meditation and mindfulness practices can be considered a form of cognitive training as they involve training the mind to focus and sustain attention. Incorporating these activities into your routine, even for just a few minutes each day, can help enhance mental focus and overall cognitive function by stimulating and strengthening your brain’s capabilities.

7. Mindful nature walks

Mindful nature walks combine the benefits of spending time in nature with mindfulness practices. Nature itself has a calming and rejuvenating effect on the mind, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. When you combine this natural environment with mindfulness techniques, you create an opportunity to cultivate deep awareness of the present moment. During a nature walk, you can focus your attention on the sights, sounds, and sensations of the environment around you, which can be a refreshing break from the constant stimulation of modern life. This heightened awareness can help clear mental clutter, reduce distractions, and improve your ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Moreover, spending time in nature has been shown to enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and boost overall cognitive function, all of which contribute to better mental focus.

To engage in a mindfulness nature walk, find a natural setting such as a park, forest, beach, or any area with greenery and minimal distractions. As you begin your walk, intentionally shift your focus to your surroundings. Pay attention to the details: the texture of tree bark, the colors of leaves, the rustling of leaves in the wind, or the scent of flowers. Try to immerse yourself fully in the experience, letting go of any thoughts about the past or future. If your mind does wander, gently bring it back to the present moment by reengaging with the sensory experiences of nature. This practice can be as short or as long as you like, and it’s adaptable to your preferences and surroundings. By regularly incorporating mindfulness nature walks into your routine, you can improve mental focus, reduce stress, and develop a deeper connection to the natural world around you.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 7 mind-body techniques to improve mental focus appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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8 reasons to fall for these foods this autumn Wed, 30 Aug 2023 18:56:22 +0000 Read time: 5 minutes As the scorching heat of summer makes way for the crisp and cool breeze of autumn, nature undergoes a stunning transformation. The leaves begin to change their hues, the days grow shorter, and there’s a sense of coziness that blankets the surroundings. Alongside this transition comes a shift in the foods that grace our plates. Consuming seasonal foods in autumn isn’t just a culinary choice; it’s a harmonious dance with nature that offers a plethora of benefits for our health, the environment, and our taste buds. In this blog post, I’ll share the reasons why embracing autumn’s bounty is a delightful and responsible choice. Below are 8 reasons to nourish your body with foods that are in season during autumn.  Before we jump into the reasons, let’s make sure that we know which foods to look for.  Fruits and vegetables that are in season during fall tend to be a bit heavier than summer foods.  They include root vegetables, starchy plants, and are often paired with warm spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg.   Cranberries Apples Winter squash Brussel sprouts Cauliflower Carrots Potatoes Radishes Turnips 1. Nutritional richness and flavor Nature provides what our bodies need at different times of the year, and autumn is no exception. This season brings forth an array of nutrient-dense foods that are perfectly aligned with our nutritional requirements. From vibrant orange pumpkins loaded with beta-carotene to hearty root vegetables like sweet potatoes and beets, these foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support our immune systems and overall well-being. One cannot discuss autumnal delights without mentioning apples – a quintessential fall fruit. Apples are not only delicious but also rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Pair them with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you have a heartwarming treat that’s synonymous with the season. 2. Energetic alignment Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic healing system that places great emphasis on maintaining balance within the body and harmonizing with the natural cycles of the seasons. According to TCM principles, each season is associated with specific elements, organs, and energies, and autumn is no exception. As the transition from the active energy of summer to the more introspective energy of winter begins, TCM suggests that adjusting one’s diet to align with these shifts can promote optimal health and well-being. In TCM, autumn is connected to the Metal element, which corresponds to the Lung and Large Intestine organs. These organs are believed to be particularly vulnerable during this season, making it essential to focus on foods that nourish and support their functions. Autumn is characterized by drier and cooler weather, which can potentially lead to imbalances in the Lung and Large Intestine, resulting in symptoms like dry skin, respiratory issues, and digestive discomfort. To counteract these effects, TCM recommends consuming foods that are moistening and hydrating, while also being mindful of pungent flavors that are associated with the Metal element. During autumn, TCM suggests incorporating foods that are considered energetically “warming” and promote moisture within the body. Cooked grains like rice and oats, along with nourishing vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and winter squash, are recommended choices. Pears, a quintessential autumn fruit, are also highly regarded for their ability to moisten the Lungs and ease dryness. Incorporating herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon can further enhance the warming and protective qualities of autumn meals. By embracing these TCM principles and consuming seasonally appropriate foods, individuals can support their body’s natural rhythms and enhance their overall well-being during the autumn months. 3. Environmental responsibility Choosing to consume foods that are in-season during autumn is an eco-conscious decision. Seasonal produce is more likely to be locally sourced, which means a reduced carbon footprint associated with transportation. Additionally, when we opt for foods that are naturally abundant in a specific season, we alleviate the need for energy-intensive methods of production like artificial lighting and temperature control, which are often used to grow out-of-season crops. By supporting local farmers who cultivate seasonal foods, we contribute to a more sustainable food system and help preserve the environment. 4. Support for local economies Autumn marks the time when farmers markets and roadside stands are brimming with a colorful array of produce. Choosing to consume seasonal foods means directly supporting local farmers and economies. This financial support helps maintain the agricultural traditions of the region and ensures that farmers can continue their livelihoods. Furthermore, the money spent on locally grown foods circulates within the community, benefiting other local businesses as well. 5. Save money on groceries Eating seasonal foods is not only a flavorful culinary choice but also a savvy financial decision that can lead to significant savings. When you opt for produce that’s in-season, it’s often more abundant and sourced locally, leading to reduced transportation and storage costs. This direct supply from local farmers and producers cuts down on the overhead expenses associated with out-of-season or imported foods. Moreover, the increased availability of seasonal items creates competition among suppliers, driving prices down. The abundance of certain fruits and vegetables during their peak season means that they’re more likely to go on sale or be offered in bulk, providing you with the opportunity to purchase larger quantities at lower costs. By aligning your grocery list with the seasons, you can harness these cost-saving benefits while enjoying the freshest and most flavorful foods nature has to offer. 6. Connect with nature’s rhythms Autumn’s offerings are a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of aligning our lifestyles with nature’s rhythms. Just as trees shed their leaves to prepare for the colder months, we too can adapt our diets to what nature provides abundantly. This connection with the seasons can foster a deeper appreciation for the world around us and a greater understanding of the intricate web of life. 7. Culinary creativity and exploration Embracing seasonal foods in autumn encourages culinary creativity. With a diverse array of produce at our disposal, we’re inspired to experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques. From crafting hearty soups with butternut squash to baking pies with fresh cranberries, the possibilities are endless. The limitations of seasonal ingredients challenge us to think outside the box and develop a deeper understanding of flavor combinations and cooking methods. 8. Sense of comfort and tradition Autumn is a time when comfort takes center stage. The act of consuming seasonal foods can evoke a sense of nostalgia and tradition, reminding us of cherished family gatherings, holiday feasts, and cozy evenings by the fireplace. Whether it’s the aroma of roasted chestnuts or the warmth of a spiced pumpkin latte, these foods have the power to wrap us in a comforting embrace and create lasting memories. In summary… In a world that often encourages convenience and detachment from the natural world, embracing seasonal foods in autumn serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, savor the present moment, and relish in the beauty that nature provides. From the nutritional benefits to the environmental impact, and the sense of tradition to the culinary adventure, consuming seasonal foods during this time of year is a holistic and rewarding experience. So, let’s step into the season with open hearts and eager palates, ready to indulge in the vibrant and nourishing gifts that autumn graciously bestows upon us. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 8 reasons to fall for these foods this autumn appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 5 minutes

As the scorching heat of summer makes way for the crisp and cool breeze of autumn, nature undergoes a stunning transformation. The leaves begin to change their hues, the days grow shorter, and there’s a sense of coziness that blankets the surroundings. Alongside this transition comes a shift in the foods that grace our plates. Consuming seasonal foods in autumn isn’t just a culinary choice; it’s a harmonious dance with nature that offers a plethora of benefits for our health, the environment, and our taste buds. In this blog post, I’ll share the reasons why embracing autumn’s bounty is a delightful and responsible choice.

Below are 8 reasons to nourish your body with foods that are in season during autumn.  Before we jump into the reasons, let’s make sure that we know which foods to look for.  Fruits and vegetables that are in season during fall tend to be a bit heavier than summer foods.  They include root vegetables, starchy plants, and are often paired with warm spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg.  

1. Nutritional richness and flavor

Nature provides what our bodies need at different times of the year, and autumn is no exception. This season brings forth an array of nutrient-dense foods that are perfectly aligned with our nutritional requirements. From vibrant orange pumpkins loaded with beta-carotene to hearty root vegetables like sweet potatoes and beets, these foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support our immune systems and overall well-being.

One cannot discuss autumnal delights without mentioning apples – a quintessential fall fruit. Apples are not only delicious but also rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Pair them with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and you have a heartwarming treat that’s synonymous with the season.

2. Energetic alignment

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic healing system that places great emphasis on maintaining balance within the body and harmonizing with the natural cycles of the seasons. According to TCM principles, each season is associated with specific elements, organs, and energies, and autumn is no exception. As the transition from the active energy of summer to the more introspective energy of winter begins, TCM suggests that adjusting one’s diet to align with these shifts can promote optimal health and well-being.

In TCM, autumn is connected to the Metal element, which corresponds to the Lung and Large Intestine organs. These organs are believed to be particularly vulnerable during this season, making it essential to focus on foods that nourish and support their functions. Autumn is characterized by drier and cooler weather, which can potentially lead to imbalances in the Lung and Large Intestine, resulting in symptoms like dry skin, respiratory issues, and digestive discomfort. To counteract these effects, TCM recommends consuming foods that are moistening and hydrating, while also being mindful of pungent flavors that are associated with the Metal element.

During autumn, TCM suggests incorporating foods that are considered energetically “warming” and promote moisture within the body. Cooked grains like rice and oats, along with nourishing vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and winter squash, are recommended choices. Pears, a quintessential autumn fruit, are also highly regarded for their ability to moisten the Lungs and ease dryness. Incorporating herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon can further enhance the warming and protective qualities of autumn meals. By embracing these TCM principles and consuming seasonally appropriate foods, individuals can support their body’s natural rhythms and enhance their overall well-being during the autumn months.

3. Environmental responsibility

Choosing to consume foods that are in-season during autumn is an eco-conscious decision. Seasonal produce is more likely to be locally sourced, which means a reduced carbon footprint associated with transportation. Additionally, when we opt for foods that are naturally abundant in a specific season, we alleviate the need for energy-intensive methods of production like artificial lighting and temperature control, which are often used to grow out-of-season crops. By supporting local farmers who cultivate seasonal foods, we contribute to a more sustainable food system and help preserve the environment.

4. Support for local economies

Autumn marks the time when farmers markets and roadside stands are brimming with a colorful array of produce. Choosing to consume seasonal foods means directly supporting local farmers and economies. This financial support helps maintain the agricultural traditions of the region and ensures that farmers can continue their livelihoods. Furthermore, the money spent on locally grown foods circulates within the community, benefiting other local businesses as well.

5. Save money on groceries

Eating seasonal foods is not only a flavorful culinary choice but also a savvy financial decision that can lead to significant savings. When you opt for produce that’s in-season, it’s often more abundant and sourced locally, leading to reduced transportation and storage costs. This direct supply from local farmers and producers cuts down on the overhead expenses associated with out-of-season or imported foods.

Moreover, the increased availability of seasonal items creates competition among suppliers, driving prices down. The abundance of certain fruits and vegetables during their peak season means that they’re more likely to go on sale or be offered in bulk, providing you with the opportunity to purchase larger quantities at lower costs. By aligning your grocery list with the seasons, you can harness these cost-saving benefits while enjoying the freshest and most flavorful foods nature has to offer.

6. Connect with nature's rhythms

Autumn’s offerings are a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of aligning our lifestyles with nature’s rhythms. Just as trees shed their leaves to prepare for the colder months, we too can adapt our diets to what nature provides abundantly. This connection with the seasons can foster a deeper appreciation for the world around us and a greater understanding of the intricate web of life.

7. Culinary creativity and exploration

Embracing seasonal foods in autumn encourages culinary creativity. With a diverse array of produce at our disposal, we’re inspired to experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques. From crafting hearty soups with butternut squash to baking pies with fresh cranberries, the possibilities are endless. The limitations of seasonal ingredients challenge us to think outside the box and develop a deeper understanding of flavor combinations and cooking methods.

8. Sense of comfort and tradition

Autumn is a time when comfort takes center stage. The act of consuming seasonal foods can evoke a sense of nostalgia and tradition, reminding us of cherished family gatherings, holiday feasts, and cozy evenings by the fireplace. Whether it’s the aroma of roasted chestnuts or the warmth of a spiced pumpkin latte, these foods have the power to wrap us in a comforting embrace and create lasting memories.

In summary...

In a world that often encourages convenience and detachment from the natural world, embracing seasonal foods in autumn serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, savor the present moment, and relish in the beauty that nature provides. From the nutritional benefits to the environmental impact, and the sense of tradition to the culinary adventure, consuming seasonal foods during this time of year is a holistic and rewarding experience. So, let’s step into the season with open hearts and eager palates, ready to indulge in the vibrant and nourishing gifts that autumn graciously bestows upon us.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 8 reasons to fall for these foods this autumn appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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5 effective strategies to drink more water Wed, 23 Aug 2023 22:09:14 +0000 Read time: 6 minutes 30 seconds Staying hydrated is crucial for general health, anti-aging and optimal athletic performance. Adequate hydration helps to maintain youthful skin by promoting skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support overall skin health. When the body is well-hydrated, it efficiently eliminates toxins, allowing cells to function properly.  As an added bonus, it gives the skin to glow and appear more vibrant. In the context of athletic performance, proper hydration is equally critical. Even mild dehydration can lead to decreased endurance, reduced strength, impaired cognitive function, and an increased risk of injury. Hydration supports the body’s thermoregulation, preventing overheating during intense exercise. It also aids in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, facilitating their efficient function. Whether one is aiming to preserve youthful vitality or enhance athletic prowess, the simple yet impactful act of staying adequately hydrated remains a cornerstone of well-being and performance. For athletes and active individuals, I recommend consuming at least 1 ounce of water per pound of bodyweight per day. For example, I weigh 165 pounds so I aim to consume 165 ounces (about 1.25 gallons) of water per day. Notice that I wrote “consume” and not “drink“. This is because there are several foods that contain water so I don’t need to solely drink to meet my daily water intake. I can also consume water through foods that contain it, like fruits and vegetables. Therefore, I aim to drink a minimum of 1 gallon (128 ounces) per day and the rest I get from my veggie-rich diet. This amount might seem like a lot, and honestly for some people it could be too much. Like those who aren’t super active, or those that have congestive heart failure or kidney disease. If you’re a healthy and active individual interested in slowing down aging and maintaining athletic performance, this amount will likely benefit you. There are also several factors that may require you to drink even more than that. You’ll want to consume more water if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, battling sickness, recovering from injury, or experiencing fatigue or muscle soreness. Climate also plays a role in water intake. Hot, humid, dry and high-altitude environments increase the demand. These environments increase your respiration rate which causes your body to lose water faster, especially if you’re exercising in them. The more energy you expend, through exercise for example, the more water your body requires. Plus, if you sweat a lot when you workout, your body is losing fluids that need to be replenished.  It goes like this: Drink water. Get sweaty. Repeat. For many people, consuming enough water to meet the body’s demand for it is hard. Busy lifestyles make it tough to keep up with the constant water drinking and subsequent bathroom trips. Clean tap water doesn’t have a taste at all or it can taste like minerals which can make it boring or undesirable for many people in comparison to other options.  Like sugary and/or carbonated drinks. Adults also tend to reach for caffeinated beverages that divert attention from plain water. These beverages have a diuretic effect which increases urine production and may lead to dehydration if that fluid isn’t replenished. Another reason we tend to overlook water consumption is that the signs of mild dehydration are quiet, and we don’t interpret our thirst signals correctly. You may not notice an impairment in physical or mental performance until you are severely dehydrated. When we experience thirst, it serves as a gentle prompt to drink fluids, ensuring that our cells, tissues, and organs receive the moisture they need to function optimally. Listening to and honoring these natural cues is a vital aspect of maintaining proper hydration. Tuning into our body’s signals and responding promptly by consuming water is a simple yet powerful way to support overall health and well-being. If you struggle to consume your recommended daily amount of water, here are 5 strategies that can help: 1. Set a daily goal. Earlier I mentioned that I recommend athletes and active individuals consume 1 ounce per pound of bodyweight per day, but you may want to aim for more or less than that based on your unique needs. Once you set an intake goal, you can decide how you want to accomplish it with smaller, mini-goals. Your mini-goals can be schedule based – meaning you set a specific schedule and stick to it no matter what. Set specific times throughout the day to drink water. For example, have a glass of water when you wake up, before and after meals, and at regular intervals during the day. If you do this, you can set alarms on your watch or phone to remind you it’s time to drink. Another way you can achieve your daily goal is to establish ounces milestones. You do this by dividing your daily water intake goal into smaller milestones. My mini-goals are to drink half my daily goal before noon and the other half within an hour after eating dinner. But you can divide it up however works best for your schedule. via GIPHY 2. Make it enjoyable. Habits don’t form or stick unless they are enjoyable. You can enhance the flavor of your water by infusing it with slices of fresh fruit such as lemons or berries, herbs like mint or basil, or cucumber. Here are some other natural flavor enhancers that I’d recommend: TRUE Crystallized Flavors: This item contains 1 ingredient which is crystallized fruit. They are available in convenient packets and a variety of flavors including lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit. Stur Liquid Water Enhancer: This is the healthier version of Crystal Light because instead of containing artificial flavors and sweeteners, they are sweetened with stevia and natural flavors.   Speaking of flavors, they are available in a lot of them! GOODONYA Organic Electrolyte Powder:  With only 5 ingredients including sea minerals, lemon juice, Pink Himalayan salt, coconut water and stevia, these are a great way to liven up your water and quench your thirst. The downside?  They are only available in 1 flavor – lemon. You might also want to consider the reusable container that you use to drink water. Having the container near you serves as a reminder to drink more, but get one that you LOVE. You’d be surprised the effect that a container that is aesthetically pleasing and functions to your standards can have. What tangible features interest you most? Do you want something sturdy like a HydroFlask, or something a bit lighter like a Starbucks tumbler? Straw or no straw? Handle or no handle? Insulated or not insulated? How many ounces? With ice or at room temperature? I find that I drink more water when I use a straw. And I just LOVE this 40-ounce tumbler since its my favorite color (sage green), has a handle and fits in the cup holder of my car. 3. Track your ounces. Tracking water intake through apps or reminders can be a game-changer in maintaining optimal hydration. With the convenience of smartphones, dedicated apps can help set daily water intake goals, allowing you to log each glass or bottle consumed. These apps often provide visual progress charts and reminders, making it easy to stay on track throughout the day. Personalized notifications nudge you to take sips regularly, turning hydration into a habit. Integrating water intake reminders into your existing calendar or task management apps can seamlessly blend hydration goals with your routine. The interactive nature of these tools transforms the sometimes forgettable act of drinking water into a conscious and achievable target, empowering you to proactively prioritize your health and well-being. Here is a list of smartphone apps that may help you track your daily water consumption are: WaterMinder: WaterMinder is a user-friendly app available for iOS and Android devices. It allows you to set daily water intake goals, track your progress, and receive reminders to drink water throughout the day. MyWater: MyWater is another app that helps users track their water intake by allowing them to log their water consumption and set personalized goals. It’s available for iOS devices. Plant Nanny: Plant Nanny combines hydration tracking with a virtual plant-growing game. As you drink water, your virtual plant thrives. It’s a fun and interactive way to stay motivated to drink more water. This app is available for both iOS and Android. Aqualert: Aqualert is designed to track water intake and provide reminders for hydration. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices. Hydro Coach: Hydro Coach offers customizable water intake goals, reminders, and tracking features. It’s available for Android devices. Drink Water Reminder: This app, only available for Android, provides reminders and allows you to track your water intake with a simple interface. Waterlogged: Waterlogged is available for iOS devices and offers features to track and visualize your daily water intake progress. 4. Establish the habit of drinking water. As with any new habit, it takes patience and consistent intentional actions before it becomes automatic. If you’re not used to drinking much water right now, you might find that increasing your water consumption gradually is easier than immediately bumping it up to 1 gallon/day. Finding ways to incorporate the action of drinking water into your existing daily routine will also help you achieve your daily water consumption goal. You can pair drinking a glass of water with activities that you are already doing such as brushing your teeth, exercise, responding to emails, right after waking up, or during work breaks. Creating visual cues will also increase the chances of this action becoming a habit. Place glasses, jars or water bottles around your living and work spaces to remind you to drink. One of my tricks is to fill a quart-size mason jar of water (with a stainless steel straw, of course) and place it on my counter right in front of my coffee maker before I go to bed each night. That way, in the morning it reminds me to drink it while my coffee is brewing. 5. Eat your water. Consuming water through food is a clever and often underestimated way to supplement hydration. Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, making them excellent sources of both essential nutrients and fluids. Foods like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, lettuce, and berries can contribute significantly to your daily hydration needs. Incorporating these water-rich foods into your diet not only provides hydration but also offers a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall health. This dual benefit showcases how a well-balanced diet can synergize with traditional fluid intake to keep the body adequately hydrated and functioning optimally. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 5 effective strategies to drink more water appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 6 minutes 30 seconds

Staying hydrated is crucial for general health, anti-aging, and optimal athletic performance. Adequate hydration helps to maintain youthful skin by promoting skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and supporting overall skin health. When the body is well-hydrated, it efficiently eliminates toxins, allowing cells to function properly.  As an added bonus, it gives the skin to glow and appear more vibrant. In the context of athletic performance, proper hydration is equally critical. Even mild dehydration can lead to decreased endurance, reduced strength, impaired cognitive function, and an increased risk of injury.

Also Read: Hydrating for Health, Anti-Aging and Performance

Hydration supports the body’s thermoregulation, preventing overheating during intense exercise. It also aids in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, facilitating their efficient function. Whether one is aiming to preserve youthful vitality or enhance athletic prowess, the simple yet impactful act of staying adequately hydrated remains a cornerstone of well-being and performance.

For athletes and active individuals, I recommend consuming at least 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. For example, I weigh 165 pounds, so I aim to consume 165 ounces (about 1.25 gallons) of water per day. Notice that I wrote consume” and not “drink“. This is because there are several foods that contain water, so I don’t need to solely drink to meet my daily water intake. I can also consume water through foods that contain it, like fruits and vegetables. Therefore, I aim to drink a minimum of 1 gallon (128 ounces) per day, and the rest I get from my veggie-rich diet. While we are on the subject of water intake through food, here’s a recipe that you would like:

[RECIPE] Tart Cherry Jello for Hydration and Recovery

Now to resume the conversation from my own example. The amount of 1 gallon per day might seem like a lot, and honestly, for some people, it could be too much. Like those who aren’t super active, or those that have congestive heart failure or kidney disease. If you’re a healthy and active individual interested in slowing down aging and maintaining athletic performance, this amount will likely benefit you.

Also ReadSip Yourself Younger with these 12 Anti-Aging Drinks

There are also several factors that may require you to drink even more than that. You’ll want to consume more water if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, battling sickness, recovering from injury, or experiencing fatigue or muscle soreness. The climate also plays a role in water intake. Hot, humid, dry, and high-altitude environments increase the demand. These environments increase your respiration rate which causes your body to lose water faster, especially if you’re exercising in them.

The more energy you expend, through exercise, for example, the more water your body requires. Plus, if you sweat a lot when you work out, your body is losing fluids that need to be replenished.  It goes like this: Drink water. Get sweaty. Repeat.

Also Read4 Easy Ways to Maintain Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

For many people, consuming enough water to meet the body’s demand for it is hard. Busy lifestyles make it tough to keep up with the constant water drinking and subsequent bathroom trips. Clean tap water doesn’t have a taste at all, or it can taste like minerals which can make it boring or undesirable for many people in comparison to other options.  Like sugary and/or carbonated drinks. Adults also tend to reach for caffeinated beverages that divert attention from plain water. These beverages have a diuretic effect which increases urine production and may lead to dehydration if that fluid isn’t replenished.

Another reason we tend to overlook water consumption is that the signs of mild dehydration are quiet, and we don’t interpret our thirst signals correctly. You may not notice an impairment in physical or mental performance until you are severely dehydrated. When we experience thirst, it serves as a gentle prompt to drink fluids, ensuring that our cells, tissues, and organs receive the moisture they need to function optimally. Listening to and honoring these natural cues is a vital aspect of maintaining proper hydration. Tuning into our body’s signals and responding promptly by consuming water is a simple yet powerful way to support overall health and well-being.

If you struggle to consume your recommended daily amount of water, here are 5 strategies that can help:

1. Set a Daily Goal.

Earlier I mentioned that I recommend athletes and active individuals consume 1 ounce per pound of bodyweight per day, but you may want to aim for more or less than that based on your unique needs.

Once you set an intake goal, you can decide how you want to accomplish it with smaller, mini-goals. Your mini-goals can be schedule-based, meaning you set a specific schedule and stick to it no matter what. Set specific times throughout the day to drink water. For example, have a glass of water when you wake up, before and after meals, and at regular intervals during the day. If you do this, you can set alarms on your watch or phone to remind you it’s time to drink.

Another way you can achieve your daily goal is to establish ounce milestones. You do this by dividing your daily water intake goal into smaller milestones. My mini-goals are to drink half my daily goal before noon and the other half within an hour after eating dinner. But you can divide it up however works best for your schedule.

2. Make it Enjoyable.

Habits don’t form or stick unless they are enjoyable. You can enhance the flavor of your water by infusing it with slices of fresh fruit such as lemons or berries, and herbs like mint, basil, or cucumber. Here are some other natural flavor enhancers that I’d recommend:

TRUE Crystallized Flavors: This item contains 1 ingredient which is crystallized fruit. They are available in convenient packets and a variety of flavors including lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit.

Stur Liquid Water Enhancer: This is the healthier version of Crystal Light because instead of containing artificial flavors and sweeteners, they are sweetened with stevia and natural flavors.   Speaking of flavors, they are available in a lot of them! 

GOODONYA Organic Electrolyte Powder:  With only 5 ingredients including sea minerals, lemon juice, Pink Himalayan salt, coconut water and stevia, these are a great way to liven up your water and quench your thirst. The downside?  They are only available in 1 flavor – lemon.

You might also want to consider the reusable container that you use to drink water. Having the container near you serves as a reminder to drink more but get one that you LOVE. You’d be surprised by the effect that a container that is aesthetically pleasing and functions to your standards can have. What tangible features interest you most? Do you want something sturdy like a Hydro Flask or something a bit lighter like a Starbucks tumbler? Straw or no straw? Handle or no handle? Insulated or not insulated? How many ounces? With ice or at room temperature?

I find that I drink more water when I use a straw. And I just LOVE this 40-ounce tumbler since it’s my favorite color (sage green), has a handle, and fits in the cup holder of my car.

3. Track Your Ounces.

Tracking water intake through apps or reminders can be a game-changer in maintaining optimal hydration. With the convenience of smartphones, dedicated apps can help set daily water intake goals, allowing you to log each glass or bottle consumed. These apps often provide visual progress charts and reminders, making it easy to stay on track throughout the day. Personalized notifications nudge you to take sips regularly, turning hydration into a habit. 

Integrating water intake reminders into your existing calendar or task management apps can seamlessly blend hydration goals with your routine. The interactive nature of these tools transforms the sometimes forgettable act of drinking water into a conscious and achievable target, empowering you to proactively prioritize your health and well-being.

Here is a list of smartphone apps that may help you track your daily water consumption:

WaterMinder: WaterMinder is a user-friendly app available for iOS and Android devices. It allows you to set daily water intake goals, track your progress, and receive reminders to drink water throughout the day.
MyWater: MyWater is another app that helps users track their water intake by allowing them to log their water consumption and set personalized goals. It’s available for iOS devices.
Plant Nanny: Plant Nanny combines hydration tracking with a virtual plant-growing game. As you drink water, your virtual plant thrives. It’s a fun and interactive way to stay motivated to drink more water. This app is available for both iOS and Android.
Aqualert: Aqualert is designed to track water intake and provide reminders for hydration. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices.
Hydro Coach: Hydro Coach offers customizable water intake goals, reminders, and tracking features. It’s available for Android devices.
Drink Water Reminder: This app, only available for Android, provides reminders and allows you to track your water intake with a simple interface.
Waterlogged: Waterlogged is available for iOS devices and offers features to track and visualize your daily water intake progress.

4. Establish the Habit of Drinking Water.

As with any new habit, it takes patience and consistent intentional actions before it becomes automatic. If you’re not used to drinking much water right now, you might find that increasing your water consumption gradually is easier than immediately bumping it up to 1 gallon/day.

Finding ways to incorporate the action of drinking water into your existing daily routine will also help you achieve your daily water consumption goal. You can pair drinking a glass of water with activities that you are already doing such as brushing your teeth, exercising, responding to emails, right after waking up, or during work breaks.

Creating visual cues will also increase the chances of this action becoming a habit. Place glasses, jars, or water bottles around your living and workspaces to remind you to drink. One of my tricks is to fill a quart-size mason jar of water (with a stainless-steel straw, of course) and place it on my counter right in front of my coffee maker before I go to bed each night. That way, in the morning it reminds me to drink it while my coffee is brewing.

5. Eat Your Water.

Consuming water through food is a clever and often underestimated way to supplement hydration. Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, making them excellent sources of both essential nutrients and fluids. Foods like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, lettuce, and berries can contribute significantly to your daily hydration needs.

Also ReadSip Yourself Younger with these 12 Anti-Aging Drinks

Incorporating these water-rich foods into your diet not only provides hydration but also offers a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall health. This dual benefit showcases how a well-balanced diet can synergize with traditional fluid intake to keep the body adequately hydrated and functioning optimally.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

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Training and nutrition for different types of athletes Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:57:20 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds Nutrition and training are crucial for all types of athletes as they directly impact performance, recovery, and overall health. Proper nutrition provides the necessary fuel for training sessions and competitions, supporting energy levels and endurance. It also plays a significant role in muscle repair and growth, ensuring athletes recover effectively and adapt to the demands of their sport. The right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) is essential to meet individual needs and optimize athletic performance. On the other hand, training allows athletes to develop the specific skills, physical attributes, and conditioning required for their particular sport or discipline. Regular and well-structured training builds strength, power, agility, endurance, and skill proficiency, enhancing an athlete’s ability to excel in their chosen domain. Also Read: 7 Factors that Influence Adult Athlete Body Composition Each type of athlete has unique needs due to the varied physical demands of their sport. Strength athletes require high protein intake to support muscle development, while endurance athletes need sufficient carbohydrates to sustain long-duration efforts. Skill-based athletes may benefit from brain-boosting nutrients to enhance focus and coordination. Different sports and activities have different energy system requirements, and training programs should reflect those specific demands. For example, team sports athletes need to focus on tactical training, communication, and teamwork, while power athletes require explosive and plyometric exercises to enhance their performance. By recognizing and catering to these diverse needs, athletes can tailor their nutrition and training regimens to optimize their strengths and address weaknesses, maximizing their potential for success in their respective sports. Also Read: 5 Pillars of Sports Nutrition for All Athletes As a sports nutritionist, I work with all different types of athletes to come up with a game plan that works best for them.  Their sport is just one factor that I consider when developing this plan.  I also factor in their personal goals, health-related conditions, and their current skill level.   Each athlete that I work with is incredibly unique but in this blog post, I share more information on the nutrition and training needs of main types of athletes. Strength athletes Strength athletes participate in sports or activities that emphasize developing maximal muscle strength. This category includes weightlifters, powerlifters, and strongmen. Their training revolves around lifting heavy loads with lower repetitions to build and maintain significant muscle mass and explosive power. Strength athletes, such as weightlifters and powerlifters, prioritize muscle growth and strength development. Their nutrition revolves around high protein intake to support muscle repair and growth, along with sufficient carbohydrates to fuel intense workouts and replenish glycogen stores. Healthy fats are also incorporated to aid hormone production and overall health. Also Read: Maximizing Strength Athlete Gains with Nutrition Power athletes Power athletes focus on generating explosive bursts of strength and speed. They excel in sports like track and field (e.g., sprinters, jumpers, throwers), basketball, and football. Power athletes combine strength and speed to achieve peak performance in short-duration, high-intensity activities. Power athletes, like sprinters and jumpers, focus on explosive bursts of energy. They require a balanced diet with an emphasis on carbohydrates to provide quick energy for short-duration, high-intensity activities. Adequate protein intake is necessary for muscle maintenance and repair, while healthy fats support energy metabolism. Also Read: Why Carbohydrates Matter in Sports Nutrition Endurance athletes Endurance athletes specialize in sports that require prolonged efforts and cardiovascular stamina. This category includes runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, and long-distance athletes. They train to improve their aerobic capacity and efficiency to sustain physical activity over extended periods. Endurance athletes, such as runners and cyclists, depend heavily on carbohydrates to sustain prolonged efforts. Their nutrition emphasizes carbohydrate loading to maintain glycogen stores, along with moderate protein intake for muscle support and repair. Healthy fats are included to promote sustained energy and overall health. Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Athletes Team sport athletes Team sports athletes participate in sports that require cooperation and competition as part of a team. This category includes soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, rugby, and volleyball. Team sports athletes need a combination of strength, power, speed, agility, strategy, skills and endurance to perform well in their respective positions. The combination of these elements depends on the sport, and may even differ between positions in the same sport. Team sports athletes need a mix of nutrients, including carbohydrates for quick energy during games, protein for muscle recovery and growth, and fats for energy storage and hormone regulation. Their nutrition may also focus on rapid post-game recovery to prepare for subsequent matches. Especially since these sports tend to participate in day-long or multi-day tournaments where eating to fuel and recover helps to sustain performance. Skill-based athletes Skill-based athletes, such as gymnasts, dancers, figure skaters, and martial artists, require a unique training and nutrition approach that emphasizes agility, coordination, balance, and flexibility. Their training focuses on developing specific technical skills and mastering complex movements, often involving bodyweight exercises and precise motor skills. Skill-based athletes may engage in strength training to build functional strength and muscular endurance, but the emphasis lies in refining their technique and perfecting routines or movements. They may also incorporate drills, plyometrics, and body awareness exercises to enhance their proprioception and spatial awareness, essential for executing intricate movements with precision. Their nutrition should emphasize nutrient-dense foods that support bone health, joint integrity, and overall performance. Carbohydrates are essential to fuel high-intensity training sessions, while protein aids in muscle repair and recovery from repetitive movements. Skill-based athletes may benefit from incorporating brain-boosting foods, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, to support focus and cognitive function. Proper hydration is vital to maintain coordination and performance during practice and competition. Flexibility and balance athletes Flexibility and balance athletes participate in sports that emphasize flexibility, mobility, and body control. This category includes yoga practitioners, rhythmic gymnasts, and acrobats. These athletes require exceptional flexibility and balance to perform complex movements with grace and precision. Nutrition is essential for flexibility athletes, such as dancers, gymnasts, and contortionists, who require exceptional range of motion and suppleness. These athletes should focus on supporting joint health, muscle recovery, and overall well-being. Consuming a balanced diet with adequate protein helps in muscle repair and flexibility development. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as colorful fruits and vegetables, can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting tissue health. Staying hydrated is crucial to maintain joint lubrication and prevent stiffness. Additionally, including healthy fats in the diet can support joint flexibility and overall joint health.  Aesthetic athletes Aesthetic athletes are a unique category of individuals who prioritize physical appearance, symmetry, and aesthetics in their training and performance. They engage in activities like bodybuilding, fitness competitions, and artistic sports that emphasize showcasing a well-defined, sculpted physique. These athletes work meticulously to attain a balanced and visually appealing body composition. They focus on muscle definition, proportion, and posing techniques during competitions and exhibitions. Aesthetic athletes, like bodybuilders and fitness competitors, focus on body composition and visual appeal. Their nutrition typically involves strict macronutrient manipulation, with precise timing of carbohydrates and protein intake to optimize muscle definition and minimize body fat. Mixed discipline athletes Training and nutrition for mixed discipline athletes, who participate in sports that require diverse physical demands, necessitate a comprehensive and flexible approach. These athletes need to balance different training modalities, such as strength and endurance, power and skill, or speed and agility, depending on the requirements of their various sports or disciplines. Their training programs should be designed to address the specific needs of each sport while also considering recovery and injury prevention. Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting mixed discipline athletes, as they need to meet the energy demands of different training sessions and competitions. Adequate intake of macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is essential to fuel various activities, repair and build muscle, and optimize energy levels. Micronutrients are equally vital to support overall health and performance. Mixed discipline athletes may need to adjust their nutrition strategies based on the type of training they are doing on a particular day or leading up to specific events. What all athletes have in common… All athletes should eat to support energy demands, recovery and general health. Carbohydrates fuel high-intensity and long duration activities. Protein is essential for muscle repair and recovery. All athletes should consume nutrient-dense foods to meet their micronutrient needs. Proper nutrition will support optimal bone health, joint integrity, and overall performance for many years to come. Proper hydration is also crucial to maintain focus, coordination, and performance during practice and competition. Especially for activities with high cardiovascular demand or in warm environments. Balancing energy intake and expenditure is essential for adult athletes to avoid unnecessary weight fluctuations and ensure they have the energy needed to perform at their best.

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Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds

Nutrition and training are crucial for all types of athletes as they directly impact performance, recovery, and overall health. Proper nutrition provides the necessary fuel for training sessions and competitions, supporting energy levels and endurance. It also plays a significant role in muscle repair and growth, ensuring athletes recover effectively and adapt to the demands of their sport. The right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) is essential to meet individual needs and optimize athletic performance. On the other hand, training allows athletes to develop the specific skills, physical attributes, and conditioning required for their particular sport or discipline. Regular and well-structured training builds strength, power, agility, endurance, and skill proficiency, enhancing an athlete’s ability to excel in their chosen domain.

Also Read7 Factors that Influence Adult Athlete Body Composition

Each type of athlete has unique needs due to the varied physical demands of their sport. Strength athletes require high protein intake to support muscle development, while endurance athletes need sufficient carbohydrates to sustain long-duration efforts. Skill-based athletes may benefit from brain-boosting nutrients to enhance focus and coordination.

Different sports and activities have different energy system requirements, and training programs should reflect those specific demands. For example, team sports athletes need to focus on tactical training, communication, and teamwork, while power athletes require explosive and plyometric exercises to enhance their performance. By recognizing and catering to these diverse needs, athletes can tailor their nutrition and training regimens to optimize their strengths and address weaknesses, maximizing their potential for success in their respective sports.

Also Read5 Pillars of Sports Nutrition for All Athletes

As a sports nutritionist, I work with all different types of athletes to come up with a game plan that works best for them.  Their sport is just one factor that I consider when developing this plan.  I also factor in their personal goals, health-related conditions, and their current skill level.   Each athlete that I work with is incredibly unique but in this blog post, I share more information on the nutrition and training needs of main types of athletes.

Strength Athletes

Strength athletes participate in sports or activities that emphasize developing maximal muscle strength. This category includes weightlifters, powerlifters, and strongmen. Their training revolves around lifting heavy loads with lower repetitions to build and maintain significant muscle mass and explosive power.

Strength athletes, such as weightlifters and powerlifters, prioritize muscle growth and strength development. Their nutrition revolves around high protein intake to support muscle repair and growth, along with sufficient carbohydrates to fuel intense workouts and replenish glycogen stores. Healthy fats are also incorporated to aid hormone production and overall health.

Also ReadMaximizing Strength Athlete Gains with Nutrition

Power Athletes

Power athletes focus on generating explosive bursts of strength and speed. They excel in sports like track and field (e.g., sprinters, jumpers, throwers), basketball, and football. Power athletes combine strength and speed to achieve peak performance in short-duration, high-intensity activities.

Power athletes, like sprinters and jumpers, focus on explosive bursts of energy. They require a balanced diet with an emphasis on carbohydrates to provide quick energy for short-duration, high-intensity activities. Adequate protein intake is necessary for muscle maintenance and repair, while healthy fats support energy metabolism.

Also ReadWhy Carbohydrates Matter in Sports Nutrition

Endurance Athletes

Endurance athletes specialize in sports that require prolonged efforts and cardiovascular stamina. This category includes runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, and long-distance athletes. They train to improve their aerobic capacity and efficiency to sustain physical activity over extended periods.

Endurance athletes, such as runners and cyclists, depend heavily on carbohydrates to sustain prolonged efforts. Their nutrition emphasizes carbohydrate loading to maintain glycogen stores, along with moderate protein intake for muscle support and repair. Healthy fats are included to promote sustained energy and overall health.

Also ReadA Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Athletes

Team Sport Athletes

Team sports athletes participate in sports that require cooperation and competition as part of a team. This category includes soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, rugby, and volleyball. Team sports athletes need a combination of strength, power, speed, agility, strategy, skills, and endurance to perform well in their respective positions. The combination of these elements depends on the sport and may even differ between positions in the same sport.

Team sports athletes need a mix of nutrients, including carbohydrates for quick energy during games, protein for muscle recovery and growth, and fats for energy storage and hormone regulation. Their nutrition may also focus on rapid post-game recovery to prepare for subsequent matches. Especially since these sports tend to participate in day-long or multi-day tournaments where eating to fuel and recover helps to sustain performance.

Also Read9 Hacks to Improve Your Athletic Performance

Skill-Based Athletes

Skill-based athletes, such as gymnasts, dancers, figure skaters, and martial artists, require a unique training and nutrition approach that emphasizes agility, coordination, balance, and flexibility. Their training focuses on developing specific technical skills and mastering complex movements, often involving bodyweight exercises and precise motor skills. Skill-based athletes may engage in strength training to build functional strength and muscular endurance, but the emphasis lies on refining their technique and perfecting routines or movements. They may also incorporate drills, plyometrics, and body awareness exercises to enhance their proprioception and spatial awareness, essential for executing intricate movements with precision.

Their nutrition should emphasize nutrient-dense foods that support bone health, joint integrity, and overall performance. Carbohydrates are essential to fuel high-intensity training sessions, while protein aids in muscle repair and recovery from repetitive movements. Skill-based athletes may benefit from incorporating brain-boosting foods, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, to support focus and cognitive function. Proper hydration is vital to maintain coordination and performance during practice and competition.

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Flexibility and Balance Athletes

Flexibility and balance athletes participate in sports that emphasize flexibility, mobility, and body control. This category includes yoga practitioners, rhythmic gymnasts, and acrobats. These athletes require exceptional flexibility and balance to perform complex movements with grace and precision.

Nutrition is essential for flexibility athletes, such as dancers, gymnasts, and contortionists, who require exceptional range of motion and suppleness. These athletes should focus on supporting joint health, muscle recovery, and overall well-being. Consuming a balanced diet with adequate protein helps in muscle repair and flexibility development. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as colorful fruits and vegetables, can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting tissue health. Staying hydrated is crucial to maintain joint lubrication and prevent stiffness. Additionally, including healthy fats in the diet can support joint flexibility and overall joint health. 

Aesthetic Athletes

Aesthetic athletes are a unique category of individuals who prioritize physical appearance, symmetry, and aesthetics in their training and performance. They engage in activities like bodybuilding, fitness competitions, and artistic sports that emphasize showcasing a well-defined, sculpted physique. These athletes work meticulously to attain a balanced and visually appealing body composition. They focus on muscle definition, proportion, and posing techniques during competitions and exhibitions.

Aesthetic athletes, like bodybuilders and fitness competitors, focus on body composition and visual appeal. Their nutrition typically involves strict macronutrient manipulation, with precise timing of carbohydrates and protein intake to optimize muscle definition and minimize body fat.

Also ReadThe Carbohydrate Conundrum: The Truth About Good and Bad Carbs

Mixed Discipline Athletes

Training and nutrition for mixed-discipline athletes, who participate in sports that require diverse physical demands, necessitate a comprehensive and flexible approach. These athletes need to balance different training modalities, such as strength and endurance, power and skill, or speed and agility, depending on the requirements of their various sports or disciplines. Their training programs should be designed to address the specific needs of each sport while also considering recovery and injury prevention.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting mixed-discipline athletes, as they need to meet the energy demands of different training sessions and competitions. Adequate intake of macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is essential to fuel various activities, repair and build muscle, and optimize energy levels. Micronutrients are equally vital to support overall health and performance. Mixed-discipline athletes may need to adjust their nutrition strategies based on the type of training they are doing on a particular day or leading up to specific events.

Also ReadThe Vital Role of Micronutrients in Athletic Performance

What All Athletes Have In Common...

All athletes should eat to support energy demands, recovery, and general health. Carbohydrates fuel high-intensity and long-duration activities. Protein is essential for muscle repair and recovery. All athletes should consume nutrient-dense foods to meet their micronutrient needs. Proper nutrition will support optimal bone health, joint integrity, and overall performance for many years to come.

Proper hydration is also crucial to maintain focus, coordination, and performance during practice and competition. Especially for activities with high cardiovascular demand or in warm environments. Balancing energy intake and expenditure is essential for adult athletes to avoid unnecessary weight fluctuations and ensure they have the energy needed to perform at their best.

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A comprehensive guide to nutrition for endurance athletes Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:46:04 +0000 Read time: 8 minutes, 30 seconds Endurance athletes, on the other hand, engage in prolonged activities that challenge cardiovascular endurance and stamina, such as running, cycling, swimming, and triathlons. Typically these sports require athletes to endure an activity for hours at a time. And the primary goal is to sustain effort over this extended period of time. This makes their training and nutritional requirements significantly different than other athletes. Understanding endurance athletes Endurance activities use the aerobic energy system to sustain prolonged physical effort. This system relies on oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fats for energy. During low to moderate-intensity activities, such as jogging or cycling at a steady pace, the body predominantly relies on aerobic metabolism to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy currency of all cells in the body. This system is very efficient and provides a steady supply of energy for extended periods. But that assumes there’s enough fuel provided to sustain the activity, and that the athlete has excellent physical fitness. The aerobic system’s reliance on oxygen allows the body to maintain endurance efforts for long durations. This makes it essential for activities like long-distance running, swimming, and cycling. As the intensity of endurance activities increases, the body utlizes a different energy system. These activities engage the anaerobic energy system in conjunction with the aerobic system. This process produces energy more rapidly than aerobic metabolism but leads to the accumulation of lactate, resulting in the familiar sensation of muscle fatigue and “burn.” The lactate threshold is a critical factor in determining performance during endurance exercises. This is the point where lactate production exceeds its removal. Once the body passes this threshold, lactate accumulates in the bloodstream and leads to an imbalance in pH levels. This condition, known as lactic acidosis, can result in a burning sensation in the muscles, and fatigue. And ultimately reduces exercise performance or leads to inability to perform altogether. Proper training and gradual increases in exercise intensity can help endurance athletes improve their lactate threshold. By carefully manage pacing and training endurance athletes can improve their lactate threshold. This enhances performance in races or events that demand sustained effort at high intensities. Nutrition also plays a big role in the success of an endurance athlete. In this blog post, I outline the importance of macronutrients, micronutrients and hydration for endurance athletes. Carbohydrates and endurance athletes Carbohydrates play a vital role in fueling endurance athletes during prolonged activities. As the primary energy source for aerobic metabolism, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is then used to produce ATP, providing the energy needed for muscle contractions. During endurance exercises like long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, the body relies heavily on stored glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrates) in the muscles and liver to sustain energy levels. Consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates before, during, and after activity is crucial for optimizing performance, delaying fatigue, and promoting efficient recovery. Before activity, endurance athletes should aim to consume a carbohydrate-rich meal or snack to top up their glycogen stores. The timing and amount of carbohydrates depend on individual preferences and digestion. A balanced meal with complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, consumed 2-4 hours before the activity, provides a steady source of energy. For those who have less time before exercise, a smaller carbohydrate-rich snack, like a banana or energy bar, consumed 30-60 minutes prior, can also be beneficial. During endurance activity lasting longer than one hour, consuming carbohydrates is essential to maintain energy levels and delay fatigue. Aim for 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour, depending on the duration and intensity of the activity. This can be achieved through energy gels, sports drinks, or easily digestible carbohydrate-rich snacks like energy bars or dried fruits. After activity, replenishing glycogen stores is crucial for efficient recovery. Consuming carbohydrates within the first 30-60 minutes after exercise is particularly important, as the body’s glycogen synthesis rate is higher during this period. Aim for 1.2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight within this window. A mix of carbohydrates and protein can also aid in muscle recovery and repair, supporting an athlete’s readiness for subsequent training sessions or competitions. Protein and endurance athletes Protein is essential for endurance athletes to support muscle repair, recovery, and overall performance. During long-duration activities, the body undergoes muscle breakdown and protein degradation due to the repetitive and prolonged nature of the exercise. Consuming an adequate amount of protein is crucial to prevent excessive muscle damage and promote optimal recovery. Protein provides the necessary amino acids that are building blocks for muscle repair and growth, helping endurance athletes to bounce back faster and adapt to the demands of their training. Before endurance activity, consuming protein is not a primary concern as the main focus is on carbohydrates to provide the necessary energy for sustained performance. However, having a small amount of protein along with carbohydrates before exercise can help provide a steady supply of amino acids during activity and may aid in preventing muscle breakdown. During endurance activity, protein intake is not typically a priority as the primary focus is on carbohydrate and hydration needs. Protein digestion may be slower and may not be as practical during exercise, especially in longer events or activities. Instead, the emphasis is on consuming easily digestible carbohydrates to maintain energy levels and support performance. After endurance activity, protein intake becomes crucial to support muscle recovery and adaptation. Consuming protein within the first hour after exercise is essential to maximize the body’s ability to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Aim for approximately 20-30 grams of high-quality protein from sources like lean meats, dairy products, eggs, or plant-based options like legumes and tofu. Combining protein with carbohydrates in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio can also aid in glycogen replenishment and enhance recovery. The recommended daily protein intake for endurance athletes is typically between 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight, depending on factors such as training volume, intensity, and individual goals. Proper protein intake, along with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients, helps endurance athletes optimize their training, performance, and recovery, leading to improved overall athletic success. Dietary fat and endurance athletes Dietary fat plays a critical role in supporting endurance athletes’ performance, energy utilization, and overall health. During prolonged endurance activities, the body relies on stored fat as a significant source of energy, especially as glycogen stores begin to deplete. Fats are broken down into fatty acids and then oxidized to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), providing a continuous and sustainable source of energy for endurance efforts. By training the body to become more efficient at utilizing fat for fuel, endurance athletes can delay the onset of fatigue and improve their performance during long-distance events. Additionally, dietary fats aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and play a crucial role in supporting various physiological functions, including hormone production, cell membrane integrity, and nervous system health. Endurance athletes should focus on consuming healthy fats to optimize their performance and overall well-being. Incorporating sources of unsaturated fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, provides essential fatty acids and supports cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and chia seeds, possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in recovery and reducing exercise-induced muscle damage. While fats are a valuable energy source, it is essential for endurance athletes to balance their fat intake with carbohydrates and protein to ensure they meet all their nutritional requirements. Striking the right macronutrient balance helps endurance athletes maintain their energy levels, enhance their performance, and support their body’s demands during prolonged training and racing. Micronutrients and endurance athletes Micronutrients play a crucial role in supporting the performance and overall health of endurance athletes. Vitamins and minerals are essential for various physiological functions that impact energy production, immune function, and recovery. B-vitamins, such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, and B12, are involved in energy metabolism, helping convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into usable energy during endurance activities. Iron is critical for oxygen transport in the blood, and its deficiency can lead to decreased endurance performance and fatigue. Additionally, minerals like calcium and magnesium support muscle function and bone health, both essential for endurance athletes to prevent injuries and maintain strength and flexibility. Phytonutrients also play a significant role in supporting endurance athletes’ health and performance. Antioxidant-rich phytonutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids, help combat oxidative stress caused by intense exercise. Oxidative stress can lead to muscle damage and inflammation, so consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods provides a natural defense against these harmful effects. Additionally, phytonutrients like quercetin and resveratrol have been studied for their potential to enhance endurance performance and recovery. By including a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in their diet, endurance athletes can ensure they receive an array of beneficial phytonutrients to support their training and overall health. Overall, paying attention to micronutrient intake through a balanced and diverse diet is crucial for endurance athletes to optimize their training, performance, and well-being. Hydration and endurance athletes Hydration is of paramount importance for endurance athletes as they engage in prolonged physical activities that lead to significant fluid loss through sweat. Proper hydration ensures optimal performance, endurance, and overall well-being. Dehydration can result in reduced blood volume, impaired thermoregulation, and increased heart rate, which negatively impact an athlete’s ability to maintain intensity and performance during long-duration activities. Endurance athletes should start their training or competition well-hydrated and continue to drink fluids at regular intervals to offset fluid losses. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking about 16-20 fluid ounces (approximately 500-600 milliliters) of water two to three hours before exercise and another 7-10 fluid ounces (200-300 milliliters) of water 10-20 minutes before starting the activity. For extended endurance activities lasting longer than one hour, consuming fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes can help maintain blood glucose levels and prevent dehydration. During endurance activities, it is crucial for athletes to continue hydrating to replace lost fluids and maintain optimal performance. The goal is to prevent excessive fluid loss, which can lead to dehydration and impair performance. The rate of fluid consumption depends on individual sweat rates, exercise intensity, and environmental conditions. Generally, consuming 7-10 fluid ounces (200-300 milliliters) of fluids every 10-20 minutes during exercise is recommended. For activities lasting longer than one hour, consuming fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes can help sustain energy levels and support hydration. After endurance activities, prompt rehydration is vital for optimal recovery. Athletes should aim to replace any fluid losses by consuming 16-24 fluid ounces (approximately 500-750 milliliters) of fluid for every pound of body weight lost during exercise. Including some sodium in post-exercise fluids can aid in rehydration by enhancing fluid retention and promoting fluid balance. By prioritizing proper hydration before, during, and after endurance activities, athletes can maintain their performance, reduce the risk of dehydration-related issues, and support their body’s recovery processes. In summary… Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting the training and performance of endurance athletes. Properly fueling the body with the right macronutrients and micronutrients is essential for optimizing energy levels, enhancing endurance, and promoting efficient recovery. Endurance athletes should focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, which serve as the primary fuel source during prolonged activities. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide a steady release of energy, while simple carbohydrates like sports drinks and energy gels can be useful during intense training sessions or races to quickly replenish glycogen stores. Adequate protein intake is vital for muscle repair and growth, supporting endurance athletes’ ability to recover from their workouts and adapt to training demands. High-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, dairy products, eggs, and plant-based options like legumes and tofu, should be incorporated into meals and snacks throughout the day. Additionally, healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, provide a secondary source of energy...

The post A comprehensive guide to nutrition for endurance athletes appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 8 minutes, 30 seconds

Endurance athletes engage in prolonged activities that challenge cardiovascular endurance and stamina, such as running, cycling, swimming, and triathlons. Typically, these sports require athletes to endure an activity for hours at a time. And the primary goal is to sustain effort over this extended period of time. This makes their training and nutritional requirements significantly different than other athletes.

Understanding Endurance Athletes

Endurance activities use the aerobic energy system to sustain prolonged physical effort. This system relies on oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fats for energy. During low to moderate-intensity activities, such as jogging or cycling at a steady pace, the body predominantly relies on aerobic metabolism to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy currency of all cells in the body. This system is very efficient and provides a steady supply of energy for extended periods. But that assumes there’s enough fuel provided to sustain the activity, and that the athlete has excellent physical fitness. The aerobic system’s reliance on oxygen allows the body to maintain endurance efforts for long durations. This makes it essential for activities like long-distance running, swimming, and cycling.

Further Read8 Secrets to Improving Endurance in any Athletic Activity

As the intensity of endurance activities increases, the body utilizes a different energy system. These activities engage the anaerobic energy system in conjunction with the aerobic system. This process produces energy more rapidly than aerobic metabolism but leads to the accumulation of lactate, resulting in the familiar sensation of muscle fatigue and “burn”. The lactate threshold is a critical factor in determining performance during endurance exercises. This is the point where lactate production exceeds its removal. Once the body passes this threshold, lactate accumulates in the bloodstream and leads to an imbalance in pH levels. This condition, known as lactic acidosis, can result in a burning sensation in the muscles, and fatigue. And ultimately reduces exercise performance or leads to inability to perform altogether.

Proper training and gradual increases in exercise intensity can help endurance athletes improve their lactate threshold. By carefully managing pacing and training endurance athletes can improve their lactate threshold. This enhances performance in races or events that demand sustained effort at high intensities.

Further Read: Fuel Your Performance: 4 Essential Eating Habits for Adult Athletes

Nutrition also plays a big role in the success of an endurance athlete. In this blog post, I outline the importance of macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration for endurance athletes.

Carbohydrates and Endurance Athletes

Carbohydrates play a vital role in fueling endurance athletes during prolonged activities. As the primary energy source for aerobic metabolism, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is then used to produce ATP, providing the energy needed for muscle contractions. During endurance exercises like long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, the body relies heavily on stored glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrates) in the muscles and liver to sustain energy levels. Consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates before, during, and after activity is crucial for optimizing performance, delaying fatigue, and promoting efficient recovery.

Also Read7 Natural Supplements that Boost Post-Workout Recovery

Before activity, endurance athletes should aim to consume a carbohydrate-rich meal or snack to top up their glycogen stores. The timing and amount of carbohydrates depend on individual preferences and digestion. A balanced meal with complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, consumed 2-4 hours before the activity, provides a steady source of energy. For those who have less time before exercise, a smaller carbohydrate-rich snack, like a banana or energy bar, consumed 30-60 minutes prior, can also be beneficial.

Also ReadWhy Carbohydrates Matter in Sports Nutrition

During endurance activity lasting longer than one hour, consuming carbohydrates is essential to maintain energy levels and delay fatigue. Aim for 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour, depending on the duration and intensity of the activity. This can be achieved through energy gels, sports drinks, or easily digestible carbohydrate-rich snacks like energy bars or dried fruits.

Also ReadThe Carbohydrate Conundrum: The Truth About Good and Bad Carbs

After activity, replenishing glycogen stores is crucial for efficient recovery. Consuming carbohydrates within the first 30-60 minutes after exercise is particularly important, as the body’s glycogen synthesis rate is higher during this period. Aim for 1.2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight within this window. A mix of carbohydrates and protein can also aid in muscle recovery and repair, supporting an athlete’s readiness for subsequent training sessions or competitions.

Protein and Endurance Athletes

Protein is essential for endurance athletes to support muscle repair, recovery, and overall performance. During long-duration activities, the body undergoes muscle breakdown and protein degradation due to the repetitive and prolonged nature of the exercise. Consuming an adequate amount of protein is crucial to prevent excessive muscle damage and promote optimal recovery. Protein provides the necessary amino acids that are building blocks for muscle repair and growth, helping endurance athletes bounce back faster and adapt to the demands of their training.

Also ReadUnleash the Beast with the Power of Protein

Before endurance activity, consuming protein is not a primary concern as the main focus is on carbohydrates to provide the necessary energy for sustained performance. However, having a small amount of protein along with carbohydrates before exercise can help provide a steady supply of amino acids during activity and may aid in preventing muscle breakdown.

During endurance activity, protein intake is not typically a priority as the primary focus is on carbohydrate and hydration needs. Protein digestion may be slower and may not be as practical during exercise, especially in longer events or activities. Instead, the emphasis is on consuming easily digestible carbohydrates to maintain energy levels and support performance.

Further Read3 Must-have Protein Supplements and Why?

After endurance activity, protein intake becomes crucial to support muscle recovery and adaptation. Consuming protein within the first hour after exercise is essential to maximize the body’s ability to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Aim for approximately 20-30 grams of high-quality protein from sources like lean meats, dairy products, eggs, or plant-based options like legumes and tofu. Combining protein with carbohydrates in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio can also aid in glycogen replenishment and enhance recovery.

Also Read: 10 Backed by Science Healing Foods to Enhance Recovery

The recommended daily protein intake for endurance athletes is typically between 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight, depending on factors such as training volume, intensity, and individual goals. Proper protein intake, along with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients, helps endurance athletes optimize their training, performance, and recovery, leading to improved overall athletic success.

Dietary Fat and Endurance Athletes

Dietary fat plays a critical role in supporting endurance athletes’ performance, energy utilization, and overall health. During prolonged endurance activities, the body relies on stored fat as a significant source of energy, especially as glycogen stores begin to deplete. Fats are broken down into fatty acids and then oxidized to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), providing a continuous and sustainable source of energy for endurance efforts. By training the body to become more efficient at utilizing fat for fuel, endurance athletes can delay the onset of fatigue and improve their performance during long-distance events. Additionally, dietary fats aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and play a crucial role in supporting various physiological functions, including hormone production, cell membrane integrity, and nervous system health.

Also Read: Embracing Healthy Fats for Optimal Athletic Performance

Endurance athletes should focus on consuming healthy fats to optimize their performance and overall well-being. Incorporating sources of unsaturated fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, provides essential fatty acids and supports cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and chia seeds, possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in recovery and reducing exercise-induced muscle damage. While fats are a valuable energy source, it is essential for endurance athletes to balance their fat intake with carbohydrates and protein to ensure they meet all their nutritional requirements. Striking the right macronutrient balance helps endurance athletes maintain their energy levels, enhance their performance, and support their body’s demands during prolonged training and racing.

Also ReadThe DOs and DON’Ts of a Fat Adapted Diet for Athletes

Micronutrients and Endurance Athletes

Micronutrients play a crucial role in supporting the performance and overall health of endurance athletes. Vitamins and minerals are essential for various physiological functions that impact energy production, immune function, and recovery. B vitamins, such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, and B12, are involved in energy metabolism, helping convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into usable energy during endurance activities. Iron is critical for oxygen transport in the blood, and its deficiency can lead to decreased endurance performance and fatigue. Additionally, minerals like calcium and magnesium support muscle function and bone health, both essential for endurance athletes to prevent injuries and maintain strength and flexibility.

Also ReadThe Vital Role of Micronutrients in Athletic Performance

Phytonutrients also play a significant role in supporting endurance athletes’ health and performance. Antioxidant-rich phytonutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids, help combat oxidative stress caused by intense exercise. Oxidative stress can lead to muscle damage and inflammation, so consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods provides a natural defense against these harmful effects. Additionally, phytonutrients like quercetin and resveratrol have been studied for their potential to enhance endurance performance and recovery. By including a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in their diet, endurance athletes can ensure they receive an array of beneficial phytonutrients to support their training and overall health. Overall, paying attention to micronutrient intake through a balanced and diverse diet is crucial for endurance athletes to optimize their training, performance, and well-being.

Also ReadTraining and Nutrition for Different Types of Athletes

Hydration and Endurance Athletes

Hydration is of paramount importance for endurance athletes as they engage in prolonged physical activities that lead to significant fluid loss through sweat. Proper hydration ensures optimal performance, endurance, and overall well-being. Dehydration can result in reduced blood volume, impaired thermoregulation, and increased heart rate, which negatively impact an athlete’s ability to maintain intensity and performance during long-duration activities. Endurance athletes should start their training or competition well-hydrated and continue to drink fluids at regular intervals to offset fluid losses. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking about 16-20 fluid ounces (approximately 500-600 milliliters) of water two to three hours before exercise and another 7-10 fluid ounces (200-300 milliliters) of water 10-20 minutes before starting the activity. For extended endurance activities lasting longer than one hour, consuming fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes can help maintain blood glucose levels and prevent dehydration.

Also Read5 Strategies for Achieving Daily Water Intake Goals

During endurance activities, it is crucial for athletes to continue hydrating to replace lost fluids and maintain optimal performance. The goal is to prevent excessive fluid loss, which can lead to dehydration and impair performance. The rate of fluid consumption depends on individual sweat rates, exercise intensity, and environmental conditions. Generally, consuming 7-10 fluid ounces (200-300 milliliters) of fluids every 10-20 minutes during exercise is recommended. For activities lasting longer than one hour, consuming fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes can help sustain energy levels and support hydration. After endurance activities, prompt rehydration is vital for optimal recovery.

Also ReadHydrating for Health, Anti-Aging and Performance

Athletes should aim to replace any fluid losses by consuming 16-24 fluid ounces (approximately 500-750 milliliters) of fluid for every pound of body weight lost during exercise. Including some sodium in post-exercise fluids can aid in rehydration by enhancing fluid retention and promoting fluid balance. By prioritizing proper hydration before, during, and after endurance activities, athletes can maintain their performance, reduce the risk of dehydration-related issues, and support their body’s recovery processes. If you are interested in some simple foods for hydration then check out this recipe:

Also Read[RECIPE] Tart Cherry Jello for Hydration and Recovery

In summary...

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting the training and performance of endurance athletes. Properly fueling the body with the right macronutrients and micronutrients is essential for optimizing energy levels, enhancing endurance, and promoting efficient recovery. Endurance athletes should focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, which serve as the primary fuel source during prolonged activities. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide a steady release of energy, while simple carbohydrates like sports drinks and energy gels can be useful during intense training sessions or races to quickly replenish glycogen stores.

Adequate protein intake is vital for muscle repair and growth, supporting endurance athletes’ ability to recover from their workouts and adapt to training demands. High-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, dairy products, eggs, and plant-based options like legumes and tofu, should be incorporated into meals and snacks throughout the day. Additionally, healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, provide a secondary source of energy and contribute to overall health and immune function.

In addition to macronutrients, endurance athletes must pay attention to their micronutrient intake, as vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients are essential for various physiological processes. B-vitamins are critical for energy metabolism, while minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium support muscle function, bone health, and oxygen transport. Consuming a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods ensures a diverse intake of phytonutrients, which act as antioxidants and protect against exercise-induced oxidative stress.

Hydration is also a key component of nutrition for endurance athletes, as proper fluid intake before, during, and after exercise helps maintain performance, prevent dehydration, and support recovery. By prioritizing a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet tailored to their individual needs, endurance athletes can optimize their training, boost performance, and stay healthy and resilient throughout their training and competitive endeavors.

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Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

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Strength athletes: Maximize your gains with these nutrition tips Tue, 08 Aug 2023 21:12:00 +0000 Read time: 5 minutes Athletic performance is greatly influenced by the type of training and physical demands placed on the body. Sports nutrition varies significantly among different types of athletes. This is because there are differing demands placed on their bodies during training and competition. Each category of athletes requires a tailored dietary strategy to optimize their performance and achieve their specific goals. In this post, I’ll cover the nutritional needs of athletes that require strength to succeed. The competitive activities that fall into this category are powerlifting, CrossFit, strongman, shot put, discus throw, and strongman competitions. Understanding the Needs of Strength Athletes Strength athletes are individuals who rely on short bursts of intense power and strength. Their primary focus is on building muscle mass, improving strength, and increasing power. Strength athletes primarily use anaerobic energy systems to meet the intense demands of their training. The two main anaerobic energy systems are the ATP-PCr system and the glycolytic system. The ATP-PCr is used during short bursts of intense activity. This includes lifting heavy weights or performing explosive movements. It provides a rapid and immediate source of energy by breaking down stored phosphocreatine to regenerate ATP. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the body’s primary energy currency. The ATP-PCr system, however, is limited and depletes energy quickly. Therefore, when an activity extends beyond a few seconds, the glycolytic system kicks on. This system converts stored glycogen (carbohydrates) into ATP and supplies additional energy during moderate to high-intensity exercises. Although these anaerobic systems support strength training, strength athletes tend to have limited endurance. This is why strength athletes typically require longer rest periods between sets. The rest allows for ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. Also Read: 8 secrets to improving endurance in any athletic activity Phosphocreatine is essential to strength athletes because it serves as a quick energy reserve. This supports the intense and explosive efforts during resistance training. It also allows for faster recovery between sets. Its role in regenerating ATP makes it a vital component of the energy systems utilized during short and intense activities. To support their intense workouts and muscle-building, strength athletes have specific nutritional requirements. In this post, I describe their individual macronutrient, micronutrient, and hydration needs. Protein Needs for Strength Athletes Protein is a fundamental macronutrient for strength athletes. It plays a pivotal role in supporting muscle repair, recovery, and growth. Strength athletes subject their muscles to intense stress during resistance training, resulting in micro-tears in the muscle fibers. Protein is essential for repairing these damaged fibers and promoting muscle hypertrophy. Protein intake also optimizes muscle protein synthesis, the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue. By consuming enough protein, strength athletes provide their bodies with the building blocks (amino acids) necessary for efficient recovery and growth. Also Read: What is Considered a High-Quality Protein? The recommended protein intake for strength athletes typically ranges from 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. The exact intake depends on individual factors such as training intensity, body composition goals, and training experience. High-quality protein sources are best for ensuring amino acid variety. Both animal and plant proteins can be valuable sources of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Animal-based proteins, however, offer more complete amino acid profiles than plant-based options. Also Read: Complete Guide to Buying Quality Animal Protein Many strength athletes also utilize protein supplements to meet their daily protein requirements. Protein intake and timing around training sessions can maximize gains, optimize recovery, and achieve peak performance. Carbohydrate Needs for Strength Athletes Carbohydrates are a crucial fuel source for strength athletes. They provide the energy necessary to sustain high-intensity workouts and optimize overall performance. During resistance training, the body predominantly relies on carbohydrates to supply the quick energy needed for explosive movements and heavy lifts. Consuming sufficient carbohydrates ensures that strength athletes have adequate glycogen stores in their muscles. Glycogen helps delay fatigue and supports longer and more intense training sessions. Additionally, carbohydrates spare protein from being used as an energy source. This preserves amino acids for their primary role in muscle repair and growth. The optimal carbohydrate intake for strength athletes depends on various factors. They include training volume, intensity, body weight, and individual goals. Strength athletes may want to aim for 45-65% of their total caloric intake from carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates from whole foods are better than simple sugars because they digest more slowly. This provides the body with a steadier release of energy rather than a sudden rush of glucose. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates are whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and fruits. Also Read: The Carbohydrate Conundrum: The Truth About Good and Bad Carbs Proper carbohydrate timing is also essential for strength athletes. Consuming carbohydrates before and after workouts maximizes glycogen replenishment and supports recovery. Strength athletes should aim for at least 25 grams, 30-60 minutes before and after a workout. Fat Needs for Strength Athletes Fats also play a vital role in the diet of strength athletes. They contribute to overall health, hormone production, and energy utilization. While carbohydrates are the primary energy source during high-intensity training, fats serve as an essential secondary fuel source for less intense activities. Fats are also crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and support the health of the nervous system. Further Read: Embracing Healthy Fats for Optimal Athletic Performance Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil should be included in a strength athlete’s diet. These fats should also comprise about 20-35% of daily caloric intake for strength athletes. Fats provide a sustainable source of energy, promote satiety, and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. These attributes are beneficial for muscle recovery, hormone balance, and athletic performance. Also Read: The DOs and DON’Ts of a Fat Adapted Diet for Athletes Micronutrient Needs for Strength Athletes Micronutrients play a critical role in supporting the overall health and performance of strength athletes.  They include vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and are essential for various physiological processes that optimize muscle function, immune health, and recovery. Also Read: The Vital Role of Micronutrients in Athletic Performance Strength athletes have increased nutrient demands due to their higher metabolic rate and the stress placed on their bodies during intense training. Micronutrients like vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, B-complex) and minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium) are essential for enzyme reactions, energy metabolism, and oxygen transport, all of which are crucial for optimal athletic performance.  Vitamin C and E help combat exercise-induced oxidative stress and support a healthy immune system, protecting the body from illnesses that could hinder training progress. Also Read: Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Probiotics Phytonutrients, also known as phytochemicals, are naturally occurring compounds found in plants.  They serve several functions in plants, including acting as pigments, antioxidants, and defense mechanisms against environmental stressors like pests and UV radiation. When humans consume these plant-based foods, phytonutrients can exhibit similar beneficial effects in the body. To meet their micronutrient needs, strength athletes should focus on consuming a diverse range of nutrient-dense plant-based foods.  Examples include colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.  By prioritizing micronutrient-rich foods, strength athletes can reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies which could impair performance.  They will also prepare their bodies to handle the physical demands of training and competition. Hydration needs for strength athletes Proper hydration is key for optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and maintaining fitness. During intense workouts, strength athletes can lose substantial amounts of fluids through sweat. This can lead to dehydration if not adequately replenished. Dehydration leads to hindered performance and increases the risk of injury. Also Read: 5 Strategies for Achieving Daily Water Intake Goals To stay hydrated, strength athletes should consume water before, during, and after training sessions. Electrolyte-rich beverages, such as sports drinks, can also be beneficial. Especially during prolonged and high-intensity workouts. Monitoring urine color is a practical way for athletes to gauge their hydration status. A pale yellow color indicates adequate hydration, while darker urine may indicate the need for more fluids. In summary… Rigorous training regimens, meticulous nutritional planning, and comprehensive preparation are all important for a strength athlete’s success. These factors help athletes excel in their sport and reach peak performance. A strength athlete’s training focuses on building muscle mass, strength, and power through intense resistance exercises. And adequate recovery and rest periods needed for optimal muscle repair and growth. Nutrition also plays a crucial role in a strength athlete’s success. With emphasis on macronutrient intake, and hydration and electrolyte balance. These nutrients are crucial for performance and preventing dehydration during intense training sessions.

The post Strength athletes: Maximize your gains with these nutrition tips appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 5 minutes

Athletic performance is greatly influenced by the type of training and physical demands placed on the body.

Sports nutrition varies significantly among different types of athletes. This is because there are differing demands placed on their bodies during training and competition. Each category of athletes requires a tailored dietary strategy to optimize their performance and achieve their specific goals.

In this post, I’ll cover the nutritional needs of athletes that require strength to succeed. The competitive activities that fall into this category are powerlifting, CrossFit, strongman, shot put, discus throw, and strongman competitions.

Understanding the Needs of Strength Athletes

Strength athletes are individuals who rely on short bursts of intense power and strength. Their primary focus is on building muscle mass, improving strength, and increasing power.

Strength athletes primarily use anaerobic energy systems to meet the intense demands of their training. The two main anaerobic energy systems are the ATP-PCr system and the glycolytic system.

The ATP-PCr is used during short bursts of intense activity. This includes lifting heavy weights or performing explosive movements. It provides a rapid and immediate source of energy by breaking down stored phosphocreatine to regenerate ATP. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the body’s primary energy currency.

The ATP-PCr system, however, is limited and depletes energy quickly. Therefore, when an activity extends beyond a few seconds, the glycolytic system kicks on. This system converts stored glycogen (carbohydrates) into ATP and supplies additional energy during moderate to high-intensity exercises. Although these anaerobic systems support strength training, strength athletes tend to have limited endurance. This is why strength athletes typically require longer rest periods between sets. The rest allows for ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment.

Also Read8 secrets to improving endurance in any athletic activity

Phosphocreatine is essential to strength athletes because it serves as a quick energy reserve. This supports the intense and explosive efforts during resistance training. It also allows for faster recovery between sets. Its role in regenerating ATP makes it a vital component of the energy systems utilized during short and intense activities.

To support their intense workouts and muscle-building, strength athletes have specific nutritional requirements. In this post, I describe their individual macronutrient, micronutrient, and hydration needs.

Protein Needs for Strength Athletes

Protein is a fundamental macronutrient for strength athletes. It plays a pivotal role in supporting muscle repair, recovery, and growth. Strength athletes subject their muscles to intense stress during resistance training, resulting in micro-tears in the muscle fibers. Protein is essential for repairing these damaged fibers and promoting muscle hypertrophy. Protein intake also optimizes muscle protein synthesis, the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue. By consuming enough protein, strength athletes provide their bodies with the building blocks (amino acids) necessary for efficient recovery and growth.

Also ReadWhat is Considered a High-Quality Protein?

The recommended protein intake for strength athletes typically ranges from 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. The exact intake depends on individual factors such as training intensity, body composition goals, and training experience. High-quality protein sources are best for ensuring amino acid variety. Both animal and plant proteins can be valuable sources of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Animal-based proteins, however, offer more complete amino acid profiles than plant-based options.

Also ReadComplete Guide to Buying Quality Animal Protein

Many strength athletes also utilize protein supplements to meet their daily protein requirements. Protein intake and timing around training sessions can maximize gains, optimize recovery, and achieve peak performance.

Carbohydrate Needs for Strength Athletes

Carbohydrates are a crucial fuel source for strength athletes. They provide the energy necessary to sustain high-intensity workouts and optimize overall performance. During resistance training, the body predominantly relies on carbohydrates to supply the quick energy needed for explosive movements and heavy lifts. Consuming sufficient carbohydrates ensures that strength athletes have adequate glycogen stores in their muscles. Glycogen helps delay fatigue and supports longer and more intense training sessions. Additionally, carbohydrates spare protein from being used as an energy source. This preserves amino acids for their primary role in muscle repair and growth.

The optimal carbohydrate intake for strength athletes depends on various factors. They include training volume, intensity, body weight, and individual goals. Strength athletes may want to aim for 45-65% of their total caloric intake from carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates from whole foods are better than simple sugars because they digest more slowly. This provides the body with a steadier release of energy rather than a sudden rush of glucose. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates are whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and fruits.

Also ReadThe Carbohydrate Conundrum: The Truth About Good and Bad Carbs

Proper carbohydrate timing is also essential for strength athletes. Consuming carbohydrates before and after workouts maximizes glycogen replenishment and supports recovery. Strength athletes should aim for at least 25 grams, 30-60 minutes before and after a workout.

Fat Needs for Strength Athletes

Fats also play a vital role in the diet of strength athletes. They contribute to overall health, hormone production, and energy utilization. While carbohydrates are the primary energy source during high-intensity training, fats serve as an essential secondary fuel source for less intense activities. Fats are also crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and support the health of the nervous system.

Further ReadEmbracing Healthy Fats for Optimal Athletic Performance

Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil should be included in a strength athlete’s diet. These fats should also comprise about 20-35% of daily caloric intake for strength athletes. Fats provide a sustainable source of energy, promote satiety, and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. These attributes are beneficial for muscle recovery, hormone balance, and athletic performance.

Also ReadThe DOs and DON’Ts of a Fat Adapted Diet for Athletes

Micronutrient Needs for Strength Athletes

Micronutrients play a critical role in supporting the overall health and performance of strength athletes.  They include vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and are essential for various physiological processes that optimize muscle function, immune health, and recovery.

Also ReadThe Vital Role of Micronutrients in Athletic Performance

Strength athletes have increased nutrient demands due to their higher metabolic rate and the stress placed on their bodies during intense training. Micronutrients like vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, B-complex) and minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium) are essential for enzyme reactions, energy metabolism, and oxygen transport, all of which are crucial for optimal athletic performance.  Vitamin C and E help combat exercise-induced oxidative stress and support a healthy immune system, protecting the body from illnesses that could hinder training progress.

Also ReadBeginner’s Guide to Choosing Probiotics

Phytonutrients, also known as phytochemicals, are naturally occurring compounds found in plants.  They serve several functions in plants, including acting as pigments, antioxidants, and defense mechanisms against environmental stressors like pests and UV radiation. When humans consume these plant-based foods, phytonutrients can exhibit similar beneficial effects in the body. 

To meet their micronutrient needs, strength athletes should focus on consuming a diverse range of nutrient-dense plant-based foods.  Examples include colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.  By prioritizing micronutrient-rich foods, strength athletes can reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies which could impair performance.  They will also prepare their bodies to handle the physical demands of training and competition.

Hydration needs for strength athletes

Proper hydration is key for optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and maintaining fitness. During intense workouts, strength athletes can lose substantial amounts of fluids through sweat. This can lead to dehydration if not adequately replenished. Dehydration leads to hindered performance and increases the risk of injury.

Also Read5 Strategies for Achieving Daily Water Intake Goals

To stay hydrated, strength athletes should consume water before, during, and after training sessions. Electrolyte-rich beverages, such as sports drinks, can also be beneficial. Especially during prolonged and high-intensity workouts. Monitoring urine color is a practical way for athletes to gauge their hydration status. A pale yellow color indicates adequate hydration, while darker urine may indicate the need for more fluids.

In summary...

Rigorous training regimens, meticulous nutritional planning, and comprehensive preparation are all important for a strength athlete’s success. These factors help athletes excel in their sport and reach peak performance. A strength athlete’s training focuses on building muscle mass, strength, and power through intense resistance exercises. And adequate recovery and rest periods needed for optimal muscle repair and growth.

Nutrition also plays a crucial role in a strength athlete’s success. With emphasis on macronutrient intake, and hydration and electrolyte balance. These nutrients are crucial for performance and preventing dehydration during intense training sessions.

The post Strength athletes: Maximize your gains with these nutrition tips appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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8 secrets to improving endurance in any athletic activity Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:13:00 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes Before we talk about endurance, let’s talk about how it’s different than stamina. Endurance is the ability of the body to sustain prolonged and continuous physical activity over an extended period without getting fatigued. It represents how well the cardiovascular and respiratory systems can deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles during prolonged activity. Specific sports rely heavily on this ability such as long-distance running, swimming, or cycling. But regardless of the activity, endurance is likely needed in some capacity. Stamina focuses on the body’s capacity to withstand and recover from the challenges of intense physical activities or short bursts of high-intensity efforts. It involves the muscles’ ability to perform repetitive, powerful movements without experiencing early fatigue. While endurance is about sustaining performance over time, stamina is handling short bursts of intense activity followed by a quick recovery. Both endurance and stamina are crucial in various sports and fitness pursuits, and training methods can be tailored to improve each aspect according to specific athletic goals. During endurance activities, the aerobic energy system is predominantly utilized by the body. The primary source of energy for this system is oxygen. The aerobic energy system involves the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency of the body. Also Read: 5 Hacks to Manage Your Energy Not Your Time During prolonged endurance activities like long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, the body requires a steady supply of energy to sustain performance over an extended period. The aerobic system is highly efficient in producing ATP and can continue to generate energy as long as there is a sufficient oxygen supply. Carbohydrates and fats are the main fuel sources used during aerobic activities. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver, while fats are stored in adipose tissue throughout the body. As the activity intensity increases, the body will rely more on carbohydrates for energy. However, during low to moderate-intensity endurance activities, such as steady-paced jogging or cycling, the body primarily uses fats as the energy source, reserving glycogen for higher-intensity efforts or the final stages of prolonged activities. Also Read: Why Carbohydrates Matter in Sports Nutrition Endurance is the bedrock of athletic performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting on your fitness journey, building and improving endurance is crucial to achieving your goals and surpassing your limits. Endurance allows you to push through fatigue, maintain a steady pace, and go the distance in any sport or physical activity. And now I’ll share 8 strategies that can help you improve your endurance and elevate your athletic performance in your activity. 1. Establish a solid foundation. Before diving into intense training, it’s essential to establish a solid foundation of overall fitness. Endurance is an ability that must be built up over time. So, if you’re just starting out make sure that you ramp up your endurance slowly and don’t expect to be able to run a marathon with no training. Regular aerobic exercise such as jogging, cycling, or swimming can improve cardiovascular health and set the stage for more intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Then gradually increase the duration and intensity over time. 2. Incorporate interval training. Interval training is a very effective method to boost endurance. This style of training involved alternating between periods of high-intensity effort and recovery. It challenges both your aerobic and anaerobic systems, enhancing your ability to sustain intense efforts for longer durations. For example, during a running session, alternate between sprinting and jogging or walking, repeating several intervals. Start with shorter intervals and gradually increase their length as your fitness level improves. 3. Embrace cross-training. Cross-training involves engaging in various types of physical activities to develop different muscle groups while giving some rest to others. This not only reduces the risk of overuse injuries but also improves overall fitness and endurance. Consider incorporating activities like swimming, cycling, weightlifting, yoga, or dancing into your routine. Cross-training can keep workouts interesting and challenge your body in unique ways, leading to improved endurance. 4. Fuel your body wisely. Being a sports nutritionist, you probably aren’t surprised I’d highly recommend this strategy for improving endurance. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in enhancing endurance and providing a sustainable source of fuel. Prioritize a balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source during prolonged exercise, so ensure you consume enough to sustain your activity levels. Stay hydrated before, during, and after workouts to optimize performance and aid in recovery. Further Read: Training and Nutrition for Different Types of Athletes 5. Train at different intensity levels. To build endurance, it’s essential to train at different intensity levels. Incorporate long, steady-paced workouts to enhance your aerobic capacity and improve your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently. Additionally, include shorter, more intense workouts to challenge your anaerobic threshold and increase your body’s tolerance to lactic acid buildup. A well-rounded training approach will yield better results and make you a more versatile athlete. 6. Prioritize rest and recovery. Endurance training can be demanding on your body, so it’s crucial to prioritize rest and recovery. Allow ample time for your muscles to repair and rebuild after intense workouts. Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to prevent burnout and reduce the risk of injury. Adequate sleep is also essential for optimal performance and overall well-being. Also Read: 7 Natural Supplements that Boost Post-Workout Recovery 7. Monitor and track your progress. Keep track of your training progress to understand how you’re improving over time. Use fitness apps, wearable devices, or a training journal to record your workouts, distance covered, and any personal bests. Monitoring your progress not only keeps you motivated but also helps you make informed adjustments to your training program as needed. Also Read: 5 Tips to Measure Progress to Achieve your Goals 8. Don’t forget your mental game. Endurance isn’t just physical; it’s also mental. Cultivate mental endurance by practicing mindfulness techniques and positive visualization. During challenging workouts or competitions, staying focused, and maintaining a positive mindset can help you push through fatigue and self-doubt. Engaging in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or visualization can improve mental resilience and enhance your overall athletic performance. Further Read: 7 Strategies for Boosting Athlete Mental Toughness In summary… Improving endurance in athletic activity is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and a willingness to push your boundaries. By following a well-rounded training regimen that includes interval training, cross-training, and different intensity levels, you can steadily build your endurance levels. Remember that proper nutrition, rest, and mental fortitude are equally crucial components of the endurance-building process. With time, effort, and a positive mindset, you’ll witness significant improvements in your athletic performance and reach new heights in your chosen sport or physical activity. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 8 secrets to improving endurance in any athletic activity appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 4 minutes

Before we talk about endurance, let’s talk about how it’s different than stamina. Endurance is the ability of the body to sustain prolonged and continuous physical activity over an extended period without getting fatigued. It represents how well the cardiovascular and respiratory systems can deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles during prolonged activity. Specific sports rely heavily on this ability such as long-distance running, swimming, or cycling. But regardless of the activity, endurance is likely needed in some capacity.

Stamina focuses on the body’s capacity to withstand and recover from the challenges of intense physical activities or short bursts of high-intensity efforts. It involves the muscles’ ability to perform repetitive, powerful movements without experiencing early fatigue. While endurance is about sustaining performance over time, stamina is handling short bursts of intense activity followed by a quick recovery. Both endurance and stamina are crucial in various sports and fitness pursuits, and training methods can be tailored to improve each aspect according to specific athletic goals.

During endurance activities, the aerobic energy system is predominantly utilized by the body. The primary source of energy for this system is oxygen. The aerobic energy system involves the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency of the body.

Also Read5 Hacks to Manage Your Energy Not Your Time

During prolonged endurance activities like long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, the body requires a steady supply of energy to sustain performance over an extended period. The aerobic system is highly efficient in producing ATP and can continue to generate energy as long as there is a sufficient oxygen supply.

Carbohydrates and fats are the main fuel sources used during aerobic activities. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver, while fats are stored in adipose tissue throughout the body. As the activity intensity increases, the body will rely more on carbohydrates for energy. However, during low to moderate-intensity endurance activities, such as steady-paced jogging or cycling, the body primarily uses fats as the energy source, reserving glycogen for higher-intensity efforts or the final stages of prolonged activities.

Also ReadWhy Carbohydrates Matter in Sports Nutrition

Endurance is the bedrock of athletic performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting on your fitness journey, building and improving endurance is crucial to achieving your goals and surpassing your limits. Endurance allows you to push through fatigue, maintain a steady pace, and go the distance in any sport or physical activity. And now I’ll share 8 strategies that can help you improve your endurance and elevate your athletic performance in your activity.

1. Establish a solid foundation.

Before diving into intense training, it’s essential to establish a solid foundation of overall fitness. Endurance is an ability that must be built up over time. So, if you’re just starting out make sure that you ramp up your endurance slowly and don’t expect to be able to run a marathon with no training.

Regular aerobic exercise such as jogging, cycling, or swimming can improve cardiovascular health and set the stage for more intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Then gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.

2. Incorporate interval training.

Interval training is a very effective method to boost endurance. This style of training involved alternating between periods of high-intensity effort and recovery. It challenges both your aerobic and anaerobic systems, enhancing your ability to sustain intense efforts for longer durations. For example, during a running session, alternate between sprinting and jogging or walking, repeating several intervals. Start with shorter intervals and gradually increase their length as your fitness level improves.

3. Embrace cross-training.

Cross-training involves engaging in various types of physical activities to develop different muscle groups while giving some rest to others. This not only reduces the risk of overuse injuries but also improves overall fitness and endurance. Consider incorporating activities like swimming, cycling, weightlifting, yoga, or dancing into your routine. Cross-training can keep workouts interesting and challenge your body in unique ways, leading to improved endurance.

4. Fuel your body wisely.

Being a sports nutritionist, you probably aren’t surprised I’d highly recommend this strategy for improving endurance. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in enhancing endurance and providing a sustainable source of fuel. Prioritize a balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source during prolonged exercise, so ensure you consume enough to sustain your activity levels. Stay hydrated before, during, and after workouts to optimize performance and aid in recovery.

Further ReadTraining and Nutrition for Different Types of Athletes

5. Train at different intensity levels.

To build endurance, it’s essential to train at different intensity levels. Incorporate long, steady-paced workouts to enhance your aerobic capacity and improve your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently. Additionally, include shorter, more intense workouts to challenge your anaerobic threshold and increase your body’s tolerance to lactic acid buildup. A well-rounded training approach will yield better results and make you a more versatile athlete.

6. Prioritize rest and recovery.

Endurance training can be demanding on your body, so it’s crucial to prioritize rest and recovery. Allow ample time for your muscles to repair and rebuild after intense workouts. Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to prevent burnout and reduce the risk of injury. Adequate sleep is also essential for optimal performance and overall well-being.

Also Read7 Natural Supplements that Boost Post-Workout Recovery

7. Monitor and track your progress.

Keep track of your training progress to understand how you’re improving over time. Use fitness apps, wearable devices, or a training journal to record your workouts, distance covered, and any personal bests. Monitoring your progress not only keeps you motivated but also helps you make informed adjustments to your training program as needed.

Also Read5 Tips to Measure Progress to Achieve your Goals

8. Don't forget your mental game.

Endurance isn’t just physical; it’s also mental. Cultivate mental endurance by practicing mindfulness techniques and positive visualization. During challenging workouts or competitions, staying focused, and maintaining a positive mindset can help you push through fatigue and self-doubt. Engaging in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or visualization can improve mental resilience and enhance your overall athletic performance.

Further Read7 Strategies for Boosting Athlete Mental Toughness

In summary...

Improving endurance in athletic activity is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and a willingness to push your boundaries. By following a well-rounded training regimen that includes interval training, cross-training, and different intensity levels, you can steadily build your endurance levels.

Remember that proper nutrition, rest, and mental fortitude are equally crucial components of the endurance-building process. With time, effort, and a positive mindset, you’ll witness significant improvements in your athletic performance and reach new heights in your chosen sport or physical activity.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post 8 secrets to improving endurance in any athletic activity appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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The importance of mental health for adult athletes Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:58:07 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes Mental health is a multi-dimensional concept that involves a person’s emotional, psychological, and social functioning. It refers to how individuals think, feel, and behave in response to life’s challenges, stressors, and interactions with others. It also includes the ability to cope with life’s challenges and experience a sense of well-being and satisfaction in life. As people age, there can be a natural decline in cognitive abilities. However, by maintaining good mental health, you can potentially slow down cognitive decline and keep your mind sharp. Engaging in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, learning new skills, or social interactions, can help preserve cognitive function. Mental health directly impacts emotional well-being. As we age, we may face various life changes and challenges, such as retirement, loss of loved ones, or health issues. Having good mental health allows individuals to cope better with these changes, maintain a positive outlook, and experience more satisfaction in life. There is a well-established connection between mental and physical health. Chronic stress and poor mental health can contribute to the development of physical health problems like cardiovascular issues, immune system dysregulation, and inflammation. Taking care of mental health can, in turn, positively influence physical health outcomes. Maintaining mental health fosters better social interactions and relationships. Healthy social connections are vital for a sense of belonging, reducing feelings of isolation, and providing emotional support, especially in later life when social circles may naturally shrink. Life is full of challenges, and maintaining mental health builds resilience, allowing individuals to adapt and bounce back from adversity more effectively. Resilience is particularly important as we age, as it helps us cope with the changes and uncertainties that come with getting older. Good mental health can contribute to greater independence and functional abilities in daily life. It can improve decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to carry out essential tasks independently. Ultimately, maintaining mental health enhances the overall quality of life for adults at any age. It enables them to engage in activities they enjoy, maintain relationships, and have a more positive and fulfilling life experience in their later years. As athletes age, they may face challenges in maintaining their physical performance and skills. Mental health plays a vital role in optimizing their performance by helping them stay focused, motivated, and committed to their training and competition routines. Mental health also plays a crucial role in managing the emotional and psychological aspects of the injury rehabilitation process. A positive mindset and resilience can aid in the recovery journey and help athletes adhere to rehabilitation programs. In their 30s and 40s, many athletes experience significant life transitions, such as retirement from professional sports or a shift to a less intense athletic career. These transitions can be emotionally challenging, and good mental health helps athletes cope with the changes and uncertainties that come with transitioning to a new phase in life. Mental health impacts an athlete’s ability to stay focused, concentrate, and make critical decisions during training and competitions. A clear and focused mind can enhance their overall performance. Mental toughness becomes increasingly important. It allows them to overcome obstacles, handle pressure, and stay determined in the face of challenges. With age, athletes may face increased external and internal pressures and expectations related to their performance. Good mental health allows athletes to manage stress effectively, maintain a healthy perspective on their achievements, and set realistic goals for themselves. Sustaining motivation and passion for their sport can become more challenging as athletes age. Mental health support can help them reignite their love for the game, stay engaged, and find new ways to challenge themselves. In their 30s and 40s, athletes often have more complex personal lives, such as family responsibilities and career commitments. Prioritizing mental health can help them maintain a healthy balance between their athletic pursuits, personal life, and other responsibilities. Good mental health allows athletes to have a healthy relationship with their sport. It helps them understand that their self-worth is not solely tied to their athletic achievements, reducing the risk of developing identity issues upon retirement. Adults athletes often take on leadership roles within their teams or in sports organizations. Good mental health enables them to be positive role models, fostering a supportive and healthy team environment. It allows them to share their experience and give back to their sport while also working on their own goals. Prioritizing and maintaining good mental health as you age will preserve brain function and lead to a fulfilling and balanced life. It also helps to optimize performance even when declines in physical performance begin. Mental health is key for coping with life’s transitions, managing pressure (from sport and life), and sustaining motivation. Emphasizing mental health ensures that athletes of any age will continue to enjoy and excel in their sport, while navigating the responsibilities of being an adult. Poor mental health can significantly impair performance and increase the risk of injury. It can adversly impact focus, concentration and decision-making abilities. And negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety, may interfere with an athlete’s ability to perform under pressure. It can cause the athlete to become distracted or make decisions that will lead to injury, and can impact how quickly an athlete recovers. Having a less than ideal mental health can also contribute to a negative self-image and low self-esteem. Athletes may doubt their abilities, question their self-worth, and struggle with confidence in their performance. This can lead to risky or self-sabotaging behaviors which negatively impacts health and performance. It’s important for sports organizations, coaches, and athletes to recognize the importance of mental health and work together to create an environment that prioritizes mental well-being alongside physical performance. Access to mental health resources, education, and reducing stigma can go a long way in supporting athletes’ mental health and improving their overall athletic experience. To promote and maintain good mental health as you age, it’s essential to engage in regular physical activity, eat a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, stay socially active, cultivate hobbies and interests, and seek professional help if facing mental health challenges. Taking a proactive approach to mental health care can lead to a happier and healthier life in one’s later years. Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post The importance of mental health for adult athletes appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 4 minutes

Mental health is a multi-dimensional concept that involves a person’s emotional, psychological, and social functioning. It refers to how individuals think, feel, and behave in response to life’s challenges, stressors, and interactions with others. It also includes the ability to cope with life’s challenges and experience a sense of well-being and satisfaction in life.

As people age, there can be a natural decline in cognitive abilities. However, by maintaining good mental health, you can potentially slow down cognitive decline and keep your mind sharp. Engaging in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, learning new skills, or social interactions, can help preserve cognitive function.

Also ReadThe Role of Nutrition in Healthy Aging

Mental health directly impacts emotional well-being. As we age, we may face various life changes and challenges, such as retirement, loss of loved ones, or health issues. Having good mental health allows individuals to cope better with these changes, maintain a positive outlook, and experience more satisfaction in life.

There is a well-established connection between mental and physical health. Chronic stress and poor mental health can contribute to the development of physical health problems like cardiovascular issues, immune system dysregulation, and inflammation. Taking care of mental health can, in turn, positively influence physical health outcomes.

Maintaining mental health fosters better social interactions and relationships. Healthy social connections are vital for a sense of belonging, reducing feelings of isolation, and providing emotional support, especially in later life when social circles may naturally shrink.

Life is full of challenges, and maintaining mental health builds resilience, allowing individuals to adapt and bounce back from adversity more effectively. Resilience is particularly important as we age, as it helps us cope with the changes and uncertainties that come with getting older.

Good mental health can contribute to greater independence and functional abilities in daily life. It can improve decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to carry out essential tasks independently.

Ultimately, maintaining mental health enhances the overall quality of life for adults at any age. It enables them to engage in activities they enjoy, maintain relationships, and have a more positive and fulfilling life experience in their later years.

As athletes age, they may face challenges in maintaining their physical performance and skills. Mental health plays a vital role in optimizing their performance by helping them stay focused, motivated, and committed to their training and competition routines. Mental health also plays a crucial role in managing the emotional and psychological aspects of the injury rehabilitation process. A positive mindset and resilience can aid in the recovery journey and help athletes adhere to rehabilitation programs.

Further Read:Top  10 Daily Habits to Develop a Growth Mindset

In their 30s and 40s, many athletes experience significant life transitions, such as retirement from professional sports or a shift to a less intense athletic career. These transitions can be emotionally challenging, and good mental health helps athletes cope with the changes and uncertainties that come with transitioning to a new phase in life.

Also Read9 Anti-Aging Habits for Athletes in Their 40s

Mental health impacts an athlete’s ability to stay focused, concentrate, and make critical decisions during training and competitions. A clear and focused mind can enhance their overall performance. Mental toughness becomes increasingly important. It allows them to overcome obstacles, handle pressure, and stay determined in the face of challenges.

Also Read7 Mind-Body Techniques to Improve Mental Focus

With age, athletes may face increased external and internal pressures and expectations related to their performance. Good mental health allows athletes to manage stress effectively, maintain a healthy perspective on their achievements, and set realistic goals for themselves. Sustaining motivation and passion for their sport can become more challenging as athletes age. Mental health support can help them reignite their love for the game, stay engaged, and find new ways to challenge themselves.

In their 30s and 40s, athletes often have more complex personal lives, such as family responsibilities and career commitments. Prioritizing mental health can help them maintain a healthy balance between their athletic pursuits, personal life, and other responsibilities. Good mental health allows athletes to have a healthy relationship with their sport. It helps them understand that their self-worth is not solely tied to their athletic achievements, reducing the risk of developing identity issues upon retirement.

Adult athletes often take on leadership roles within their teams or in sports organizations. Good mental health enables them to be positive role models, fostering a supportive and healthy team environment. It allows them to share their experience and give back to their sport while also working on their own goals.

Prioritizing and maintaining good mental health as you age will preserve brain function and lead to a fulfilling and balanced life. It also helps to optimize performance even when declines in physical performance begin. Mental health is key for coping with life’s transitions, managing pressure (from sport and life), and sustaining motivation. Emphasizing mental health ensures that athletes of any age will continue to enjoy and excel in their sport while navigating the responsibilities of being an adult.

Poor mental health can significantly impair performance and increase the risk of injury. It can adversely impact focus, concentration, and decision-making abilities. Negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety, may interfere with an athlete’s ability to perform under pressure. It can cause the athlete to become distracted or make decisions that will lead to injury and can impact how quickly an athlete recovers.

Also Read10 Backed by Science Healing Foods to Enhance Recovery

Having a less than ideal mental health can also contribute to a negative self-image and low self-esteem. Athletes may doubt their abilities, question their self-worth, and struggle with confidence in their performance. This can lead to risky or self-sabotaging behaviors which negatively impact health and performance.

It’s important for sports organizations, coaches, and athletes to recognize the importance of mental health and work together to create an environment that prioritizes mental well-being alongside physical performance. Access to mental health resources, education, and reducing stigma can go a long way in supporting athletes’ mental health and improving their overall athletic experience.

To promote and maintain good mental health as you age, it’s essential to engage in regular physical activity, eat a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, stay socially active, cultivate hobbies and interests, and seek professional help if facing mental health challenges. Taking a proactive approach to mental health care can lead to a happier and healthier life in one’s later years.

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post The importance of mental health for adult athletes appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

]]> 1 11722
[RECIPE] Chai Coconut Clusters Sun, 30 Jul 2023 15:49:05 +0000 Jump to recipe These delicious chai-spiced treat provides healthy phytonutrients that will leave you feeling calm, cool and collected. Here’s why. They’re good for athletes. The combination of these ingredients provides a balanced mix of macronutrients, including healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which are essential for sustained energy, muscle repair, and recovery. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in ingredients like chia seeds and hemp hearts contributes to reducing inflammation and supporting joint health, crucial for athletes engaged in intense physical activity. Additionally, the high antioxidant content found in cacao nibs, almonds, and pumpkin seeds helps combat oxidative stress, which can be intensified during exercise and contribute to aging processes at a cellular level. If you want to hack your aging process and prolong your life, then check out this blog: 8 Anti-Aging Tips for Athletes in Their 30s These antioxidants, combined with the vitamins and minerals present in the recipe, support overall immune function and help protect against the damaging effects of free radicals. Furthermore, the inclusion of coconut provides medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can serve as a quick source of energy for endurance athletes. Overall, this recipe’s nutrient-dense composition can aid in enhancing athletic performance, supporting recovery, and delaying aging processes, making it a valuable addition to the diet of adult athletes. As written, this recipe provides an excellent source of carbohydrates (29g) per serving. That makes them a great pre-workout snack to fuel a practice, gym session, or short run. They’re nutritious. Each ingredient in this recipe brings its unique nutritional profile, contributing to overall health and well-being. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants like vitamin E, promoting healthy immunity and supporting heart health. Almonds are packed with vitamin E, healthy fats, and fiber, offering benefits such as promoting brain health and aiding in weight management. Cacao nibs, derived from pure cacao beans, are a rich source of flavonoids, which have been linked to improved cognitive function and cardiovascular health. Hemp hearts are an excellent plant-based source of protein, containing all essential amino acids, along with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, supporting heart and brain health. Coconut provides healthy fats and medium-chain triglycerides, which are easily metabolized by the body for quick energy. Lastly, chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, contributing to digestive health, reducing inflammation, and promoting satiety. By combining these nutrient-dense ingredients, the recipe not only delivers a delectable taste but also provides an array of phytonutrients that can nourish the body and support optimal health. They’re exotic and spicy. Chai, the aromatic and flavorful tea blend originating from India, offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond its delightful taste. Here are some of the advantages of incorporating chai into your daily routine. Firstly, chai is known to provide a gentle energy boost due to its black tea base, making it an excellent alternative to coffee. It contains lower levels of caffeine compared to coffee, which helps avoid the jitters or energy crashes often associated with excessive caffeine consumption. If you are looking for healthy alternatives to coffee, then you’ll find this blog very useful: 12 Superfood Coffee Alternatives Chai tea is rich in antioxidants, thanks to the spices used in its preparation. Ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and cardamom are packed with beneficial compounds that help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. These antioxidants contribute to overall well-being and support a healthy immune system. Additionally, chai spices have been associated with numerous health benefits, such as aiding digestion, reducing nausea, improving circulation, and promoting cardiovascular health. Lastly, chai can also have a calming effect on the mind and body. Also Read: Nutrition Considerations for Plant-Based Athletes The combination of spices like cardamom and cloves, along with the comforting warmth of the tea, creates a soothing and relaxing experience, making chai an ideal beverage to unwind and de-stress. With its enticing taste and a range of potential health benefits, chai is a wonderful addition to any daily routine. They’re convenient. One of the fantastic aspects of this recipe is its convenience and simplicity, making it incredibly easy to prepare. With just a handful of ingredients and minimal cooking steps involved, it’s a breeze to whip up in no time. The process mainly involves mixing the ingredients together, forming clusters, and baking them briefly. No complicated techniques or lengthy preparation times are required. Moreover, the recipe allows for flexibility and customization, enabling you to adjust ingredient quantities or swap them as desired. Whether you’re a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned cook, this recipe caters to all skill levels. These clusters can be made in advance and stored in the fridge for up to a week. That makes them perfect for busy schedules or as a quick grab-and-go snack. So, when you’re in need of a delicious and hassle-free treat, this recipe is your go-to option, providing convenience and ease without compromising on taste or nutritional value. They’re versatile. By swapping certain ingredients in this recipe, you can create exciting variations and change the overall flavor profile. For instance, replacing almonds with walnuts or pecans will introduce a richer, nuttier taste to the recipe. If you want to add a touch of sweetness, consider substituting cacao nibs with dark chocolate chips or dried fruits like cranberries or raisins. You can omit the chai spice if you’re not a fan of the flavor and maybe try a different spice blend instead – pumpkin pie or apple pie spice, perhaps? To infuse a citrusy twist, you can incorporate grated orange or lemon zest into the mix. Swapping coconut for toasted sesame seeds or crushed pistachios can bring a unique flavor and texture. Additionally, experimenting with different spices such as nutmeg, allspice, or even a hint of cayenne pepper can add a surprising kick to the recipe. By playing with ingredient substitutions, you have the opportunity to personalize the flavors and create a version of the recipe that perfectly suits your taste buds. Let your creativity shine and enjoy the delightful journey of flavor exploration! These Chai Coconut Clusters are a true delight for both the taste buds and the soul. With their fragrant chai spices and the tropical sweetness of coconut, these clusters are a perfect combination of comforting flavors. Whip up a batch in no time and savor these bite-sized treats whenever you’re in need of a pick-me-up or a delightful snack. Give this recipe a try and get ready to fall in love with the enchanting blend of chai and coconut in every bite! [mv_create key=”17″ type=”recipe” title=”Chai Coconut Clusters” thumbnail=””]

The post [RECIPE] Chai Coconut Clusters appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


These delicious chai-spiced treat provides healthy phytonutrients that will leave you feeling calm, cool and collected. Here’s why.

They're good for athletes.

The combination of these ingredients provides a balanced mix of macronutrients, including healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which are essential for sustained energy, muscle repair, and recovery. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in ingredients like chia seeds and hemp hearts contributes to reducing inflammation and supporting joint health, crucial for athletes engaged in intense physical activity. Additionally, the high antioxidant content found in cacao nibs, almonds, and pumpkin seeds helps combat oxidative stress, which can be intensified during exercise and contribute to aging processes at a cellular level. If you want to hack your aging process and prolong your life, then check out this blog: 8 Anti-Aging Tips for Athletes in Their 30s

These antioxidants, combined with the vitamins and minerals present in the recipe, support overall immune function and help protect against the damaging effects of free radicals. Furthermore, the inclusion of coconut provides medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can serve as a quick source of energy for endurance athletes. Overall, this recipe’s nutrient-dense composition can aid in enhancing athletic performance, supporting recovery, and delaying aging processes, making it a valuable addition to the diet of adult athletes.

As written, this recipe provides an excellent source of carbohydrates (29g) per serving. That makes them a great pre-workout snack to fuel a practice, gym session, or short run.

They're nutritious.

Each ingredient in this recipe brings its unique nutritional profile, contributing to overall health and well-being. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants like vitamin E, promoting healthy immunity and supporting heart health. Almonds are packed with vitamin E, healthy fats, and fiber, offering benefits such as promoting brain health and aiding in weight management. Cacao nibs, derived from pure cacao beans, are a rich source of flavonoids, which have been linked to improved cognitive function and cardiovascular health.

Hemp hearts are an excellent plant-based source of protein, containing all essential amino acids, along with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, supporting heart and brain health. Coconut provides healthy fats and medium-chain triglycerides, which are easily metabolized by the body for quick energy. Lastly, chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, contributing to digestive health, reducing inflammation, and promoting satiety. By combining these nutrient-dense ingredients, the recipe not only delivers a delectable taste but also provides an array of phytonutrients that can nourish the body and support optimal health.

They're exotic and spicy.

Chai, the aromatic and flavorful tea blend originating from India, offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond its delightful taste. Here are some of the advantages of incorporating chai into your daily routine. Firstly, chai is known to provide a gentle energy boost due to its black tea base, making it an excellent alternative to coffee. It contains lower levels of caffeine compared to coffee, which helps avoid the jitters or energy crashes often associated with excessive caffeine consumption. If you are looking for healthy alternatives to coffee, then you’ll find this blog very useful: 12 Superfood Coffee Alternatives

Chai tea is rich in antioxidants, thanks to the spices used in its preparation. Ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and cardamom are packed with beneficial compounds that help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. These antioxidants contribute to overall well-being and support a healthy immune system. Additionally, chai spices have been associated with numerous health benefits, such as aiding digestion, reducing nausea, improving circulation, and promoting cardiovascular health. Lastly, chai can also have a calming effect on the mind and body. 

Also ReadNutrition Considerations for Plant-Based Athletes

The combination of spices like cardamom and cloves, along with the comforting warmth of the tea, creates a soothing and relaxing experience, making chai an ideal beverage to unwind and de-stress. With its enticing taste and a range of potential health benefits, chai is a wonderful addition to any daily routine.

They're convenient.

One of the fantastic aspects of this recipe is its convenience and simplicity, making it incredibly easy to prepare. With just a handful of ingredients and minimal cooking steps involved, it’s a breeze to whip up in no time. The process mainly involves mixing the ingredients together, forming clusters, and baking them briefly. No complicated techniques or lengthy preparation times are required. Moreover, the recipe allows for flexibility and customization, enabling you to adjust ingredient quantities or swap them as desired.

Whether you’re a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned cook, this recipe caters to all skill levels. These clusters can be made in advance and stored in the fridge for up to a week. That makes them perfect for busy schedules or as a quick grab-and-go snack. So, when you’re in need of a delicious and hassle-free treat, this recipe is your go-to option, providing convenience and ease without compromising on taste or nutritional value.

They're versatile.

By swapping certain ingredients in this recipe, you can create exciting variations and change the overall flavor profile. For instance, replacing almonds with walnuts or pecans will introduce a richer, nuttier taste to the recipe. If you want to add a touch of sweetness, consider substituting cacao nibs with dark chocolate chips or dried fruits like cranberries or raisins.

You can omit the chai spice if you’re not a fan of the flavor and maybe try a different spice blend instead – pumpkin pie or apple pie spice, perhaps?

To infuse a citrusy twist, you can incorporate grated orange or lemon zest into the mix. Swapping coconut for toasted sesame seeds or crushed pistachios can bring a unique flavor and texture. Additionally, experimenting with different spices such as nutmeg, allspice, or even a hint of cayenne pepper can add a surprising kick to the recipe. By playing with ingredient substitutions, you have the opportunity to personalize the flavors and create a version of the recipe that perfectly suits your taste buds. Let your creativity shine and enjoy the delightful journey of flavor exploration!

These Chai Coconut Clusters are a true delight for both the taste buds and the soul. With their fragrant chai spices and the tropical sweetness of coconut, these clusters are a perfect combination of comforting flavors. Whip up a batch in no time and savor these bite-sized treats whenever you’re in need of a pick-me-up or a delightful snack. Give this recipe a try and get ready to fall in love with the enchanting blend of chai and coconut in every bite!

[mv_create key="17" type="recipe" title="Chai Coconut Clusters" thumbnail=""]

The post [RECIPE] Chai Coconut Clusters appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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Hydrating for health, anti-aging and performance Fri, 28 Jul 2023 16:40:00 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds Water, the elixir of life, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our well-being, warding off aging effects, and boosting athletic performance. Although often taken for granted, staying hydrated is a simple yet potent key to unlocking a healthier, more youthful, and high-performing version of ourselves. Water is a fundamental and indispensable element for cellular life. Within the intricate realm of cells, water serves as a versatile medium for numerous biochemical processes to unfold. As the primary solvent, it facilitates the dissolution and transportation of essential nutrients, ions, and waste products across the cellular membrane. Water is also a key participant in chemical reactions, acting as a catalyst for many enzymatic processes critical for cellular metabolism. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of cells, providing support and shape to their various components. From assisting in DNA replication to enabling protein synthesis, water’s presence within cells is the driving force behind their survival and functioning, ensuring that life’s fundamental processes continue seamlessly. The quality of water we consume directly impacts our health and well-being. Unfortunately, tap water may contain impurities, such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, which can be detrimental to our health in the long run. To address this concern, at-home water filters offer an effective solution to improve water quality. There are several types of at-home water filters available to cater to different needs. The most common ones include activated carbon filters, which excel at removing chlorine, taste, and odor; reverse osmosis filters, capable of eliminating a wide range of contaminants; and ultraviolet (UV) filters, which effectively kill bacteria and viruses. Additionally, ion exchange filters help reduce water hardness by removing calcium and magnesium ions. By investing in a suitable at-home water filter, we can ensure access to cleaner, safer, and better-tasting water, promoting overall health and peace of mind for ourselves and our families. Now let’s explore the significance of hydration in three vital aspects: general health, anti-aging, and athletic prowess. Hydration and general health Water is the foundation of life, with our bodies comprising around 60% water. Adequate hydration is essential for various bodily functions, and neglecting it can lead to severe health consequences. Let’s delve into the ways hydration influences general health: Optimal organ function Water ensures the proper functioning of organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. Adequate hydration facilitates blood flow, enabling nutrients to be transported efficiently, and toxins to be eliminated effectively. Digestion and nutrient absorption Water ensures the proper functioning of organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. Adequate hydration facilitates blood flow, enabling nutrients to be transported efficiently, and toxins to be eliminated effectively. Immune system support Water is a natural immune booster, as it helps carry essential immune cells throughout the body. Hydration also assists in flushing out toxins, reducing the likelihood of infections and illnesses. Energy and mental clarity Dehydration can lead to fatigue and diminished cognitive performance. By staying hydrated, we can maintain higher energy levels and mental acuity throughout the day. Hydration and anti-aging The quest for eternal youth has been a long-standing human aspiration, and while we may not have discovered the fountain of youth, hydration comes quite close. Proper hydration can significantly slow down the aging process and enhance our skin’s health and appearance. Here’s how hydration contributes to anti-aging: Skin elasticity and moisture Dehydrated skin is more prone to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. Ample hydration helps maintain skin elasticity and suppleness, making it appear more youthful. Detoxification Water acts as a natural detoxifier, flushing out impurities and promoting clear, radiant skin. A well-hydrated body can efficiently eliminate waste and toxins, which are often culprits behind premature aging. Collagen production Collagen, a structural protein, is crucial for maintaining skin integrity. Hydration supports the production of collagen, contributing to firmer, smoother skin. Reduces dark circles and puffiness Proper hydration can reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, giving a refreshed and revitalized look. Hydration and athletic performance For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, optimal performance is the ultimate goal. Hydration plays a pivotal role in achieving peak athletic performance, allowing athletes to train harder and recover faster. Here’s why hydration is critical for athletes: Maintaining fluid balance During exercise, our bodies lose water through sweat. Replenishing fluids helps maintain the body’s fluid balance, preventing dehydration and its adverse effects on performance. Regulating body temperature Proper hydration assists in regulating body temperature during intense physical activity. This helps prevent overheating, which can lead to heat-related illnesses. Enhancing endurance and strength Dehydration can lead to decreased endurance and strength, limiting an athlete’s performance. Staying hydrated ensures optimal muscle function and performance. Speeding up recovery After a strenuous workout, rehydrating is crucial for efficient recovery. Water aids in nutrient transportation to muscles, reducing soreness and promoting faster healing. Are you getting enough water daily? The amount of water needed per day to support general health, anti-aging, and athletic performance varies based on individual factors and lifestyle. As a general guideline, I typically recommend that athletes and active individuals aim for at least 100 ounces of water per day.  There are certain circumstances may increase the body’s demand for hydration, and require athletes to drink more.  For example, engaging in regular physical activity or participating in intense workouts will lead to increased sweating and water loss, necessitating higher water intake to maintain fluid balance and support athletic performance. Similarly, during hot and humid weather, the body loses more water through perspiration, making it essential to consume additional fluids to stay hydrated. As we age, our body’s ability to sense thirst may diminish, making it crucial for older adults to be mindful of their water intake. Other factors like pregnancy, breastfeeding, certain medical conditions, and exposure to high altitudes can also increase the body’s need for hydration. Paying attention to these individual factors and adjusting water intake accordingly will ensure adequate hydration fand optimize vitality. In summary… Hydration is not just about quenching our thirst; it is an indispensable pillar of our overall health, anti-aging regimen, and athletic pursuits. By maintaining proper hydration levels, we can unlock a myriad of benefits, ranging from improved organ function and glowing skin to enhanced athletic performance and quicker recovery. As we navigate our busy lives, it’s essential to remember to drink enough water throughout the day. A general guideline is to aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, but individual needs may vary based on factors like age, activity level, and climate. So, let’s raise our glasses to the power of hydration – the elixir that keeps us youthful, healthy, and ready to conquer life’s challenges! Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post Hydrating for health, anti-aging and performance appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds

Water, the elixir of life, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our well-being, warding off aging effects, and boosting athletic performance. Although often taken for granted, staying hydrated is a simple yet potent key to unlocking a healthier, more youthful, and high-performing version of ourselves.

Water is a fundamental and indispensable element for cellular life. Within the intricate realm of cells, water serves as a versatile medium for numerous biochemical processes to unfold. As the primary solvent, it facilitates the dissolution and transportation of essential nutrients, ions, and waste products across the cellular membrane.

Water is also a key participant in chemical reactions, acting as a catalyst for many enzymatic processes critical for cellular metabolism. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of cells, providing support and shape to their various components. From assisting in DNA replication to enabling protein synthesis, water’s presence within cells is the driving force behind their survival and functioning, ensuring that life’s fundamental processes continue seamlessly.

The quality of water we consume directly impacts our health and well-being. Unfortunately, tap water may contain impurities, such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, which can be detrimental to our health in the long run. To address this concern, at-home water filters offer an effective solution to improve water quality. There are several types of at-home water filters available to cater to different needs.

The most common ones include activated carbon filters, which excel at removing chlorine, taste, and odor; reverse osmosis filters, capable of eliminating a wide range of contaminants; and ultraviolet (UV) filters, which effectively kill bacteria and viruses. Additionally, ion exchange filters help reduce water hardness by removing calcium and magnesium ions. By investing in a suitable at-home water filter, we can ensure access to cleaner, safer, and better-tasting water, promoting overall health and peace of mind for ourselves and our families.

Now let’s explore the significance of hydration in three vital aspects: general health, anti-aging, and athletic prowess.

Hydration and general health

Water is the foundation of life, with our bodies comprising around 60% water. Adequate hydration is essential for various bodily functions, and neglecting it can lead to severe health consequences. Let’s delve into the ways hydration influences general health:

Water ensures the proper functioning of organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. Adequate hydration facilitates blood flow, enabling nutrients to be transported efficiently, and toxins to be eliminated effectively.

Water ensures the proper functioning of organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. Adequate hydration facilitates blood flow, enabling nutrients to be transported efficiently, and toxins to be eliminated effectively.

Water is a natural immune booster, as it helps carry essential immune cells throughout the body. Hydration also assists in flushing out toxins, reducing the likelihood of infections and illnesses.

Dehydration can lead to fatigue and diminished cognitive performance. By staying hydrated, we can maintain higher energy levels and mental acuity throughout the day.

Hydration and anti-aging

The quest for eternal youth has been a long-standing human aspiration, and while we may not have discovered the fountain of youth, hydration comes quite close. Proper hydration can significantly slow down the aging process and enhance our skin’s health and appearance. Here’s how hydration contributes to anti-aging:

Dehydrated skin is more prone to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. Ample hydration helps maintain skin elasticity and suppleness, making it appear more youthful.

Water acts as a natural detoxifier, flushing out impurities and promoting clear, radiant skin. A well-hydrated body can efficiently eliminate waste and toxins, which are often culprits behind premature aging.

Collagen, a structural protein, is crucial for maintaining skin integrity. Hydration supports the production of collagen, contributing to firmer, smoother skin.

Proper hydration can reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, giving a refreshed and revitalized look.

Hydration and athletic performance

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, optimal performance is the ultimate goal. Hydration plays a pivotal role in achieving peak athletic performance, allowing athletes to train harder and recover faster. Here’s why hydration is critical for athletes:

During exercise, our bodies lose water through sweat. Replenishing fluids helps maintain the body’s fluid balance, preventing dehydration and its adverse effects on performance.

Proper hydration assists in regulating body temperature during intense physical activity. This helps prevent overheating, which can lead to heat-related illnesses.

Dehydration can lead to decreased endurance and strength, limiting an athlete’s performance. Staying hydrated ensures optimal muscle function and performance.

After a strenuous workout, rehydrating is crucial for efficient recovery. Water aids in nutrient transportation to muscles, reducing soreness and promoting faster healing.

Are you getting enough water daily?

The amount of water needed per day to support general health, anti-aging, and athletic performance varies based on individual factors and lifestyle. As a general guideline, I typically recommend that athletes and active individuals aim for at least 100 ounces of water per day.  There are certain circumstances may increase the body’s demand for hydration and require athletes to drink more.

Also Read5 Strategies for Achieving Daily Water Intake Goals

For example, engaging in regular physical activity or participating in intense workouts will lead to increased sweating and water loss, necessitating higher water intake to maintain fluid balance and support athletic performance. Similarly, during hot and humid weather, the body loses more water through perspiration, making it essential to consume additional fluids to stay hydrated.

As we age, our body’s ability to sense thirst may diminish, making it crucial for older adults to be mindful of their water intake. Other factors like pregnancy, breastfeeding, certain medical conditions, and exposure to high altitudes can also increase the body’s need for hydration. Paying attention to these individual factors and adjusting water intake accordingly will ensure adequate hydration and optimize vitality.

In summary...

Hydration is not just about quenching our thirst; it is an indispensable pillar of our overall health, anti-aging regimen, and athletic pursuits. By maintaining proper hydration levels, we can unlock a myriad of benefits, ranging from improved organ function and glowing skin to enhanced athletic performance and quicker recovery.

As we navigate our busy lives, it’s essential to remember to drink enough water throughout the day. A general guideline is to aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, but individual needs may vary based on factors like age, activity level, and climate.

So, let’s raise our glasses to the power of hydration – the elixir that keeps us youthful, healthy, and ready to conquer life’s challenges!

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post Hydrating for health, anti-aging and performance appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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Unleash the beast with the power of protein Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:16:00 +0000 Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds. The human body is an incredible machine that requires a diverse array of nutrients to function optimally. Among these, protein stands tall as a crucial building block, playing a fundamental role in various physiological processes. In this blog post, I share how the human body uses protein, delve into its significance for athletic performance, and provide some delectable examples of high-protein snacks to fuel your active lifestyle. Understanding protein and it’s function Protein is composed of amino acids, commonly referred to as the body’s “building blocks“. These amino acids are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues and organs. Enzymes, hormones, and antibodies are also protein-based, further emphasizing the significance of this macronutrient for the body’s overall well-being. When you consume protein, your digestive system breaks it down into individual amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to various parts of the body, where they participate in different functions. During exercise, the body’s demand for energy and nutrients increases significantly. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, play a critical role during this process. As physical activity intensifies, muscle fibers experience micro-tears and breakdown occurs, leading to the release of amino acids into the bloodstream. These amino acids are then used to repair and rebuild the damaged muscle tissues, promoting muscle growth and recovery. Consuming protein after exercise becomes vital as it provides the necessary amino acids to facilitate this repair and recovery process. Without an adequate supply of protein, the body may struggle to repair muscles efficiently, leading to prolonged recovery periods, increased muscle soreness, and a potential risk of muscle loss. Therefore, post-exercise protein intake is essential to support muscle repair, enhance recovery, and optimize overall athletic performance. Also Read: 10 Backed by Science Healing Foods to Enhance Recovery Protein and athletic performance For athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activities, protein takes on an even more vital role. Here are some key ways protein contributes to enhanced athletic performance: 1. Muscle repair and growth During exercise, especially strength training or endurance workouts, muscle fibers undergo micro-tears. Protein provides the necessary amino acids to repair and rebuild these damaged muscles, promoting growth and improving overall strength. 2. Enhanced recovery. Protein consumption after exercise helps reduce muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time. This allows athletes to get back to training with less downtime between intense sessions. 3. A last-resort energy source. While carbohydrates and fats are the body’s primary fuel source during physical activity, protein can serve as an alternative energy source during prolonged and intense exercise when carbohydrate stores are depleted. 4. Maintaining muscle mass. In some sports or during weight loss efforts, there may be a risk of losing muscle mass. Adequate protein intake helps preserve lean muscle tissue while the body burns stored fat for energy. The recommended protein intake by sports nutritionists (like me!) varies depending on an individual’s specific goals, body weight, and level of physical activity. Generally, the daily protein intake for athletes and active individuals falls within a range of 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Endurance athletes may lean towards the lower end of this range, while strength and power athletes may require higher amounts. Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Athletes Protein needs also increase during periods of intense training, injury recovery, or muscle-building phases. Sports nutritionists emphasize the importance of distributing protein intake throughout the day, including pre and post-workout meals, to maximize muscle protein synthesis and enhance recovery. Consulting with a qualified sports nutritionist can provide personalized guidance and help athletes optimize their protein intake to meet their unique performance goals. High-quality, high-protein options for athletes The quality of protein is a crucial aspect that determines how effectively the body can utilize it for various physiological functions. Whole food sources of protein are widely regarded as the best choice due to their complete amino acid profile and the presence of essential nutrients. Unlike isolated protein supplements, whole foods offer a diverse range of amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. This ensures that the body has access to the necessary building blocks for optimal muscle repair, growth, and overall health. Also Read: Complete Guide to Buying Quality Animal Protein Additionally, whole food sources of protein often come bundled with other essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, enhancing the nutritional value of the food. This nutrient synergy supports better digestion, absorption, and overall well-being. Emphasizing whole food sources of protein in the diet not only enhances its quality but also promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition that nourishes the body comprehensively. Now that we understand the importance of protein for athletic performance, let’s explore some delicious high-protein snacks that can boost energy levels and aid in muscle recovery. See below for some examples. Note that the serving sizes and protein content mentioned are approximate and may vary based on specific brands and ingredients. Greek yogurt with nuts (16g per serving) Hard-boiled eggs (6g per egg) Cottage cheese with fresh pineapple (20g per serving) Protein bars (Varies. Check nutrition facts on label.) Turkey jerkey (10g per 1oz serving) In summary… Protein is a vital nutrient that supports various aspects of human health, including athletic performance. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating high-protein snacks into your diet can help fuel your workouts, aid in muscle recovery, and optimize your overall physical performance. By understanding the power of protein and making smart snack choices, you can nourish your body and take your athletic journey to new heights. Need help determining how much protein to consume to reach your goals?  Contact me today! Adult Athletes Playbook A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post Unleash the beast with the power of protein appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.


Read time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds.

The human body is an incredible machine that requires a diverse array of nutrients to function optimally. Among these, protein stands tall as a crucial building block, playing a fundamental role in various physiological processes. In this blog post, I share how the human body uses protein, delve into its significance for athletic performance, and provide some delectable examples of high-protein snacks to fuel your active lifestyle.

Understanding protein and it's function

Protein is composed of amino acids, commonly referred to as the body’s “building blocks“. These amino acids are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues and organs. Enzymes, hormones, and antibodies are also protein-based, further emphasizing the significance of this macronutrient for the body’s overall well-being.

When you consume protein, your digestive system breaks it down into individual amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to various parts of the body, where they participate in different functions.

During exercise, the body’s demand for energy and nutrients increases significantly. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, play a critical role during this process. As physical activity intensifies, muscle fibers experience micro-tears and breakdown occurs, leading to the release of amino acids into the bloodstream. These amino acids are then used to repair and rebuild the damaged muscle tissues, promoting muscle growth and recovery. Consuming protein after exercise becomes vital as it provides the necessary amino acids to facilitate this repair and recovery process. Without an adequate supply of protein, the body may struggle to repair muscles efficiently, leading to prolonged recovery periods, increased muscle soreness, and a potential risk of muscle loss. Therefore, post-exercise protein intake is essential to support muscle repair, enhance recovery, and optimize overall athletic performance.

Also Read10 Backed by Science Healing Foods to Enhance Recovery

Protein and athletic performance

For athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activities, protein takes on an even more vital role. Here are some key ways protein contributes to enhanced athletic performance:

1. Muscle repair and growth

During exercise, especially strength training or endurance workouts, muscle fibers undergo micro-tears. Protein provides the necessary amino acids to repair and rebuild these damaged muscles, promoting growth and improving overall strength.

2. Enhanced recovery.

Protein consumption after exercise helps reduce muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time. This allows athletes to get back to training with less downtime between intense sessions.

3. A last-resort energy source.

While carbohydrates and fats are the body’s primary fuel source during physical activity, protein can serve as an alternative energy source during prolonged and intense exercise when carbohydrate stores are depleted.

4. Maintaining muscle mass.

In some sports or during weight loss efforts, there may be a risk of losing muscle mass. Adequate protein intake helps preserve lean muscle tissue while the body burns stored fat for energy.

The recommended protein intake by sports nutritionists (like me!) varies depending on an individual’s specific goals, body weight, and level of physical activity. Generally, the daily protein intake for athletes and active individuals falls within a range of 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Endurance athletes may lean towards the lower end of this range, while strength and power athletes may require higher amounts.

Also ReadA Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Athletes

Protein needs also increase during periods of intense training, injury recovery, or muscle-building phases. Sports nutritionists emphasize the importance of distributing protein intake throughout the day, including pre and post-workout meals, to maximize muscle protein synthesis and enhance recovery. Consulting with a qualified sports nutritionist can provide personalized guidance and help athletes optimize their protein intake to meet their unique performance goals.

High-quality, high-protein options for athletes

The quality of protein is a crucial aspect that determines how effectively the body can utilize it for various physiological functions. Whole food sources of protein are widely regarded as the best choice due to their complete amino acid profile and the presence of essential nutrients. Unlike isolated protein supplements, whole foods offer a diverse range of amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. This ensures that the body has access to the necessary building blocks for optimal muscle repair, growth, and overall health.

Also ReadComplete Guide to Buying Quality Animal Protein

Additionally, whole food sources of protein often come bundled with other essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, enhancing the nutritional value of the food. This nutrient synergy supports better digestion, absorption, and overall well-being. Emphasizing whole food sources of protein in the diet not only enhances its quality but also promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition that nourishes the body comprehensively.

Now that we understand the importance of protein for athletic performance, let’s explore some delicious high-protein snacks that can boost energy levels and aid in muscle recovery. See below for some examples. Note that the serving sizes and protein content mentioned are approximate and may vary based on specific brands and ingredients.

In summary...

Protein is a vital nutrient that supports various aspects of human health, including athletic performance. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating high-protein snacks into your diet can help fuel your workouts, aid in muscle recovery, and optimize your overall physical performance. By understanding the power of protein and making smart snack choices, you can nourish your body and take your athletic journey to new heights. Need help determining how much protein to consume to reach your goals?  Contact me today! 

sport nutrition adult athlete playbook free download

Adult Athletes Playbook

A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity

This playbook will help you develop and implement a personalized game plan for improving athletic performance.

The post Unleash the beast with the power of protein appeared first on Healthy Green Athlete.

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